
Help with Scrapbooking...Please?

I'm going to be totally honest here, at the risk of sounding like a neglectful mama.  You all have seen how much I love projects.  I am totally motivated by the idea of the finished project, and getting to put my new craft in it's new home where I can enjoy it.  But...

See this?

This is my pile of scrapbooking stuff that I have been collecting for over two years, since before Nina was born.  That's right, it's Nina's baby book.  And it's in pieces.  Completely undone.  Not even one page.  And yes, I am due to have Baby #2 in three and a half months!

Here's my confession: I totally want to put this baby book together, but I keep letting other projects get in the way.  I know it's because the other projects have a more satisfying result: I can put them on display where I can look at them all the time and enjoy them.  With the baby book, I just keep thinking about how I am going to put all this work into it and then stick it on a shelf, not to be enjoyed except a few times a year when we walk down memory lane.

Now don't get me wrong.  I loved looking at my baby book when I was a little girl (and as an adult), and I totally value it's importance.  But I just can't get motivated!  How selfish am I?  Can you help me?  How do you get the motivation to do projects like this?

Oh, and have a great weekend!


  1. When I find myself with a huge project before me...I will just set aside the "nights" to finish it!!

    I was a huge scrapbooker..I have tons of stuff but I switched to digital..kodak share...they put in a leather book..bind it and done!!!

    Just an idea...have a great weekend!
    -Sandy Toe

  2. In my opinion, you're ahead of the game - at least you have the supplies. None of my kids have a baby book - that's what the blog's suppose to be for, right?

  3. That's a big project to tackle I do what Sandy doe's set aside certain time to just work on this maybe naptime would work. After I finish one of my scrapbooks I put it on display so everyone can look at it. maybe on the coffee table or up high away from little fingers. I also frame one of my favorite pages for awhile so everyone can enjoy it.
    Hope this helps

  4. I actually have all my scrapbooking done up till my second baby was born, in 07. I since have stopped...and I stopped feeling guilty BECAUSE... a friend of mine introduced me to BLOGGING and she turns her blogs into yearly scrapbooks. I LOVE IT. SO, this is what I am going to do. And if you want to start a whole new blog just for this, do it and commit to writing just about your kids and turn that blog private if you just want it for you and family... that way you can say everything you want to say. Mine is public and I talk all about the kiddos... and love the fact the book at the end of the year will look so good... and read more like a book/journal than just a pretty scrapbook. Don't get me wrong, I am going to do scrapbooking too, just not at this point in my life... I have too much to do. And now I don't feel guilty. The site that turns your blogger blog into a book is www.blurb.com

    Not sure if this helped, hopefully it does :)

  5. Set aside a few days and just knock it out. That is what I have to do with big, cumbersome projects. You will be so happy when it is done.

  6. Oooooooh. I wish I could help you out here. I didn't write nearly as much in my daughter's book as I did my son's. AND I didn't scrap those books...they were premade. I've all buy stopped scrapping... I enjoy it, but it requires so much TIME. Good luck!!

  7. I'm afraid I'm no help...kiddo #1 his baby book is done up to age 4. Kiddo #2, up to age 1 1/2, Kiddo #3, up to age 1, and Kiddo #4, yet to be started and he is 18 months old. I lost motivation too. They will get done eventually. In the meantime, those digital scrapbook places like Shutterfly are great (I admit that I do have a Shutterfly book for Kiddo #4). Just remember, it doesn't have to be done overnight ;)

  8. I am the same way. I still want to scrapbook our wedding showers, the actual wedding, honeymoon, etc...I just can't get motivated!

    I bet once you do one page you'll see how great it looks and you will fill motivated to do more! Just set aside a little bit of time every day and you'll have it done in no time! :)

  9. I agree with those who say once you do one page that will be your motivation to continue. Now that you have some perspective and you're not just scrapping week by week as she grows you can group pictures together (holidays, birthdays) That might give you a unique way to tell her story. My first scrapbook was for my step-daughter. I started it when she was 3 and I wanted to gather all the baby pictures that were scattered all over the place. It is still my favorite scrapbook even though I think my design skills have improved since then (because I was telling the story from a different angle). Shutterfly photo books are another great option if you're not worried about using the product you've already purchased. Lastly, display your scrapbooks, they are to be enjoyed :) Ali Edwards is great inspiration for that.
    Whew! I've been really long winded, but I hope that helps, and I truly think once you get started that will be the motivation you need to keep going.

