
Beadboard Wallpaper Rocks!

So, I recently joined the ranks of people who have fallen in love with beadboard wallpaper! Have you seen it? Rhoda at Southern Hospitality did a fantastic tutorial about how she did this treatment on her kitchen cabinets, and Melissa of 320 Sycamore did something similar in her laundry room. These women have fabulous taste, so I knew if they liked the product, so would I!

Here's a before photo of my powder room. Yeah, I was in a red phase a few years ago.

Notice I had already started priming over the red before I remembered to take a "before" photo. Impatient much? :)

What do you think of the "after"?

We did about 36 inches of wallpaper, then capped it off with a basic chair rail.

I bought a raw wood shelf for $7.99 at Hobby Lobby, then gave it a little stain treatment to make it match the dark wood floors in the bathroom.

I gave the same stain treatment to this Goodwill frame. I'll tell you more about the stain treatment on Friday!

Above is a nice little close up of the beadboard. It feels a bit like foam if you touch it, but how many people are going to be poking my walls when they use my bathroom? (Wow, I have a three year old. Maybe I shouldn't ask that question!)

And just in case anyone wants the paint color, I took a photo of the "recipe." It's a custom color that I copied from Tracey over at Notes from a Cottage Industry. It's such a fresh and beautiful robin's egg blue!

All in all, I would definitely recommend the beadboard wallpaper (purchased at Home Depot, click here to get it)! Check out the tutorials that I mentioned at the beginning of this post if you want the "how to!" They explain things much better than I would. (Largely because my husband hung the wallpaper, I am not ashamed to admit!)

Rhoda at Southern Hospitality is having a Beadboard Wallpaper Party today, so head on over to see what else people have been doing with this magic stuff!


  1. This is a great transformation! I did see that post by Rhonda a while back! The beadboard is so neat! You did a great job!

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I love the transformation. You mentioned that you enjoy fixing up - feel free to head to Baltimore anytime you need to scratch that itch!

  3. Such a soothing new bathroom. I really like the blue color. It's always good to have 'just the right shade' of robin's egg blue on file. I will transfer the recipe to my inspiration binder.

  4. Oh my gosh now I know what to do in my kitchen! So neat, I'm not ashamed either that my husband will generously do this project for me. I think its great that he is willing to do things for me that make me happy and yippee the outcome is so nice. Being a busy mommy, I am not always a do it yourselfer, if someone can help me I take it. No pride, no shame! I think this is great compared to wood because bascially you paint it anyhow so why not? Wood takes a long time too, you have to cut and size, and if your just going to paint it, why not paper! Well thanks for the post. I didn't know about this.

  5. Your bathroom looks so good! And I'm constantly amazed when I see photos of that wallpaper. It makes me want some...REALLY want some. Great job!

  6. Wow, that looks amazing! I'll have to remember this tip when we have a house!

  7. Oh, Carrie, it looks fantastic!! I would love to do this in my hall bath!!!


  8. I love those pops of dark against that robins egg blue and that white "beadboard" makes it all look so fresh! Fabulous work, girl!


  9. Wow, Carrie, I'm SO glad you chimed in! I had no idea you had used it too & it looks fantastic, once again. I love, love, love those blue walls, with the white beadboard and the dark floors. Ahhh, heavenly! Great job on that & this is a good example of doing a whole little bathroom in the stuff. It really does look like the real thing, I don't think anyone will know our little secret!

  10. My mother saw Rhonda's post about the beadboard and did her kitchen in it. Looks really good.
    Oh and I would poke your bathroom walls. LOL.

    Looks great!


  11. That looks great! I need to think of somewhere where I can use this! :) Love the color too!

  12. Wow Carrie -- that looks great!! I'm painting my kitchen cabinets soon -- well, I'm not painting, but someone is and I'm think that the beadboard wallpaper will be perfect in there. Super job! Love Rhoda's blog and she's given me some advice, just taking a while for me to get it all done! Have a great week!


  13. That looks fantastic!! Thanks for giving us the formula for the paint color!

  14. Wow! This is really amazing. Perfectly fitting for your lovely home!

  15. Oh I love this. My son put beadboard up in his kitchen and I have loved it ever sense. But not able to do it. This I might be able to pull off.
    Great job.

  16. My mother was the Queen of Wallpapers. I grew up literally putting them up with her. By the time I was a teenager I was a pro. Fast forward and I have my first home. No more wallpaper!! Fast forward 30 years. I am now ready again to welcome it back. I've missed it. I'm sick of paint. ;-)

    The transformation is beautiful. Very nice job. Every time I come here I always leave inspired. You have such a love for your home and to make it beautiful that it is contagious. I tend to lax and get involved with 'other' things, so coming here does me good...

  17. That looks amazing. I think I have to figure out where I can use that stuff now... :)

  18. Carrie...it's so DREAMY! I love it! Thanks for the "tour".
    Have a great rest of your week! :)

  19. That is so cool....I have never seen beadboard paper....and I LOVE beadboard. I had it in the old house and hated leaving it behind....

