
'Twas the Weekend Before Christmas

'Twas the weekend before Christmas, and I should have been using these:

But instead I spent my weekend baking and eating.  (Poor pregnant girl that I am!)

We made a simple Christmas ornament for Nina, as we do every year.  Someday this hand print will look so tiny!

And we watched Daddy's favorite Christmas show,  "Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas."  Does anyone else remember this?  Nina and her daddy had a little dance party during the music scenes!  (Frankie the dog is not impressed.)

We also spent an inordinate amount of time with this book below.  Still no baby names for either a boy or a girl, and we are T-minus 6 weeks or so!  They don't let you leave the hospital until you have a name on the birth certificate, do they?

How was your weekend?


  1. How cute! That ornament is so sweet and easy...I love it! Oh..have fun picking names..there are so many cute ones out there!!
    -sandy toes

  2. Those cookies look wonderful. I have never heard of that movie!
    Our problem with names, is usually having too many. Last time we just couldn't decide. There are so many out there!! I love the ornament by the way! Next year you will have two, yeahh!

  3. How sweet that picture is...with Daddy and Nina! :) I love it! Your home radiates a warm and loving vibe! :) Even through the internet! :) Merry Christmas, sweetie! Oh, and Im fill of names...;) Meme

  4. Your sweets looks so good and the hand ornament is precious! Yes, I guarantee that soon her little hand will look tiny, they just grow so quickly. The picture with her daddy is BEAUTIFUL.

  5. Love that little hand ornament! We just found one from 2003 and M's hand sure looks tiny! Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Hmmm -- names -- those are difficult decisions! Good luck!


  6. Jug Band Christmas? I totally forgot about that show? Classic!

  7. I see buckeyes on that tray!!!!

    We have yet to decide on a name either--we each have our top pick and still can't decide! Maybe we should do a blog poll!

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  8. How sweet that your hubby and baby are dancing! That just melts my heart. :) And that little ornament is precious!

  9. Oh yes - name picking is always the hardest. We had only a girl name picked out from day one and then proceeded to have three boys before we could ever use our girl name. Can't wait to hear what you decide.

  10. I love the handprint ornament. I know you will decide on the perfect name for your new bundle of joy!!! By the way....your home is so beautiful!!!

  11. What a cute picture of your little one and I love the handprint ornament.

    I'm sure you will come up with a name-it was hard for me too!

    I do remember that movie-we use to watch it all the time.


  12. Fun stuff. Cute ornament. Good luck with the baby name...there are too many cute ones to choose from aren't there?

  13. So cute! Love the dancing picture:) AND your buckeyes look soooo yummy!!! Can't believe you only have 6 weeks left! WOW!

  14. I love the ornament!! How cute!!
    Good luck picking out a baby name, it was so hard for us to decide!!

  15. It's all wonderful! You are creating such wonderful memories!

  16. They don't let you leave without a name on the birth certificate...or, at least that's what my doctor told us with our third-born when I still wasn't sure of his middle name on the day we were supposed to check out of the hospital. Good luck with picking out the name ~ that was always such a huge decision for me and my hubby.

    The ornament is adorable!

  17. What a wonderful weekend!

    That little ornament is just the cutest :)

  18. I made buckeyes this weekend, too ( : We ended up getting another 8" of snow overnight, so we'll probably end up doing a little more baking today as well. Cut-outs and swedish tea cakes are scheduled for later this morning.

    Too bad I can't get out on the road for a run. . . I have a feeling I'll need it after all this baking.

  19. The minute you see that baby's face, the name will come:)

    More cookies....just wehen I hung up my apron, you made me remember chocolate covered pretzels....yum!!

    My weekend was nuts as you know, now I am ready to enjoy the next few days with my family!!

    Merry Christmas:)


  20. Love the ornament, what a cute idea!

    Lot's of fun baking and eating...I have to get to cleaning as well. We hosted Part 1 of Christmas yesterday so the house is in a shamble.

    As far as the name, you will know when you see the little face what he or she shall be called!

  21. OMG! I love that movie too! I searched and searched for it last year to give to my son for Christmas... and I did... and he doesn't think it's near as good as I do! Oh well.... I still love it!


  22. I have never seen that particuliar Christmas show - I'll have to investigate.
    Love the sweets - I need to make some of those as well but there's no time because I'm cleaning for our visitors to arrive on Wed. - whew.
    Good luck with the names - it's my favorite part of having babies.
    (I'm partial to Brayden for a boy & Grace for a girl - I'm just sayin'.)

  23. So, I'm guessing the bun in the oven is a surprise☺ I'm thinking you'll definitely have to have a name prior to leaving the hospital☺ Maybe it will just "come" to you when you see him/her for the first time. It's a tough job picking baby names! Good luck!

    All your baking looks devine...and on-so-much more fun than stinky 'ol cleaning☺

    Glad you had a good weekend!

  24. Looks like you had a fun weekend! I love peanut butter balls (buckeyes) I need a good recipe for them, I'm baking cookies today and potato candy tomorrow. Good luck with the name, we named our youngest the day before we left the hospital.

  25. MMM those cookies look amazing!

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend.

