
Bedding Bling on a Shoestring!

Happy New Year!

Now that the holidays are over, I find myself wanting to spruce up my "non-holiday" decor. But, alas, my budget is decidedly "non-holiday" as well. Here's a few little things I've managed to do in the master bedroom on a shoestring budget!

First of all, I headed to Goodwill. Before you get all grossed out and think I am sleeping on Goodwill-sheets, take a look at my new dust ruffle! Our bed has an 18-inch drop, which is more expensive to buy in a dust ruffle. Add to that a strange configuration under the bed that means I would have to take scissors to my brand-spankin'-new dust ruffle to make it fit around the posts. I don't think so.

Instead I went to Goodwill and found a queen-sized flat sheet in a chocolate brown. I have no fear about taking my scissors to something I spend $3 on. I just cut the whole sheet in half and then smushed the raw edge up underneath the mattress. Instant dust ruffle!

I also had some extra material left over from when I made these curtains. A little time in front of the sewing machine was all I needed to come up with new cases for my Euro pillows.

When it came to sealing the pillowcases, I was way over the idea of putting in a zipper. Instead I just hand-sewed a little grosgrain ribbon to each side and then tied a pretty bow. I love it!

So if your budget is like mine these days (read: nonexistent), maybe one of these ideas could help you out!


  1. Perfect! We are all in the same boat I think. Wanting to spiff up for the new year but completely out of money. The challenge makes it fun. :)

  2. Oh, Carrie, LOVE IT!! I've been thinking of doing something similar here...thanks for the inspiration! Love your look.....could you possibly show a closer up of the whole pillow area of the bed??? pretty please? ;)


  3. Wanna come decorate our bedroom? It is the last room to do and I'm having trouble deciding what to put where...what fabric to use...what color...ARGH!

    You've given me some inspiration with the pillows though...I got a sewing machine for Christmas and am saving all of the ideas I see!

  4. Very cool ideas!!!
    Happy New year!!

  5. Great idea on getting a sheet and using as a dust ruffle! I need one for our bedroom and will be hitting up the Goodwill. :)

  6. Great idea for the bedskirt! I have the same issues with our bed posts. It's hard to find a good bedskirt that is the right length and has split corners.

  7. Really pretty. I wish I could sew.

  8. Oh Carrie -- you are so clever! Looks lovely! Happy New Year to you and your sweet family!


  9. Great job! Love the pillow shams too. My Pottery Barn shams are fastened the same way with ties. Yours are cuter!

    How is the remodel job coming?

  10. I love your dust ruffle - why didn't I think of that? You are clever!

  11. That dust ruffle idea is so great I could just scream!!!!!! Gonna have to borrow that one. Thanks!!


  12. Love your dust ruffle and pillows! I'm heading to GW tomorrow!

  13. I redid my entire bedroom for under $200 this year... I did it over time, because I didn't have all the money at once.... I need to take some pictures of the redo! Your pillows look fabulous, and I love your bedskirt too.... I am flat broke but still have SO many things I want to do.... I'll be glad when we get back to normal after the Christmas financial craziness! You should run over to my blog....I'm giving away a pair of my famous ruffled pants!

  14. Love your bedroom look...I love chocolate brown and you knew just what to do!

    sandy toe

  15. great ideas! love the frugalness with class..well done!

  16. I love the pillows!! I think I'm going to try that. If you have a chance, stop by my blog and enter to win my giveaway.

  17. I love it and your blog! Just came across it a couple weeks ago!

  18. love your handiwork!!! the bed looks awesome!!

  19. Happy New Year!

    I know what you mean about the wanting to spruce up with no budget. I've got a few things I'm working on.

    The sheet/bedskirt is a great idea!

  20. Love your little new stuff. Great suggestion on making a dust ruffle & brilliant on the pillows. I will have to try the ribbon tie!

  21. how beautiful it turned out!
    i am working on our bedroom now and i am making similar pillows... i am not a sewer so the ties are perfect!
    many blessings

  22. Great ideas!

    My mom loves the GoodWill. She finds brand new stuff all the time. Esp clothes with the tags still attached.

