
Star Studding

What do you get when you combine this:

And this:

And these?

A cute little shirt that your daughter doesn't need!

I had this plain white shirt that Nina received as a gift, and since her hair is still super-short, she often gets mistaken for a boy. So I had to "girlify" this plain shirt for my sweet little girl!
As you know, I have no sewing ability, but I found Heat-n-Bond in a great big sheet, which means I can cut it to any shape I want! I bought a little fabric remnant at Joann's, and then Googled "star stencil" until I found a shape that I liked. I had to fiddle around with the size of the star a bit, but it wasn't hard to do on our printer. Then I traced the star onto the fabric and the Heat-n-Bond sheet, ironed them both onto the shirt, and embellished just a bit with a few green stitches that even I can do.

I got my idea from an even sweeter shirt that Nina received for her birthday.  Someone with more skills than I actually sewed an adorable letter "N" onto a shirt, and it just got my ideas going!  How cute is this?

What a great gift for any little girl!

I also want to add a big thank you to Jennykate of Jennykate's Spot for the Kreativ Blogger award!  Be sure to go over and say hi to her if you get a chance...such a sweetie!  She asked me to share six things that I value...I am a sleepy pregnant woman, so my six things are going to be of the non-deep variety.  I value hot coffee with cream in the mornings, comfort food like meatloaf and mashed potatoes, a cozy wood-burning fire, flannel sheets on my bed at night, a quiet hour or two for myself when my toddler takes a nap, and the smell of apples and cinnamon baking in the oven.  Yum!

Have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. CUTE shirts! If it makes you feel better, my little girl was always mistaken for a boy even wearing earring and all pink! lol Hope your daughter loves her new shirt!

  2. So cute!!! I love the way you decorated it!!! I want to cut my third child's hair...it is too long. But, she gets mistaken for a boy sometimes!

    It is cold today and that comfort food sounds perfect!
    -Sandy Toes

  3. I agree with Debbie- that comfort food sounds so good! And what a good idea on that shirt. Have a blessed day!

  4. I love that shirt...I am thinking Christmas gifts for my niece.

  5. What cute shirts! Congrats on the award!

  6. Very very cute shirt for your little girl!


  7. very cute idea! you used to teach am history!? that's great! i am sure you'll make to the williamsburg someday-you would love it!

  8. Adorable! Thanks for all the crafty inspiration :)

  9. Sell those cute t shirts! I love them!!!!

  10. So cute! Where in the heck are you finding time to do all this?! I'm so busy during the week, and tired when I get home from work. Everything I do is on the weekend. Meh!

    Just think of all the great things you'll make with the heat-and-bond now.

  11. What a neat idea. I would have never thought to do anything that even resembles that. And if I tried, the self-adhesive stuff would probably adhese...well, to myself. I so envy your talents!

  12. I love the shirts. I need to do that to a few of my girls shirts too.

  13. Those shirts are adorable! That is a great idea that I will probably be copying for baby shower gifts!

  14. SO adorable and such a great idea. I see a project in my future!

  15. Just absolutely darling. I'll have to send you a link to make some more of this type - I have a really creative friend who has made the cutest shirts! :)

  16. There is so much you can do with heat and bond - love your ideas.

  17. Super duper cute...this has been on my "to-do" list for a while now for my little princess...I guess I really to need to get at it...especially looking at how cute yours turned out!

  18. I think you are SO cool! Did your baby LOVE her shirt : )?

  19. Oh, what a great idea! I love the star! What would we do without naptime?? Completely with you on this one~

  20. The letter N shirt is adorable! My daughter would love that (and I might even be able to attempt the no-sew version.)


    Angie in OH

  21. That is just awesome. That is easy enough to do for the Tigers. :) Thanks for sharing.

  22. Both of those shirts are just adorable...I would have never thought to do that....the wheels are turning now...I just bought a bunch of solid, long sleeved tees for Sarah!!

    As always, thanks for the brilliant idea!


