
Remodeling Progress

Some of you have asked how our home improvement project is going...

If you remember, we are converting our upstairs loft into a bedroom. Here's the view as of yesterday.

(What? You don't keep power tools and a shop vac in your guest room?)

At least we no longer have a trash can in our hallway.

Remember this table that kept the Christmas tree from baby Henry's little grasp?

It now sits upstairs and I love it! We still have lots to do in the guest room, including trim, paint, and decorating. But, thank God, the drywall dust is gone and I have one cute area that I can tweak. It's starting to feel like home again! Hopefully I will have more to show you soon!

If I can just find the time in between caring for two little kids, I will have a finished guest room to show you soon. :) Wishful thinking, right?


  1. cute vignette! love the framed G. happy new year!

  2. it's looking good! so happy drywall dust is done for you... :) the table and accessories look great! can't wait to see the finished room. :)

  3. Can't wait to see it! I'm sure it will look amazing!


  4. It's looking great, Carrie! I love your frame with the 'G' inside and I'm currently considering doing some artwork like that on my walls, except putting a cross inside the frame. Think it will work?

    I was also contemplating the whole scrapbook paper in frames look, which should be easy to accomplish!

    Thank you for always sharing your great ideas!

  5. The table looks perfect there! Can't wait to see the guest room, no pressure, though! :)

  6. looking good. can't wait to see the finished results.

  7. I love the table!! Looks great-and the arrangement looks awesome :) Can't wait to see everything finshed up!

  8. to be the mom of two small children, I think you get an amazing amount of things done! I look forward to seeing what you end up with! Love the table and vignette you created!


  9. Can't wait to see the final reveal. And I love the table, it's a perfect fit!

  10. Looking good. I love the framed G.

  11. I can't wait to see what you have in store - I love all of your home!

  12. It's looking good!!! Care to share how you textured the wall to match the exsisting?

  13. That's a pretty little vignette there!

  14. It looks so good!

    Also guest bedroom = depository for random stuff.

  15. You are such an inspiration to me! I think I need a good home project to keep me from going crazy this winter. It's COLD here!

  16. Whenever you show it, I can't wait to see it!!! Love how you did the little table-very sweet!

  17. can not wait to see! and that tabe is so cute!

  18. Love your little table with the framed "G!" Cute cute! Finding time is the key phrase for me. Let me know when you figure that one out!

  19. Jennifer,
    The texture on the walls was done professionally...we just brought in some drywall guys who went over the walls with their magic tools and it worked very well. No way we were trying that on our own!

    And Jessica--I think that's a great idea to use scrapbook paper! My friend Aimee did that in her house (I blogged about it a while back, of course can't remember when!) and it turned out really well! Let me know! :)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)