  23. How cute! I have been living with a plastic coated box spring for so long.... Perhaps I can use your idea! Thanks and have a wonderful day.

  24. Duh on the sheets! My poor bed has been so bare because I couldn't stomach paying for a dust ruffle (aka the most boring thing ever to buy). Great idea - thanks!

  25. LOVE this! I have been thinking of doing the same and now I'm going to go for it. Yahoo! (Right now I just use a fitted sheet so it covers the boxspring. This is way better!

  26. Ooh, I love the ribbons. New to sewing, I was sure that zippers are out of the question for awhile. I'll try the ribbons and spruce up some pillows,thanks Carrie!

  27. great project! Love seeing the thrifty ideas!


  28. Fabulous ideas! The sheet idea is genius. My budget is exactly like yours actually. Thanks for sharing! Love the ribbon ties for the pillows. Too cute.

  29. It all looks FABULOUS!! Great job on a shoestring budget! Hope you are enjoying the New Year.♥

  30. Great great ideas! I love your clock that you hung right above your bedside table! TOo cute! I am loving the bow on the pillows. I must steal that one! Thanks for the inspiration!

  31. Just stumbled across your blog, and LOVE IT! Will be spending alot of time here with you. Come visit me sometime, http://spiesspirit.blogspot.com
    Looking forward...I JUST LOVE your ideas!

  32. Too late for me...I already took a scissors the the bed skirt I bought from Jacques C. Penney. I'll know better next time.

  33. Hey there - I also have a nonexistent budget these days and this gave me a great idea! I don't have a bed with posts to fit a bedskirt around - but I hate how my bedskirt is always sliding around and you see the white part against the colored ruffle part - and this would sove that problem all together! Thanks for a great idea to use a sheet - I hadn't really thought of that!

  34. It looks beautiful Carrie. I'm sure you've posted this before, but I'm too lazy to search. What is the color on your bedroom walls?

  35. Wow! Way to go! Your bed ruffle looks great!

  36. I LOVE that idea for a bed skirt, I have a similar problem. Thank you so much for the great tip!

  37. Very, very cute. Great ideas. Mimi

  38. LOVEEEE your Euro pillows! FABULOUS job! :)

  39. Thank you for the ideas! I've been wanting to remake our bedroom over and the dust ruffle was an issue. We have one but doesn't exactly go with my new bed spread. I'm definatly going to snag this idea! And the bows...oh the bows! You've always got the best ideas. Also wanted to let you know that I have a giveaway on my blog. Would love for you to get a chance to win!

  40. Okay, your new bedding is sublime! Love all your ideas and I am so glad to have discovered your blog! I am now a loyal follower! Can't wait to read abt your adventures to come!

  41. Just beautiful.. Love it..Great prices too..Hope you have a wonderful year..Hugs..

  42. Carrie, it looks great!!!!! I love that fabric!

  43. Oh my gosh. I am going to go the thrift store tomorrow for a dust ruffle! YAY for your brilliant ideas!

  44. Hi Sam!
    The color in my bedroom is called "Rising Tide" by Valspar. I love it! :)

  45. I *love* your bedding/curtains - that really encourages me since I'm a beginner sewer too! I love the white duvet with folded coverlet and pretty pillows.

  46. P.S. Hi Suzanne! I tried to locate another photo of my bed to show you, but of course can't find one. Here's a link to an old post that does show it better: http://buzzingsofaqueenbee.blogspot.com/2009/06/best-bedroom-blue.html

    The only difference between then and now is that I have a king-sized pillow tucked in front of the Euro pillows, covered with a brown and cream pillowcase I found at TJ Maxx. :)

  47. Carrie,

    thanks for answering my paint color question. I'll definitely be checking it out next time I'm at Lowes.


  48. I am loving this idea, Carrie! :0 I am back in Blogland...I have missed you, sweetie!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)