
Remember that Mistreatment I Mentioned?

A while back, I told you that I was planning on seriously mistreating some curtains for Henry's room.  Well, it took me awhile, but I actually did it!  Thought I would show you the results...

The curtains are these adorable Rugby Stripe Grommet ones from Pottery Barn Kids.  The price tag was steep enough that I was really scared to mistreat them in a permanent way; and plus, I thought that I might want to revert back to the original version when Henry gets older.

I actually love the navy and orange together, but Henry's room is navy and red.  See where I'm going with this?

Enter some red grosgrain ribbon from eBay and my newest discovery, Res-Q-Tape.

It only took me about 30 minutes to affix the red ribbon on top of the orange trim.  Res-Q-Tape promises not to leave any sticky residue on the fabric, so I am hoping that if and when I want the orange trim back, the red ribbon will come off easily.

In the meantime, Henry's curtains now match his adorable red crib bumper!  (You know, for the crib that he has yet to sleep in.  But he will, once he starts sleeping through the night and I don't have to stumble down the hall at 4 am to get him, I promise!) 

What do you think?  :) 


  1. LOVE them together -- the colors are so bright and fresh! I've never heard of that stuff, I'll have to check it out. Hope that cutie patootie baby is doing well!

  2. What fun colors to have in a nursery! I hear you about sleeping - my youngest slept in my closet forever. It was close enough where I could get her quickly, but far enough away that I didn't hear all her snorts (I do have a good size closet, by the way).

  3. Love it! It's perfect for a little boy's room.

  4. I think they look great! Love the colors!

  5. It looks great! You did an awesome job.

  6. I think the curtains look fantastic! They go great w/ the bumper...in the crib that he's never slept in! :) I'm loving the ribbon put on using the tape.

    Hope you have a great week!!

  7. Those look great--I like the red better than the orange and it looks so crisp and fresh!

    Neither of my babies slept in their crib for months! Enjoy having him close to you.

    ~ Sarah

  8. What a quick (and cute) makeover! Love that you were able to get them to match without having to buy brand new curtains! :) Hope you're doing well in adjusting to a life with 2 little ones.

  9. They are really nice...I love how bright they are, great job!

  10. They turned out SO cute! Perfect for Henry's room. I really like the texture the grosgrain ribbon adds.

  11. Never heard of that tape! Perfect...looks great and I hope it doesn't leave behind the sticky yuck. You mean you don't want to stumble down the hall in the middle of the night? I have such fond memories of that! So, how is Sir Henry? I'm glad to see you are taking time with him and resting when you have free time.


  12. Unbelievable improvement. I just love it!!! Should have been made that way to begin with. : )

  13. Very very cute!Perfect colors for a boy!
    sandy toe

  14. Oh I love it! What a great idea, Carrie!!

  15. The curtains look great! I don't know that I have ever heard of that tape before. It's nice to know you have a couple of options for the future, even if you want something different than red or orange!

  16. Love them! I have never seen the rescue tape but it sounds like something I need to check out. Henry's bumper pads will probably not look so pristine once he starts sleeping in his crib so that's another reason to keep him close to you!

  17. Cute!! I don't know how you have time to do that these days.

  18. So great!!! You did a fabulous job!

  19. What a quick trick. Do you iron it on???

  20. Looks great! THis is the first time I've heard of that tape, but I will have to give it a try. His little room is coming right along. Love the color choices!

  21. Adorable. I've always loved navy & white stripes.

  22. Smart and cute! I think it goes very well together. Great idea.

  23. I love them! I am impressed that you were able to come up with such a great idea on so little sleep!

  24. Those are darling! Love the idea of ResQ Tape!

  25. ADORABLE!! What a blessed child to sleep in such a sweet room! Our 7 month old just moved into his own room...so nice! :)

  26. I get so excited when I see a post from you in my dashboard....I miss you and all your fun tips!!

    The curtains are fantastic.....what a great idea and I love that you cold go back to the orange if you wanted....just peel it off!!