    I am sure you will come up with a name soon. Hubby and I always joke that we should start that process before I even get pregnant because it will take us MONTHS to agree! haha

  26. You don't have to have a name before you leave the hospital. I had a baby in March and left without one. I didn't decide on a name until he was about two weeks old. Then I just filled out the birth cert. and sent it in. Cute hand ornament. What kind of paint did you use?

  27. Oh no, Carrie, I think you got it exactly right this weekend! What's a little dust when you are busy creating special memories with your family?? Have a wonderful Christmas!

  28. Maybe you could have a game and see what names others come up with.
    If it makes you feel better, we were living to bring our youngest home and I was going to change her name. DH and other daughter said no way.

  29. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving a comment. I can't believe you found me. I, actually, have been lurking your blog for a quite a while. I love it! The little ornament is so cute!

  30. That ornament is so darling! Yes, one day that hand will look so teeney! I found a garland we did of Savanna's hand outline when she was about 5 and oh my soo tiny! She didn't believe it was really hers!

    Picking a name is so hard but I'm sure the right name will come to you just in time.

    Just dropped by to wish you and your family a blessed Christmas. I'm taking off until next week.


  31. My mom was forced to hurry and name me or it would say Baby Richard on my birth certificate! True story. Good luck.

  32. Cleaning can wait, children can't. I would be right with you, eating, drinking (keep a virgin, chickie!) and being merry with my kiddos!

    Merry Christmas!!!

  33. Hey Carrie!!! Merry Christmas. I love the pictures and I have too been eating and Im not pregnant. So any luck with choices in the name book?? Love Ninas ornament. She will cherish those one day.

  34. What a fun weekend! And that ornament is just so perfect. What a great idea!

    My weekend was spent baking and watching "The Dog Whisperer" on DVD. Just love that show! Today is off to do some grocery shopping, last minute shopping, some crafting and frosting cookies! Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!

  35. Too fun! Love your working on the baby name. We'll all be excited!

  36. Yeah I don't think you can leave without a name on that certificate - get crackin! We just figured ours out for sure last month - we have about 5 weeks left too!

  37. I think Claire is a beautiful name (LOL...it's my REAL name!)

  38. Aww, I love the picture of them dancing - that deserves to go in a picture frame!

    Merry Christmas!

  39. We love that book! It was a lifesaver when we were trying to pick out our little boy's name! Good luck...you'll find the perfect name yet!

  40. I would've reached for the snowball cookies too. They're my favorite, even if I end up lookin' a bit like a snowball myself with all the powder sugar dust that fly's everywhere on the first bite. LOL! I guess that's the cue for the clean up.

    I like the cranberries for an organic element in the Christmas decor. Along with dehydrated apple and orange slices, mixed in with Anise stars and cinnamon oil. it smells divine.

    Sweet Christmas Wishes,

  41. Oh just leave those silly ole cleaning supplies up until after the holidays ;) I love the dance picture! So sweet.

  42. Those bon-bons look yuuuuuummy! Oh my. I could put a serious hurtin' on myself if I sat up to that dish of goodies.

    So, it has to be so exciting getting so close to meeting this new little life growing inside of you. Wow. I can't even imagine. The name is so important. It will represent this little one. Can't believe that you could hold out finding out what you are having. I wouldn't be able to wait! So exciting! Can't wait to learn what it is.

  43. It looks like you had your priorities straight last weekend -- yummy food and baby names! I love the ornament too!

  44. Sounds like the perfect weekend. I love the daddy and daughter dance going on!


  45. Can you make a copy of the movie and send it my way to watch...LOL

    I never heard of it before.

  46. Oh my goodness!!
    WE made OODLES of cookies this weekend too!!!
    SO LOVE the ornament!! What a GREAT idea! --YOU, my dear, are SO clever!!!
    AND, I can't believe it!!! I JUST bought Emmett Otters Jug Band Christmas tonight!!!! One for my kids, one for my brother's. When we were kids we'd watch that movie as a family EVERY Christmas. It was one of our ALL TIME FAVORITES! It started out on HBO didn't it?? I've never seen it before on DVD so when I saw it I SWOOPED them up! I can't WAIT to watch it with my kids....tomorrow night!
    Regarding the name picking....Oh dear...we didn't even AGREE on a (girls) FIRST name until like 2 days before she was born, and she was 2 weeks late!!! We FINALLY agreed on Nicolette Estacia. Number 2 was a little easier. There's a 'story' behind his name. I guess it made it a little easier?! Good Luck. You'll KNOW the 'right' name when you hear it! :)
    Merry Christmas!!

  47. So Cute! I love the ornament. Merry Christmas.

  48. Too Cute. I thought we were the only family that had Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas on DVD! We love it too. Fun little music and a sweet message. That baby's name will just come to you. No stress. The best name will just land on you.

  49. i love nina's ornament! so simple, yet so personal! you will cherish it for years to come. your sweets look so yummy that i wish you could share... hope you and your family has a very merry christmas. safety in your travels.

  50. I've never commented here before, but I just had to leave a note! We LOVE Emmett Otter over here! I grew up with it and bought it as soon as I had my first son. It's the best, isn't it? It makes me happy to know someone else loves it too!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)