
Something New: The Simple Woman's Daybook

I have seen this type of post multiple places, but most recently at Kelli's blog, Outside My Kitchen Window.  Every time I read a post like this, it's like a little sigh of relaxation for me! Something about slowing down long enough to take stock of how you are feeling, what is going on around you, and other simple things.  Not sure if this will become a regular feature here or not, but I thought it would be a good way to start this week.  I'd love to hear what you're thinking too!

For Today

Outside my window: it's sunny, after a weekend of cold, dreary rain. (Happy Easter!  Did you have a good one?)

I am thinking: about Nina, who woke up with the throw up bug on Easter morning...fun!

I am thankful for: my freshly-brewed Starbucks Cafe Verona, sitting here next to me.
From the kitchen: I better cook some healthy meals this week, after the Easter goodies I inhaled over the weekend!

I am wearing: my black sweat suit that I bought as a gift for myself when Henry was born.  Hey, I just totally gave into the knowledge that there would be many glamour-less days for me!

I am reading: "Dry" by Augusten Burroughs, sequel to "Running with Scissors."

I am hoping: to get some good bargains when I redeem my Gymboree "Gym Bucks" this week!

I am creating: a few little arty prints to hang in Henry's room.  One of these days I will be done and will show them off! 

I am hearing: Sesame Street in the background, and Henry's cooing, telling me it's almost time to eat!

Around the house: the laundry is piled high but the dust bunnies are gone.  Small victories!

One of my favorite things: is having a morning at home like this after a busy weekend.  I might shower by noon, who knows?  :)

A few plans for the rest of the week: A night out with my sister and our kids, doctor's appointment, shopping, dinner with friends, a trip to the Colorado Railroad Museum this weekend.

Boy, reading this makes me realize how boring my life sounds!  What's on your mind?


  1. That sounds like a wonderful day! I agree, those posts make you stop and rest, and really think about everything in a different light. Happy (late) Easter and hope your sweet girl gets better soon! :)

  2. Glad y'all are doing well & it doesn't sound boring at all - it sounds like normal life.
    Can't wait to see what you've been working on.
    Enjoy your week.

  3. ahh this post was soo cute! i loved hearing about each of those things=) hope nina is feeling better too!

  4. Hope Nina is feeling better! It doesn't sound boring to me...it sound relaxing.

  5. What a fun post! If I was a SAHM, I would wear a black sweatsuit too! It sounds so comfy!

    Hope Nina is feeling better soon. Kamree is home sick today too!

  6. Love this idea, I may have to adopt it as well! Sounds like the perfect day to me (except for Nina being sick) hope she feels better!

  7. I've seen this quite a few times also, but haven't done it yet. I enjoy being able to take a look at what's going on around me. Your life doesn't seem boring...it sounds like it's blessed...even in the simple things. :)

  8. You just reminded me to check the date on my Gymboree Bucks! Sounds like a nice relaxing day, not boring.

    Hope you have a happy Monday!

  9. Sounds great to me! I love those kinds of days!! Anything to allow me to stop and rest just for a minute is such a blessing to me!!

    Thanks for your sweet posts the 12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know study. We are just getting started and Im already weeping!!

    Have a great day!!

  10. I think your life sounds wonderful, and very parallel to my own glamour-less days in jammies 'til noon. BUT I have to admit I love every minute of it and am so thankful I am able to be at home with my boys. Love this idea, may have to copy you!

  11. I loved hearing about you 'right at this moment'. I'd love to give this daybook a try. I remember we kept daybooks in my English class in high school.

  12. Doesn't sound boring to me! I think it's the perfect life that we SAHM's have;) Dust bunnies and laundry are my two biggest struggles. Hope Nina feels better soon.

  13. I know what you mean about making healthier meals this week- I overdid it on my Aunt Betty's famous dinner rolls. I'll need to add several miles to my running plan this week ( :

  14. I didn't think your life sounded boring at all! Long ago I decided that "boring" was a good thing 'cause that meant by life was free from drama- always a good thing in my book!

  15. I liked reading this, thanks for sharing. I just might have to copy the format. :)
    Sounds like a good day to me! Especially the sweats part. Sometimes it's just a stretchy comfy kind of day. :)
    It's good to have those days now & then.

  16. I too love the Simple Woman's Day Book and the simplicity of life that comes from it. Glad you got to enjoy your day this way. You are wise taking your days for what they are...children grow up too fast and then you have to find things to fill your day! Enjoy and have a great week! Connie

  17. I love these post too & yours was so fun to read.

  18. Your life doesn't sound boring. It sounds blissful. The things that really matter. Family. Love. (Easter treats!)

    Have a great day!

  19. Hey girl! Sounds like all is well! Did ya'll take any easter pics? You can totally make a collage! Go to www.picnik.com and you just upload the pics and you can use all different fonts and stickers and all kinds of stuff on them!
    Happy Tuesday!

  20. I discovered your blog through another blog, and I am so glad that I did. I enjoyed reading down through every post. It provided me with some great ideas to help my daughter in decorating her children's rooms and the new nursery. When I got to the part about your love of coffee, I knew that I found a new favorite blog. I will be back.

  21. Not boring at all!! It sounds like a perfectly wonderful week! Hope warm weather is headed your way and then my way too!

    Have a great week!


  22. Your life isn't boring, girl, it sounds perfect! I love Monday mornings after a busy weekend too.

  23. I, too, have seen this on other blogs but have never participated. Not yet anyway...maybe someday!

    I really enjoyed reading this, and I'm glad you took the time to capture that day and preserve a slice of everyday normal life. :)

  24. Your life is not boring! You are too funny. Can't wait to see those prints!

  25. Hi Carrie! Not boring at all~ wonderful days my dear!
    Love the curtains you red-ed up in Henry's room. They turned out cute! I should add a stripe of color to the sides of Caroline's curtains from PB. Good idea!
    xo Les

  26. Thanks for sharing the "simple" things in life!

  27. Cool post! I love doing these. It's helps plan my week and really reflect on what's going on with me. Sounds like you had a good Monday...enjoy your week.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)