
One of My Favorite Blogs


(I'm not from the South but I am allowed to say that today due to my subject matter.)

I can't believe I've never introduced you to my cousin Jenny.  She lives in Atlanta (hence the y'all) and is a real interior designer.  Like, one that actually went to school for it.  Unlike me, who went to the Ballard-Designs-Pottery-Barn-Craig's-List-Country-Living-Magazine-Garage-Sale School of Design. 

Here she is, with her adorable son, Ward.

A few years ago, Jenny started a blog called Long & Found.  She is so talented, I can't even tell you.  Just look at this pumpkin she created for her son's preschool fundraiser.

Or these gorgeous chairs that she re-did. (Garage sale find! Love that.)

She has lots of DIY posts, which are my favorite kind.  You have to check out her son's room and the growth chart she made from a 1x10, white paint and a steel wool and vinegar concoction to oxidize the wood.

Now, I should warn you that Jenny just released some very exciting news...she's due with identical twin boys this summer!  She's going to be one very busy mama of three pretty soon!  I follow her on Pinterest and I know she's plotting a big boy room for her soon-to-be two year old, and a nursery for her little guys too.  I'm so excited to see what she does next!

In advance, you're welcome.  You'll love her!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Carrie, you are so sweet! Thanks for such a nice post- now that you've been tracking me on pinterest I really do need to get going on the nursery :) xo


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)