
Buying and Storing Kids' Clothes

I am in a weird place. Knowing that we're moving, that our house is on the market, but we have no buyer yet, so we have no idea when this move might take place. We therefore can't commit to any house in California, enroll Nina in preschool, or even decide, in some cases, which furniture to keep and which to sell.

It's like the nesting phase before having a baby, but not. My garage sale pile grows ever-larger:

I've also been trying to get organized. I figure if I'm not packing and selling a house, I might as well be doing something constructive! Here's my system:

It's earth-shattering, I know. I get a plastic bin for my kids' clothes, one for each age/stage. I tend to buy clothes ahead of time if I see them on sale. Henry's ready for the next year:

Nina's ready too!
But here's my question: Do you have any other tips for buying and/or storing kids' clothes? What has worked well for you? The only problem is that sometimes I duplicate items when I buy ahead, because I forget what I've already got.

Share any thoughts you've got! I'm a desperate girl, in need of projects while I wait for my house to sell!


  1. I do something similiar. I do rubbermaid in each size. If I don't have a lot of clothes in sz 4t I through them in with the 3t. I try not to buy ahead too much because it is just more to store. If it is on a great sale I will stock up on a few things but mostly basics, like plain colored shirts or socks. I just stocked up on a bunch a winter clearance though for my daughter. 3 months isn't too long to store and got a cute skirt for Christmas. Another thing though is I have realized it that my kids have a million clothes and don't need anymore. Back to basics, I guess.

  2. I use Rubbermaids too b ut have the same problem of duplicating without realizing it.
    What if you had a little half sized notebook in your bag that had one side dedicated to each child. In it you could put different sizes on different pages. Then, as you pick things up you could write it down on the right page for that size. Then when you see something on sale you can look on the notebook and see if you already have it in that size.
    Hmmm. I just might try this!
    Wish I could be at your garage sale!!! I think I'd buy it all. :)

  3. Oh, and this isn't Brooks, this is his wife Mega, known as MegJill in blogging. I am accidentally signed into his account. Ooops!

  4. I used to have mine in a big container that I would have to go through and it was driving me crazy so I did the same thing. I have two girls so I am also saving the older daughter's things. Because I was always afraid of duplicating when I reorganized last I made a list in each of sizes of what I had. I made a copy for my mom too so she knows as well. The other night I went shopping online and just grabbed my sheet to see what I already had. A notebook would probably be more handy though- that was a good idea.

  5. I will send you positive thoughts as our house sold in Denver in two weeks. I put the childrens new not yet worn clothes in the back of the closet on hangers. So I do see them occasionally and this helps when I see a good deal and can recall what they have.

  6. I despise dealing with kids clothes, maybe it has to do with the fact that I have four. I haven't found any earth shattering way to do it best, except I stopped buying containers, because I needed to many, so now I go to my local grocery store and get apple boxes, they are sturdy and great. Then I buy the long clear containers for under each kids bed and put the clothes they will be using next. Does that help any?

  7. I did a blog post recently showing all our bins of kids clothes which were passed on to my sister who just had a baby girl. I have them all labeled according to boy/girl and the size. I keep a bin in their closets and as things do not fit I put them in the bin so at the end of the season it's easier to just put away the rest. Oh, and I use my label maker to label them on the outside so you can see the size when you look in our storage closet. Good luck with your impending move!

  8. I haven't found a great way to do it and tend to buy some duplicates. I do tend to still save money though even if I get 2 of something occasionally.

    Meredith of "Like Merchant Ships" had a blog post dedicated to this issue and she even links to some master inventory sheets (see below). Maybe it will be of help. :)


  9. There is just one thing about kids moving out and being on their own. They accumulate. Not just "stuff" but pets.

    kids bedding

  10. I keep a small box or a rubbermaid tote in each child's closet. As they out grow clothes I fold them and put them in the box. Then at the end of each season I sort through the box and save my older sons clothes for his little bro. We aren't planning to have anymore kids so I then giveaway the baby clothes or sell them in a huge children's clothing consignment sale we have here locally twice a year. I also keep the clothes for them to wear for the next season under their beds in a long clear tote. I also keep all shoes they have out grown or will wear in the future {since I have a younger one!} in one separate tote just to keep them easily accessable.

    I don't buy a lot ahead of time because when I have sometimes the sizings have been off due to random growth spurts. I tend to only get basics like solid colored t shirts {for wearing under sweaters or as pj's} and other basics ahead of time when I find them on clearance. Sometimes I will get more expensive items like jeans and pants if I find them on super clearance. Last year I bought a lot of jeans for $2 a Target in varying sizes.

    I like the ideas the other commenters have had about keeping a notebook with you so you can know what you have already purchased.

  11. Ditto on the notebook...I also keep a running list of who needs what, in what color, etc...white socks, new undies, a pink shirt to go w/ xyz skirt, etc...

  12. I keep their current clothes in rubbermaid stackable drawers in the closet...each drawer is labeled shirts, socks, pants, etc. That way I can see when my kids are running low on 1 item. I keep a rubbermaid container at the top of their closet that I throw clothes into as they grow out of them...when it's full I take it downstairs to the basement. Future/larger sizes hang in their closet. That way I can always pull new clothes down into their rubbermaid drawers when they need new items and I can subconsciously take notes of what they have/dont have when I open and close the closet. It's a great system for me! ;) Happy organizing!

  13. You really don't have to always buy new clothes for your kids, especially when they have their younger sis or brothers. You can just save those clothes that they're not using anymore, and if those are still clean and has no damage, your other children can use it.

  14. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow /Hey thanks man!! you are so good. I think this the perfect work.

    Kids Clothes

  15. Focus on buying durable basics such as jeans that will hold up after many washings. Inspect items for quality construction.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Moving can be very difficult time. and buying kids cloths can be great experience. there are all the popular brands available for kids cloths.
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Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)