
The Power of Gel Stain

Earlier this week I told you I would give you the lowdown on a new find: Gel Stain. I tried it on a few simple projects and really liked it! In case you like what I've done, here's a photo of the product so you can get some yourself. It's Minwax Gel Stain in Brazilian Rosewood.

I started with this cheap frame from Goodwill. I liked the shape of it but not the color, so the Gel Stain was a perfect solution. I just glopped it on with a foam brush.

It took a few coats. I think really you are supposed to actually wipe it off in between coats, but because this frame was already sealed with some kind of polyurethane, it wasn't absorbing. So I treated it more like paint and just kept wiping coats on until I liked the way it looked.

I wanted a pretty dark wood to compliment the dark hardwood floors in my bathroom. I used the same technique on this simple shelf from Hobby Lobby.

Next time you are looking for a simple solution for a wood piece, think about the Gel Stain. And nope...no one paid me to endorse them! I just like easy and cheap! :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. What a great idea! I love how you make what you what...I need your whispers in my ear as I walk through a resale, or store telling me the possibilities....I love what you do!!!

  2. I like the look. I have a big piece of furniture that I'm hoping to be ready to stain by next weekend and I want it DARK. Thanks for the tip.

  3. I've never tried gel stain although I have heard it is easy to use. I'll definitely have to try it now!

  4. Great find! I've never tried get stain before, but it looks like something I would love!

  5. Oh...Thanks for posting this info. I will have to try it this technique.

  6. Great idea and it sounds so easy!

  7. I love gel stain. I've used it for years to darken some oaky colored wood. In fact, no oaky wood is safe from my gel stain!

  8. Oh, for the love of gel stain! I love this product and probably use it a bit too much!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This is one thing I haven't tried yet. I need to file this in my brain for later. The finish turned out great!

  11. Wonder if we can buy that here in Canada...Looks great...love the colours...

  12. I have seen this stuff, but never bought any and tried it. I may have to now!

  13. Wow -- very cool!! Love how your projects actually get finished -- mine just linger on and on forever! :)

    Have a great week!


  14. I really like the look it gives...very nice! I have something I definitely want to try this on. Thanks for sharing! :)

  15. what a great tip....Just had a few hours to blog hop tonight.....enjoyed yours...hope you will stop by my Christmas blog...there is a great giveaway that I will draw for on Oct 1.


  16. I've used it for years to darken some oaky colored wood. In fact, no oaky wood is safe from my gel stain!

  17. Thanks for the tip! The product sounds great and easy to use.


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