  10. this is a tough one! i totally know how it goes. i have shelves and shelves of scrapping stuff, but i hate getting it all out because it makes my clean house messy! when my hubby goes out of town or i have a few nights to myself in a row, that is when i will get it all out, plop myself infront of the tv, and scrapbook and watch chic flicks. or you can have a girls night in which everyone brings over their projects they need to work on and everyone can scrapbook or write christmas cards, etc, together!

  11. Gosh, you should see my craft room. It looks like your pile, but on steroids! ha!

    I think you shouldn't worry. You have Nina's whole life to finish the book. Or set yourself a goal like...finish it by the time she moves out of the house. LOL I think you can do that. heehee

  12. I have the same issue with a scrapbook I want to give as a Christmas gift.

    Now, motivation. Maybe this will help. My favorite thing to do now that i'm a bit older is share in family memories wtih my mother. For us to get out albums andlook back on me as a baby is so meaningful. One day, you will be so happy you made that baby book when your little 25 year old girl wants to see how she grew up, and cry as she looks at pictures of her mom caring for her. It will be special. And that, my dear, is why you should start the baby book.

  13. I agree with the digital. I've used snapfish and it was quick and easy. No plastic covers or glue!

    I love to look at the handmade scrapbooks when I'm finished.I just end up taking hours to do a few pages,then I'm burned out.

    My cousin handmade her children each baby book with the first year details and then each one a birthday book. Each year she added a few pages about that year. Look How I've grown, likes and dislikes,favorite things and party photos.All other photos went into the family book.

    They are neat and I'm jealous!

    I have 4 girls and I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it!

    Good luck and just try to do a few pages each week!

  14. A fun idea, when I am completely unmotivated is to do a "scrapbook weekend" with some close friends. Take 2 nights from like 7 to midnight and get lots of great food and music and scrapbook away. (do it where you can leave all your supplies out overnight)
    Then come back the next night and do it all over again! you'll be amazed at how much you get done.... and it's a great way to bounce ideas off each other.

    Good luck!

    P.S. there is always digital scrapbooking =)

  15. Umm...I'm not one to talk, since daughter #2's baby book has only a few pics in and she's now 6 1/2 yrs old!! I write all of my kids' achievements on the calendar, and save my calendar's every year with the scrapbook stuff!

    Usually buying some new embellishments or having a reward after every page or 2 for myself makes it more inspiring and fun. I've gotten a lot scrapped over the years...just really bad about the "actual" baby book! LOL

  16. I do not have a baby, but scrapbooking wears me out! It is so much work. I love making my photo books on shutterfly. It is so much easier than having to cut out photos, accessories, etc.

  17. Hey, at least you have all of the stuff! I'm sure you'll knock through it one of these days.

    I'm a big shutterfly fan. I've done all of my kiddo's books on shutterfly, it's fast and easy.

  18. If you get some motivation for the baby book please pass it my way. Cade will be 3 next month and his is in pieces too. I just can't seem to sit down and do it.

  19. Sorry I can't help -- not a scrapper and did not do a good job on keep up with my kids' baby books. I still feel guilty about that! Good luck with yours!

    Have a great weekend!


  20. Oh, I should do a blog about this. You got my wheels turning. For each of my four kids I have bought a nice baby book at a bookstore, the question and answer kind, where you stick a photo here and there. That way all I have to do is feel it out and stick some photos in. If I had to put a whole scrapbook together I know I would never do it. This way they at least have something to look at when they are older. Good Luck!

  21. I so understand! I had loads of scrapbook stuff, too, and was always feeling bad that I couldn't get it all done. I finally switched over to photo books and I'm much happier! You just design them online, add the special words, and their done, ready to enjoy. :)

  22. I also love scrapbooking, but found I was never finishing pages. Like many others, this is the one reason I like blogging so much. It's my form of scrapbooking.