  23. See...that's why I gave you the award...look at that cutie-patootie shirt! Love it! Thanks for mentioning me in your blog. I too value all of those delightful and yummy things you mentioned! :)

    Hope you have an awesome day!

  24. Cute Idea! This weekend I hope to blog about an iron on project for my baby. Stop by and check it out.

  25. Oh my GOSH! Even I can make this for Caroline! I'm seeing a pumpkin made from a fun orangy fabric with a cute little stem topper for Turkey season next month. A tree for Cmas, a heart for Val day...AWESOME! Off to Joanns I will go this afternoon! Your 6 things were fun to read. Girl, I'm not even preggers and those things top my list!!! ;) Love and hugs, Les

  26. Such an adorable idea! And sounds super easy!


    Hey come check out my new giveaway, it's a goodie!

  27. I love that! I have neighbors with girls (not me!) this is something I can do! Bibs would be good for a new baby gift...just thinking aloud!

  28. Thank you for sealing the deal on what I'm getting every kid I know for Christmas. These are PERFECT!!!

  29. I sure enjoyed catching up on your Site! I loved the story about how the two pieces of family furniture meshed. Not to mention how beautiful both pieces are!
    And your daughter's T-shirt...oh so cute! Great job!
    Mary Lou

  30. Another great idea from you!!! Very cute!!!

  31. Very cute! I'm working on an Elmo shirt for Emma today....I hope I can finish it by tomorrow. Applique is so much fun!!! ;)

  32. you got my wheels turning. With 3 girls we have a LOT of birthday parties. No matter how much I try to be prepared for these-I run around at the last minute.
    Your cute idea-got me thinking. I love to give little bags-as the gift bag-and fill with dollar store lotions and potions. I think that I will get me some plain canvas bags and iron on a little something something. Every time I give a bag to a little girl-they really like it-if only all people could be as pleased with dollar store lotions and canvas bags!
    Thanks again for the ideas!

  33. Cute! I'm such a procrastinator that I've thought about doing this, but haven't gotten around to it. Your description just might be the confidence-builder I need! It's such a great gift idea, too!

  34. OH how cute!!!! I love it!!!
    Hey..come over and see what I have been up to for the past two days!!! hee-hee!!!

  35. OK, that shirt is the cutest thing! I am no sewer either, but I wanna try this with a couple of the shirts my daughter has! Thanks for the tip!

  36. I love this idea ... I'm thinking about a Christmas ornament on a long sleeve t-shirt for the holidays!

    You are so creative!

  37. Super cute shirts! And I am addicted to scrapblog, I have spent waay too much time on that website! :) Hope you are doing well!

  38. Very cute....Ya think my soon to be 11 yr. old son would like one? I want to make one....whiny..but no cute little girls. cherry

  39. Just darling.

    I did a blanket for my daughter with that a few years back when she was in Governors school. I purchased a blanket and different material and cut out flowers...it was cute.

  40. Hi Carrie :)

    Those shirts are so cute!! My daughter Annie was mistaken for being a boy when she was a baby because her hair was so short too and this was even when she was wearing pink! LOL


  41. Very nice! I, too, cannot sew but I think I could manage this.

  42. How cute! I love the shirt you made what a great idea!!

  43. Hi there,
    Just getting back to you about my fabric pumpkins. If you go to my September 14th post, you can click on the very link of the tutorial my friends and I used.
    Good luck! : )

  44. great idea, I'd like to have a go at that, I love the 'N'


  45. Those shirts are adorable!

    I love all ofyour comfort ideas, now I want meatloaf and it is only 5:30 in the morning, lol!

    Julia over at Hooked on Houses is having a blog party today, come join in on the fun :)


  46. This idea has endless possibilities!! I love it!! The shirt is adorable!!

  47. Very cute. I think I may have to try this!

  48. So cute! I'm a big fan of the heat and bond. I love that you can use any fabric in any shape you can come up with.

    I'm going to do a train one for Cade today so that he can wear it to Day Out with Thomas tomorrow. I'm not a big fan of character tee's but this will keep us both happy. He'll have a cute train shirt.

  49. This is so cute! I love that it is no sew.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)