
My "Keeping Room" at Christmas

A while back I showed you all my front room, alternately called my living room, keeping room, and what-the-heck-do-I-do-with-this? room!  Click here if you want to see what it normally looks like, and the process I went through to redecorate it.  Definitely worth all the fuss, though, because it was so fun to decorate for Christmas!

Every year I buy a few bags of cranberries to put in my glass candle holders.  So easy, and I love the color of the cranberries with the white candles.

I have a little tree for my front window that holds my "Twelve Days of Christmas" ornaments.  I never noticed how many birds are in that song, until Nina and I unwrapped these, and she kept saying "What's that Mommy?" and I kept saying "It's...uh...another birdie, Nina!"

As you saw a few days ago in my kitchen/dining room, I love these little pepperberry wreaths, and I think they look cute hanging from a chandelier!  

Here's our little manger scene.  Nina loves to come and look at the characters, and she tells me the baby Jesus is "a good boy."  Don't you love it?

Here's some simple berry garland going up my staircase.  I found these at Goodwill in July, can you believe it?  And that poinsettia at the top of the stairs is another Goodwill find, totally fake, for $5!  Thank God, because it would be dead by now if it was real!  (I am not a gardener.)

We are hosting Christmas dinner this year, so I think I will open up the dining room table in this room for the big feast.  It will only be the second time I've ever hosted a dinner in here!  I'll be sure to show you photos next week as I get the table all ready.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. Someone asked about the photos on my stairway and how I hung them.  If you want to read more about it, check out this post!


  1. Your keeping room is decorated so beautifully! I love that little tree with the 12 days of Christmas ornaments.

  2. It is absolutely gorgeous! I love that Nina calls Jesus a "good boy"...so sweet!

  3. I love this room and how multi-purpose it can be...great place to hold Christmas dinner!

  4. This room is gorgeous! And I love that she says that baby Jesus is a good boy. SO sweet!

  5. The keeping room is just beautiful....so comfy and cozy and so festive!! I also love what you did on your staircase....I am not a fan of heavy greens and lights down the steps....I opt for a more simple look too!!

    Happy Holidays!


  6. Just beautiful!
    I love the cranberries! So simple. yet, stunning!

  7. The keeping room looks like a 'keeper'!

    Love all of your decor, and the way you've used the red berries!

  8. I love your goodwill finds! I did the same thing with some cranberries and it is really stressing my husband out. He thinks they will mold overnight or something. silly boy...

  9. Great job. I do the cranberries around the candle thing too. I love the color.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  10. i LOVE all the things you did with the cranberries. I have some i put in a glass candle holder and it looks pretty good.

    i just posted about the 12 days of christmas carol on my blog yesterday, and the meaning behind each item. its quite interesting!

    and i'm having a giveaway today if you'd like to enter to win!

  11. Beautiful room. It looks all warm and cozy. I love the little wreaths hanging off of your chandelier.

  12. Everything looks so pretty, you have fantastic style!

  13. It is a lovely room...I love the black & white check wing-style chairs you have by the window! And what a sweet nativity...I love having something "touchable" for children.

  14. Your Goodwill rocks!

    I'm glad you'll get some use out of that room this year...it makes having to clean it out worth it, doesn't it?! Everything looks awesome!

  15. Great Goodwill finds! I love the garland! That nativity is so pretty...and I love what Nina says...that's the sweetest thing☺ I can't wait to see your keeping room all set up for dinner...I'm sure it will be beautiful!

  16. That is just lovely...and I can't tell you now much I love the slipcovers on your chairs! They are beautiful!

  17. oooooh, I love the berry vines on your staircase! So pretty!

    "Nana's Box"

  18. Love those pepper berry wreaths. Where did you find those? Love the berry vine going up your staircase. Looks great!

  19. Oh it's so pretty. I just love what one can find at Good will.

  20. Looks great. I love the idea of the real cranberries. You should blog about your stairway pics. I want to do that to my stairway (like in the Pottery Barn Catalog). Just haven't got around to it yet. Any suggestions on where to start?

  21. Hi Maggie-
    Somewhere in the bowels of my blog, I did blog about my stairway and the photos. Wait...hold on...I just went back and looked. August 19 post. Basically I just started in the middle with a large photo to anchor the whole thing, and worked my way out from there. Check out my post for more details. :)

  22. Wow -- it so beautiful -- you have such a touch for decorating! Love Nina's comment about Baby Jesus -- she is so sweet!

    Have a great weekend.


  23. It looks wonderful and so well put together.

  24. It is so pretty! I love that little tree with the 12 days ornaments! So cute! I just love that room period.

  25. That room turned out so cute! I love your holiday decorations!

  26. Is this someone's home or pictures out of a lifestyle magazine? Absolutely stunning! Oh and where did you get the nativity set? It's beautiful!

  27. Everything looks really nice. Love the little tree and the "garland" going up the stair case.

  28. I love what you can find at Goodwill off-season! What great finds! Love the room!

  29. That room would be my TEA room! I just love rooms like that...I have one kinda like that...I call it the "front room"...the kids call it, "mama's pretty room" where they can't dance or run by the china hutch! Most folks consider it the "formal living room and dining room"...but I'm not most folks! I do love that room and your pepperberry wreaths!