    I did finish my first child's scrapbook and none of my other children have one. I figure I'll be scrapbooking my kid's pictures when I'm a granny. :)

    Angie in OH

  23. I thought the same way that you did. Why would i want to do all that work and then not even be able to look at it.
    I took some cute ribbon and nailed across the width of the wall in my craft room. I then got out my trusty clothes pins and clipped my pages to the ribbon. I loved it! I can look at them and be all proud of myself, and when I am sick of looking at them, I can switch them out for new pages. (the new pages that I made while be inspired from looking at the ones haning on the wall) I really love it and am thrilled that I can look at the pages instead of having a book collect dust.

  24. I only finished my other two baby books because I was preg. with the next baby! I would lay it out on my dining room table, and work on it in my spare time. I am not planning another baby, so third little one doesn't have a baby book done yet! (He's two and a half!) I will just have to lay it out on the table and do it-I can't take a mess, so that will make me finish...I also didn't have a blog while finishing the other books...hummm...

  25. I'm so sorry, but I can't help you. Scrapbooking is fun and neat and I think it's great, but for me?...it only stresses me out. My pictures? They go plainly and ordinarily in photo albums. Sad for my kiddos, but I tried the scrapbooking thing a couple of years ago and I just couldn't do it. LOL. Good luck!

  26. Here is my idea and forgive me if someone already said this.. I know it is not a creative or personal but.... at Michael's they have the pages that are already done. I know they can be kind of expensive aroudn 8.00 a piece but.. each week when you get your mail there is a 40% off coupon just go in and get you a page already done.. that is what I amthinking about doing I also like Sandy toes Idea about the digital book.. I have a 16 month old and a 26 month old and neither of mine have a book and I feel guilty!! but then again my older brother had a baby album and i dont HAHA I now know why.

  27. Well, my first born has over 100 pages in her scrapbook,my second daughter has 1 (yes, I said one),my third daughter has a book (no pages complete), and my 4th daughter is lucky she has a name!

    Don't get behind, you will never have time when baby #2 arrives. I promise :) It is a good busy though!

  28. Oh GIRL!!!!!! I have your answers! You were me about 4 years ago....so totally me! I'm so willing to help you i'll even send you a Birth To 18th Months story starter that will help you write your babies stories...then if you want I'll help you publish it online into a real book. Cherish Bound has an online book builder...it's awesome! I just finished my twins book...well, actually I'm on book #2 for them, but I've been able to go from 4 scrapbooks in about 8 years to 65 published! So i'll help you!!! I could go on and on, but i won't hog up your comment section....but seriously, Cherish Bound is the answer. And i've been you and i know how important it is to get these sweet little stories saved before they get forgotten or you get too far behind...see i'm rambling...but I love this! No mess, no junk piled in boxes and the books can be set out and they don't weigh 29 pounds either...let me know if you want some help! :O)

  29. Okay...I just read all of your comments...I must save all of you :O) I get so fidgety when I hear a mommy's cry for memory-keeping help :O) I'll help you guys... If I can do it my way with 5 kids trust, me I can help you! One thing that's different about Cherish Bound is that you can write FULL stories! So if you don't have pics it's okay.....and if you have lots of pics that okay too...

  30. I know there are several good digital baby book sites out there, and I would try to find one of them. I find scrapbooking very hard to do if I have to go back and play catch up. I was current with Carson but am now behind with Kamree. There is not enough time in the day!

  31. Alright~ my confession? I haven't worked on Bryce's since he was 3 and he's almost 8 1/2 now! And, I haven't even begun one for Miss Priss. So sadly, I'm worse at this and don't have a bit of good advice! But, I am going to use www.blurb.com to make a book for each kiddo on my 'blogiversary' each year to hold on to for them! Lots of hugs~ Les

  32. I do all my scrapbooking on Shutterfly now. I LOVE it! You can scan anything in, cards, momentos, etc. I love that you do not have to lug all kinds of stuff out. I can do it for a few minutes and then stop if needed and there is not a messs. Best of all, it is saved on a server so if, Heaven forbid, anything were to happen to my house my scrapbooks would be replaceable. Give it a try!