    You are very creative my friend!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday!


  27. I think you're quite nifty in your thinking. That's great!!!! I actually have a nervous breakdown every time I walk into a fabric or craft store. I can't do it to save my life.

  28. Love those curtains. My boys room is red and navy as well. Love that.

  29. Very cool!! You really know how to mistreat a window treatment, don't you! Have a great Easter!


  30. What a fun way to tie the whole room together. It's beautiful (like everything you do!)

  31. I love those curtains! The red ribbon is perfect! His room looks crisp and fresh, and perfect for a boy of all ages! :) Thanks for the product mention, too -- I'll have to check that out!

  32. So Cute!!! I love it! I am going to have to try that stuff! Thanks for showing us your progress!!

  33. They look great! Thanks for that tip on the tape!

  34. Very nice! I love the red and navy. I've never heard of that stuff, I need to check it out.

  35. fabulous!! Love your idea on how to do it too.

  36. great idea! his nursery is looking so cute...

  37. That looks great! I love those curtains!

  38. Love, love, love what you did! So creative!

  39. What a great solution! Love the theme of Henry's nursery.

  40. I think they look great. So nautical looking. Hope you're doing well!!

  41. I'll trade ya my eggs for those adorable curtains!...lol =O)

  42. It looks great - love it! Please keep us posted if the rescue tape leaves any residue. What a cool invention! :)

  43. Love it!

    And don't worry about him not sleeping in his bed. My youngest slept in my room in the bassinet and with me a lot. And she sleeps better than her sister.

  44. Adorable, perfect solution! Glad to "hear" from you again!

  45. I love the curtains. Great job!

  46. Oh, that is just perfect : )! What a great idea!

  47. They are fantastic. I'll have to check out your tape. Always love to find out about new things.

    Henry will be is his new bed before you know it. Hope all is well and you are getting some rest.

  48. Love it!!! You are doing a great job on your little guys room!
    (Good to see you!!!)

  49. I think it looks great! I love it!

  50. I love those PB curtains-my favorite. I am a huge fan of grommets. I love your addition it is perfect!!

  51. Definitely LOVE it.

  52. Love, love it! Very cute! Can't wait to see the rest of the room!

  53. Carrie~it's the perfect solution! I'll have to remember the tape as well. Henry is just adorable!

  54. I have been eyeing those curtains from PBK for Gibson's room -- once I finally get around to changing the walls to something other than the lavender that they are now. His sister only moved out over a year ago...

  55. Love it! What did you decide about the rug??

  56. Love, love, love it!

    Hope all is well in your home ~ I've been thinking of you.


  57. Great idea! How crafty you are! Thanks for the reminder of what life will be like in six months for me (i.e. waking up at 4 am). OH the joys!!!


  58. Just wanted to let you know I love your blog. I tagged you on my blog! Have fun!

  59. This Miss Treatment, is speaking to me! Res-Q-Tape....I've never heard of this wonder tape. Which is unusual for the women who hunts high and low for sewing alternatives and owns a multitude of glue guns in various shapes and varying temperatures.
    The curtains came out wonderful. I like the versatility.

    Sweet Wishes,

  60. Well done! I would have been a little nervous too! Can't blame you...

  61. It looks great! I love those colors for a little boy's room. :)

    Have a wonderful Easter!

  62. Good tip- Res Q tape. I will definitely remember that since I'm NOT a sewer! Thanks!~Sherri

  63. Thanks for the tip on the bagels!! I checked my Walmart and they do not carry them (bummer! Nor do they carry greek yogurt. Guess that's what happens when you shop a non-Gucci Walmart! I bet the Walmart in my parent's retirement community has both. Sigh...). Can't wait to see the rug. :)

  64. Ohhhhhhhh I love the curtains! They look great!!!!! Can't wait to see the little paintings you are making for the room too!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)