    I'll pray for you as you prepare to host Christmas dinner...aren't you having a baby soon??? Bless your heart!

  30. I just love that photo of the garland and the staircase. I was going to ask about your photo placement but I see someone already did! Can't wait to go check out that past post.

    It's funny - I haven't seen The Santa Clause 3 and haven't really wanted to. Just didn't look as good as the first two. I had just been talking to my dad about that very same thing the day before! I just reserved "White Christmas" at the library. I can't wait to watch it...for the first time! -Mandi

  31. So pretty, Carrie.
    Isn't it the greatest when our kiddos begin to love Jesus? Awesome!
    Good luck with hosting the Christmas dinner! I know it'll be beautiful!

  32. That berry garland is divine! I love Goodwill! Love it! I also love that you have a fake poinsetta because a real one would be dead....me too! You are the coolest : )

  33. Looks gorgeous! I love the berry garland on the stairway. Way to score on that! Your decor, as always, is beautiful and very inspiring. Thanks for sharing little pieces of your home...

  34. Very pretty! I love the red garland going up your staircase! Very cool!!! The cranberries in the candles is such a great idea! I may have to do that! I'm hosting Christmas Eve dinner at my house...I think the cranberries in my big candle votive would be just the right touch!! : ) Thanks for the great idea.

    I got your Christmas card, thank you so much...little Miss Nina looks ADORABLE!! Let's get together again soon!!! I'm glad your enjoying the peppermint bark!

  35. Cute cute!! Love the pepperberry going up the staircase. So pretty.

  36. The room looks beautiful! Found the paint color from your bathroom. We painted ours this past week and love the color!

  37. Your decorations are so simple but so beautiful. The berries going up the staircase is great! I love it!

    I think I have said before I love those little "wreaths" hanging from ribbon...just perfect!

    Have a great weekend!
    -sandy toes

  38. You know I love a Goodwill find!! I love the berry garland on the railing! Perfect.

  39. It all looks great! I'm just jealous that you have a "keeping room"! :)


  40. Love that entire room, whatever you call it! Those black and white chairs are so great, and I love the polka dot pillow in them. It all looks wonderful.

  41. Hi Carrie!
    Your room is beautiful - all of it. I love the berries on the bannister the most - simply elegant! I hope you have a great weekend! :)

  42. I am thankful for for your blog- you and thriftychick, I just love these really cute things you do- its always nice and warm- very cozy- you do good work. I have soooooo lost an interest in decorating anything since we have moved once again and I am pouting- but your blog is giving me inspiration! =)

  43. I used your thanksgiving place setting idea of cookies with the names in frosting....turned out too cute, thanks!! Now I need a heads up on what "we" are doing for Christmas! tee hee, no really!

  44. I love your cranberry idea and your garland on your stairway!! To answer you question from my blog. They are necklaces made out of scrabble tiles. They were so easy & fun to make. Merry Chrismas to you and your family!

  45. the room turn out great carrie! looks like you had fun turning it into a special christmas area - i bet you guys will be spending a lot of your time in there.

  46. What a great idea to use cranberries like that! I always buy cranberries, too...but we eat them in our homemade cranberry salad. :) I never thought of decorating with them like you did. Thanks!

  47. The staircase is perfect! I love the simplicity of it!

  48. What a beautiful room! You have gotten some great finds at Goodwill!

  49. Gorgeous room Wanted to tell you and your family Merry Christmas!!
    Have a great new year!

  50. Hi Carrie :)

    When you have a minute, you need to go look at my last few blog posts and read about the ornaments on my staircase and then the post about my breakfast room chandelier. I'm copying you and I didn't even know it LOL

    Your home looks beautiful and I can't wait to see how you set your table.

    Merry Christmas,

  51. Your decorations are so pretty and classy.

  52. Lovely! I am in Grand Junction, CO and see you are from Denver. We used to live in Lakewood for many years. Merry Christmas! nancy

  53. Carrie~ It all looks so lovely hun! Your house is so wonderful and the folks that come for your holiday meal will really enjoy having you as their 'Hostess with the Mostest'!!! :)
    Merry December hun~ Les

  54. Still loving the polka dot fabric! I love the simplicity of the stairs! Beautiful!

  55. I love the different things you do to that room. It looks great for Christmas.

  56. I just love this room! It is so warm and cozy!

  57. I love the cranberry garland - that is a terrific find. Your home looks lovely, warm and festive. I can't wait to hear about your Christmas dinner. Would you mind posting your menu? Merry Christmas!

  58. Love your blog, found it about a week ago. You must live close by as I recognize the Goodwill. Haven't been there yet, but now I know I must!

  59. Every thing looks so delightfuly inviting.

    I just stopped by to wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season


  60. i just found your blog yesterday? i love it!

    can you leave me a message on my blog and tell me the color in your living room and kitchen? do you know the paint color?

  61. I am going thru your blog in hopes of finding a post that say what color your walls are in your living room and dinning room. So far only the robins egg blue. Sigh. When ya get a sec do you mind sharing??


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)