  33. The main thing that will help you is to have your photos organized. That is one of the biggest "mental blocks" to getting started. I encourage you, especially since your children are so very young, to look into the Creative Memories Power Sort Box. It is a big box and as you develop your photos, put them in the box...in order. When your children are grown up, they will all be in chronological order! It is SO GREAT.
    There is room at the top of the box for large photos...view at www.mycmsite.com/marycluley
    "shop products" "traditional scrapbooking", then "organizers." I have one for each of my 3 children. You will be more organized when you are READY to get started! Good luck to you1

  34. Love your new layout:) Let me know if you get the scrapbooking thing all figured out! I'm about 7 years behind on my oldests' and 5 years behind on my youngests! I think it is ideal to have a designated space for scrapbooking. That way you can leave everything out and do a little here and there when you get time.
    What a gorgeous view from you house!(I'm a few posts behind)

  35. Don't feel bad, my first has her baby book because her Nana did it and that was ONLY because all of the other, younger teachers that she was working with dabbled in scrapbooking. My youngest who is now 2, has nothing...not even an album full of pictures. I feel horrible!

  36. I'm sorry I can't help. I've collected so much scrapbooking supplies and then just couldn't get into it. I'd rather have pictures to frame than to sit in a book. But take your time... you have years with your daughter and it doesn't have to be "perfect" or be completed overnight. When she looks at this later, she will probably prefer a few special pictures, rather than a huge bulging book from every year. I don't know.. it could get overwhelming. But what do I know.

  37. I am the wrong person to ask....you are way ahead of me!

    Part of the reason I started blogging was to make up for my lack of time and patience with scrapbooking!

    Good luck!

    I will be reading all of your other comments!

    Enjoy your weekend!


  38. I gave up on scrapbooking! I'm too perfectionistic and I don't have anywhere to lay all my stuff out so I was perpetually frustrated! Soooooooooooo...I did my son's baby book on Shutterfly - it was so super easy...and I love how it turned out!

  39. I'm absolutely no help at all with this. I'm like you, I tend to do the projects that I can actually see. When you find out the secret...let me know! I'm terrified of starting a baby book for the one on the way, anticipating that it will get half done.

  40. I too have a ton of scrap booking materials and have yet to start. If there is someone in your area that sells the supplies they will sometimes hold a class once a week or once a month. That helps to give you a jump start and she will be so helpful with great ideas.

    So many people have given you great ideas. The one thing I did for my children was a journal. Kids do and say things that you think you're going to remember but may not. There isn't a spot for it in a regular baby book so I kept a journal for each one. I wrote my personal thought to them also. You don't have to write in it every day and I have to admit I slacked as they got older. It does make a great keepsake.

  41. I am so sad to say that I still have Kaishon's baby book sitting in my dresser drawer COMPLETELY undone. The drawer is STUFFED full. I really want to do it. When I get all the scrapbooking stuff out and look at it, I feel SO overwhelmed. I am going to read your comments and see if you got any good ideas!

  42. here's an idea that some of the moms at our church do often... they come up to the church during the week, find an empty sunday school room and lay out all their "to do" pages. they find that they get a lot done without a lot of distractions! hope you find time to get some of your "craftiness" done soon...

  43. well here's some inpsiration, don't let your baby get to 13 and you still haven't done it...like me!

    one of the best things I find is the babysteps thing, just do one page and stop, next night one etc etc

    hope you have fun!


  44. I wish I knew the secret to motivating yourself. I have a closet full of scrapping supplies that have hardly been touched since my second was born 4 years ago. I just don't seem to have too much time, and when I do, I'm not motivated at all to drag it all out.

  45. I don't know what to tell you about scrapbooking. I have a love/hate relationship with it! I started doing it when our first daughter was born. She now has 5 completely full scrapbooks and she is 10. Our other daughter has 2 and she is 4. I scrapbook in binges. I will work on it for weeks, get caught up and then not do it for months! Sometimes I wish that I had never started!