    The bathroom looks so great....what a difference!

    Hope you are well:)


  20. Carrie I love what you did in your bathroom. I am dying to try the beadboard wallpaper. Also thanks for the paint recipe, I have been thinking about that color for my bedroom. Marla

  21. That stuff is super cool! It looks so real, it's crazy! Love the bathroom!

  22. Absolutely LOVE IT! I think you've just given me some inspiration for my little powder room.

  23. Thank you for this!!!
    I think this could work in my kitchen on some of my cabinets on the side....I needed to read this today...I am excited!!!

  24. This looks great! I do worry about how it feels but am excited to give it a shot!

  25. Wow! What a great transformation!

  26. It looks really great! Very serene! Though I do love the red, too. ;)

  27. I had no idea such a thing existed. I am amazed!!!
    totally doing this on my kitchen island

    ...and my laundry room

    ...and my nursery

    ...ooo on my cabinet fronts

    ...my Garage even :)

  28. Hi! I am presenting you with an award. Check out my blog for more details and thanks on being so inspirational!

  29. Looks great! Love the color too!

  30. Beautiful. Your bathroom is so beautiful.........

  31. Oh my goodness, the difference! It looks brand new~I just love it. :)

  32. B.E.A.Utiful (said with Jim Carey's Voice!) Love it, I'm inspired!

  33. I LOVE it! Question--did you pull up the baseboards when you put it up or just line it up right above?

    I totally want to copy for my powder room!

  34. Love the new look to your beautiful bathroom...

  35. Glory be, that was a red bathroom!!! The transformation is FANTASTIC!!

  36. Looks beautiful, but I've come to expect nothing less from you! ha! :)

  37. Wow, I LOVE it! I have to figure out where I can do this in my house. Great job! :)

  38. I love that beadboard look. I did the real beadboard in my powder room. I'm looking for something for my entryway. You've given me something to think about for in there. Great job. Mimi

  39. Does that beadboard wallpaper come in other colors? My walls are off white.

  40. I love it! It looks so crisp and fresh now with your new color and the beadboard wallpaper. I have that color in my laundry room and I adore it too. It makes that space a happy place. :)

  41. I have been fighting against not purchasing this stuff, but you are saying how great it is and I have seen Rhoda's tutorial and the other gals laundry room. You and your hubby did a wonderful job.
    Thanks btw for the paint color recipe. I have been looking for a nice robin's egg blue shade and I just love that color you used.

  42. Jamie-
    Nope, we did not even pull up the baseboards, which was one thing my husband was really happy about! The wallpaper is thin enough that it does not jut out past the baseboards. I love it for how easy it is!

  43. Oh I love the beadboard. How creative. I am always afraid to try something "new". Looks great!

  44. Your bathroom turned out GREAT!!! I have to try that wall paper

  45. I had no idea this stuff existed! I've been planning on putting some bead board up in my living room for quite a while now, but I may have to check this stuff out first! I'm off to check out those tutorials, thanks!

    oh, p.s. the bathroom turned out beautiful!

  46. do you think I could slap some beadboard wallpaper over my ugly green tile in my bathroom? Now I KNOW it wouldn't last forever but do you think it would work, short term?

  47. I LUV the look...I have never used this wallpaper but plan to put some up in my sister's kitchen next month...wish me luc!


  48. I am LOVING that beadboard wallpaper. What a fabulous discovery.

  49. Love the new look! Beadboard wallpaper really makes the space.


  50. I love, love, love the color on the walls. What a pretty bathroom!

  51. I like this SO MUCH. I'm inspired to take a fresh look at my powder room. Hmmm....

    Take care!

  52. Wow! I've never heard of beadboard wallpaper. Genius.

    And...your muted colors are lovely.

  53. I just love the transfromation! It looks very chic!

  54. I think its great that he is willing to do things for me that make me happy and yippee the outcome is so nice.

  55. You're right. Bead board wallpaper DOES rock! I am going to consider this as an alternative to the real thing. We were gonna do our guest bath in beadboard up to the ceiling to cover the old wall paper.

  56. Looks beautiful Carrie! I love the wall color too. So funny, my powder room is red too, and I'm planning to repaint soon. Did you have trouble covering the red?

  57. Carrie your "new" bathroom looks great! I love the bead board look.

  58. I just found your from This, That and Your Blog...I'm having my blog redesigned, too. I LOVE your blog!!! And this idea is fantastic!

  59. Looks fabulous! I am trying it in my house too...just don't buy it at Home Depot they charge $7/roll more than Lowe's.

  60. This is really very pretty. What is the texture of the top of your wall? Not the plain old solid flat sheetrock like my walls.

  61. Delores,
    Thanks! The wall is texturized by some drywall technique that they use all the time out here in Colorado. They use some kind of pressurized drywall gun-thingy to do it. It was like that when we moved in, so I take no credit! :)

  62. All wood kitchen cabinets cost significantly more because of their resilience and beauty. Solid wood designs are stronger, more durable; and if used, you will never have to replace your kitchen cabinets again.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)