
Biting the Silver Bullet!

A few weeks ago, I read a post by Katie at Harrington House that inspired me. She doesn't even know I follow her, because I never have time to comment on blogs anymore, but Hi Katie! Thank you for the tips!

She told us about her silver collection. She said that she started searching for pieces after she got married, and then later made the switch from using her regular stuff to using her mismatched silver pieces everyday. I love that idea!

Starting a collection is hard. Not hard in the real-life-hard kind of way, but just daunting, especially when you see Katie's collection over at her blog. But over the weekend I found myself at an antique shop, and lo and behold, look what I found!

These were marked $1 a piece, with 30% off! Certainly something I can handle. So I bit the bullet and officially started my silver collection!

And let me tell you, there is something so satisfying about polishing silver! Check out my before and after shot, above. I just picked up some Tarn-X at the grocery store, and it worked perfectly.

So now I have a little collection going. Mainly if people want to eat soup or ice cream. But hopefully it will grow over time!

Pretty, huh?


  1. Carrie,
    I just started following your blog and love it. With regard to silver, have you tried the salt, warm water, baking soda and foil recipe? It is magic!! It smells awful but I use it on my jewelry all the time. If you google the recipe the measurements should come up. Good luck with your collection!

  2. What a clever idea. My mom has been in tears the last several years over her missing pieces from her collection but we never considered mixing and matching.



  3. great idea! I have a collection of silver handed down from my grandmother. It mainly sits in a case and comes out only at xmas...perhaps I should rethink that!

  4. I started using my parents silver (that they were given as a wedding present) for daily use just this past year and I love it. Then, I inherited a 8 piece from my great aunt and incorporated it in. I love to look at it and it always brings up a good conversation with company.

  5. I love Katie and your blog, too! I think having the babies eat off silver is funny and so fancy :)

  6. I read about Katie's collection too and wanted to start collecting. How cool. Love the pieces that you bought!

  7. I am doing the same thing - my problem is I just keep buying it...cant stop - I have a tip for you if you'd like to buy some...do you read www.jonesdesigncompany.com ? she is amazing and just held a Summer Boutique where she sold sets/ind/ pieces of silver, mix n match....you ,might want to email her and see if she any left...it was $1 pp and $5 set.

  8. I second the tin foil and baking soil it works wonders for silver! You line a big pot with tinfoil, put it in a sink as it can get messy, add baking soda and silver, then pour boiling water over. Watch it fizz, then you have sparkling silver with no scrubbing!!!

  9. I have a very small silver collection. I really don't have the room for another collection, but silver is hard to resist. I like the pieces you picked up.


  10. I am a silver lover too although I tend to have lots of bowls. Its always a trea when there is anew post on Harrington House.

  11. Beautiful....
    Hope you are enjoying your summer...

  12. Use it, use it, use it! My mom's silver sat in a hutch for close to 40 years only being used maybe once every 5 years. The setting is very intricate, with a small rosebud on it and definitely looks more "dressy" than my everyday plates and stuff. I threw caution out the window and decided that if I liked it, then I would use it. Now I can't imagine NOT using it. Katie is right about the usage. The more you use it, the less you need to polish it. It makes me happy to stir my morning cup of coffee with a silver spoon that was a wedding present to my mom and dad. Also, I don't put mine in the dishwasher, just to be on the safe side.

    Oh and yes, we would definitely have to get together for a play date!

  13. Too cute. I always wonder who had these pieces when they were brand new.

  14. Gorgeous! Do you not just LOVE using silver? And your grandmother's set....I seriously think my heart stopped for a few seconds. Good gravy, girl, that's a treasure!! So special! And it doesn't help that her service is a wonderful-looking pattern, engraved to boot. ;o) DO you know the name of the pattern and maker? (I always have fun knowing what patterns are named.)

  15. What antique store did you find them at? I feel like I've struggled to find any antique stores I really like in the area. I've specifically been looking for silver pieces to go in an apothecary jar on our dining room buffet. I promise I won't go until after you move. ;)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)