  46. I bought all the scrapbooking supplies and books and only 5 pages were ever completed.This was about 8 years ago. I'm now hooked on shutterfly and do all my scrapbooking on-line. It takes me only a couple of hours to complete a 20 page book. I get instant satisifaction in completing my books. I mostly do travel and year in review books now. And I love that there are many different layouts depending on the book type.

  47. I agree with most of the other comments!! Once you get started, that will be your motivation! I love to scrapboook, but like you said, sometimes I get stuck in a rut and it's hard to get motivated! I set aside time to work on, get all of my materials out, and begin! Then, I see how great it looks and I want to finish it!

    Good Luck!

  48. I feel the exact same way and my pile looks like yours! I have a 4 and 6 year old with 1 page done in each book! I find I love to create, but I want to see it! Not to boast to others about a project done, but a feeling of accomplishment in my home. Carrie, I know your heart means well girlfriend and I know you are the best mom! But, on the other hand you and me may not be the super scrappy moms that we desire to be. Having 2 kids is the best thing God has blessed me with, but it is an adjustment. Sounds like we all have a common problem. Chin up girly.....your babies will remember your beautiful home and love.

  49. Hi Carrie :)

    I have never scrapbooked... shame on me, huh? I have their baby books that I bought and filled in though.

    When you find out the secret for motovation though, please let me know ;)


  50. Maybe you can give yourself a period of times to work on it, a couple weekends, or evenings, once you get started you'll probably get more motivated to finish :) And you can show us some pages too! We'd love to see them! A couple from the beginning and a couple from the end so we know you finished it, ha!!

  51. There are people out there that will do your book for you.
    Give them your pictures give them some information and your book is done

  52. You can buy digital photo frames here in Canada that allow your photos to flip. I'm not at sure the price or specifics but perhaps you could do one of those scrap book pages like you did for your header in regards to each page you what in the baby album and have them "flip" in the digital frame.

    It's just a thought.

    Slide.com also allows you to make slide shows and you could perhaps make a digital CD to which you can add, edit and delete information in a viewable format.

    Just a thought... hope it helps.

  53. Hi Carrie...I have an award for you over at my place (or I will on Monday ;-) )

  54. I was in the same boat as you , a lot of work that isn't seen. But, I am going to do my pages then buy a digital picture frame and upload them onto it. That way you view all your pictures constantly within clutter around.

  55. Here are my tips...
    1. rather than starting from when she was a baby, start from this moment on. It is much easier to scrapbook memories that are fresh in your mind. Then set aside time to do a few pages of her baby book.

    2. I do digital scrapbooking because I find it is easier, takes less time and there is no clean up.

    3. If digital scrapbooking seems daunting, you should check out smilebox.com. That is as easy as it can get. You just drag and drop your pictures into a pre-made template, print it and stick it into and 8 x 8 sized album.

  56. I have to tell you.....though I love doing scrapbook pages by hand...they are very time consuming. I was also getting further and further behind. I ended up getting Scrapbook Factory and started doing digital pages. I caught up VERY quickly and then can still do some hand made pages also. Try the digital pages....there are tons of layouts and things to add to the pages so you can customize them basically like you would a hand made one. I keep all of them in binders in sheet protectors in date order so I have the digital mixed in with hand-made. People come over and look through them and oooh and ahhh over ALL the pages. Just an idea you might try.

  57. I'm right where you are - I'm curious to see what you end up doing. My plan right now is to wait till they are all in school full time. I don't want to be so busy scrapping that I miss out when they are right in front of me wanting to play and snuggle.

  58. I totally can relate. Our wedding photos and the scrapbook stuff I bought that my friend urged my to buy are still sitting in a heap in the closet:( I'd just rather do things around the house.

  59. I wish I knew the secret to motivating yourself. I have a closet full of scrapping supplies that have hardly been touched since my second was born 4 years ago. I just don't seem to have too much time, and when I do, I'm not motivated at all to drag it all out.



  60. starting is the hardest part but once you do...iys addicting! and I truly believe there is NO greater gift or lrgacy to leave your kids, they'll choose it over a instant grad lampshade(although PRECIOUS and still important) any day! now, get started already!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)