
Fun Baby Gift Idea!

A few weeks ago, my friend Sarah had a baby! You may remember her from this post. She also has a fun blog where she has chronicled her pregnancy and baby Jackson's birth.

I wanted to send her a unique gift that was full of things I thought she needed for her first baby. You'll notice that some of the gifts are for the baby and some...aren't. Mama needs a few things for herself too!

First I made a little onesie for baby Jackson using this method.

I bought him a few different sizes of footed PJs because I found it to be something no one buys you when you have a baby, and you need a million of them!

Now here's a few things for the mama. "Simply Sleep" is a gentle sleep aid by the makers of Tylenol PM, and it is my lifesaver if I've had a few sleepless nights and just need to make sure I'm not a cranky basket case. Ditto for the earplugs!

This wine is my go-to gift for new mamas. It's called "Mommy's Time Out," isn't that hilarious? You could also do some kind of coffee and make a handmade label with "Mommy's Medicine" or something like that. The little box is for baby Jackson's gas! (Mylicon)

I tied everything up with some cute grosgrain ribbon and fun striped paper. I also sent Sarah this book about baby sleep, because I love it and it has changed my life!

Wouldn't you love to get a box like this in the mail? :)


  1. Great stuff - I'm sure she'll love it.
    Enjoy your Tuesday.

  2. I love it when I get any unexpected box in the mail! They are far and few between, unfortunately. Yours looks fantastic, I'm a sucker for grosgrain!

  3. Great gifts! Definitely stuff that you need as a new mommy!

  4. Those are some great gift ideas! I would love to get something like that in mail! What a surprise!

  5. Being in the process to see if our surrogate is pregnant - I can actually have a real comment on this! YES, YES, YES, I would loooove to get something like this. What a great thing! Love that bottle of wine - cutest thing that it's name is about mommies!

  6. Welcome back! I am pretty much new to commenting over here but have lurked for a good long time. Love the outfits and oh yeah Mommy's Time Out is tops! hehehe...we all need a little time out from here and now. Thanks for sharing this cute box...love it!

  7. Great gift idea! That wine is hilarious. Love it all.

  8. I'm due in October.

    I'd be happy to give you my address... *wink*

  9. CUTE! I really need these ideas right now, too! I love them! Thank you so much, Carrie!

  10. Absolutely LOVE it. Great idea and I am sure that she will appreciate every bit of that package.

  11. I love sweet boxes like that. I'm sure your friend will love it and appreciate you for sending it. Very thoughtful.

  12. What a delightful present! I hope that she loves everything! My baby is 9 and I still love Simply Sleep : )

  13. Yes! I would have loved to get a box like that, back when I was a new mom. And though the time for me to receive such a gift is long past, I thank you for the inspiration for what to give a new mom!

  14. So cute!! I love how you wrapped everything up, what cute ideas!!

  15. This is so great! I've never seen that wine before but the label is perfect. Is it any good?

  16. That is so cute!!! I about feel out of my chair when I saw the Simply Sleep aid, hadn't heard of it before and am in desperate need of some!! My little one is 5 months old. I got online to look it up and to see where I can get me some. Essentially one tablet is equal to one tablet of Benadryl. The American Academy of Pediatrics hasn't reviewed the use of Benadryl in breastfeeding mommas and the drowsy side effects may be passed on to the baby if you are breastfeeding... which may not be a bad thing, but worth taking note of in those super little wee ones. There is also a slight chance of decreasing ones milk supply with it's usage. Just a warning I wanted to throw out there... it's the L&D nurse/Breastfeeding Educator in me :)

    I am definitely going to check out that book you referenced too! Thanks!

  17. Those are such creative ideas! I would be so excited to get a gift like that! I'm going to remember some of these ideas the next time someone I know has a baby!

  18. Oh my -- what great gifts! Such great ideas -- all of them! I'm sure she was so thrilled.


  19. Girl. I have LOVED (huge understatement)the goodies!!! You are the bestest BFF ever! The bags under my eyes thank you.

  20. That is such a CUTE and thoughtful gift!

  21. Looks like a great present to me!! Love all the ideas. It is so fun to send and recieve packages. I am sure she is going to LOVE it!

  22. That is such a fun package! Sarah is going to love it!

  23. That is awesome!! My neighbor just had her first last week and one of my best friends had a baby this weekend. Your post had perfect timing:)

    thanks for the wonderful ideas!


  24. I'm visiting my sister on Thursday. She is due with her second baby and I've been busy getting a bunch of gifts together for her. This post couldn't have come at a better time! I'm dying to make her some cute onesies. As I was searching for baby clothes, I couldn't believe how many little sleepers didn't have feet attatched. All I could think about were cold baby toes.

  25. Great gifts! thanks for sharing your ideas, I'll have to remember these for the future!

  26. I would have LOVED gifts like these when I was a new Momma!! :) Such great ideas, thanks! I'll remember this when I give a baby gift next!

  27. (Yes, I would, but then that means I would have FOUR kids, and I can only handle three...)
    I like that bottle of wine-so funny!

  28. I love the gift..I think she will love it too...

  29. What a wonderful gift - she's going to love opening that. I'm having a mommy time-out party this evening - that wine is perfect!

  30. How cute and creative. Mama's need to be pampered after the birth. God bless her and the baby.

  31. Great ideas, Carrie. I would be thrilled to receive a package like that! Love it!

  32. Those look like adorable onesies.

    My blog has just been growing like a crazy weed and I haven't been able to get by for as many visits. I miss all my blog friends.
    Come for a visit and see both of my new parties for the week. They are up every week and I hope you will participate.

    Its So Very Cheri

  33. I love all of the goodies. I wish I got something like this when I had my first baby. It would have been comforting...especially the wine! :)

  34. That is fantastic! The wine has me cracking up, at first I thought you made the label! Great job! Any new Mommy would love to get that in the mail.

  35. My friend just had a baby. I bought her a great baby book called "Dear Baby, What I love about you!" Beautiful colors and full of great ways to document those special moments at the beginning of a babies life. I might have to throw in a bottle of wine for mommy too- thanks for the great tip!

  36. So fabulous! If I suddenly go crazy and decide to have baby #4, will you send me one??!!! LOL
    Thanks for sharing the great ideas!

  37. That is an adorable group of gifts! I especially love the handmade onesie. :)

  38. Cute, some great stuff as a baby gifts, your little ones will love it.


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