
Postcard from Hibernation #3

Once upon a time (15 years ago, to be exact), I purchased this dresser for $20 at an estate sale. (I blogged about it here if you'd like to know more!) It was a horrible shade of green, and I spent the whole summer stripping and refinishing it.

My dresser gave me a lot of good years in it's refinished state. One day, however, I started wondering if, perhaps, it needed a little makeover. After all, how good would any of us look if we hadn't changed our style in 15 years? Don't answer that.

(And yes, that is a photo of me in overalls, circa 1996. See? We all need a little upgrade sometimes!)

About this same time, I stumbled across Miss Mustard Seed's blog. That girl is a genius! She does some amazing things to furniture, and I fell in love with this dresser:

So, when I had a few days of nothing on the calendar, I whipped out my paintbrushes and got to work.

My dresser looks like a whole new piece! I used leftover off-white paint in my garage, as well as some wall paint from my kitchen (Sherwin Williams Comfort Grey). Then I just sanded the edges and roughed it up a bit.
This girl's got at least 15 more years in her now!


  1. Amazing redo!! Love it. So glad you "blogged" again--Miss your ideas and decorating--I love to copy and you are a great sorce for wonderful ideas!Don't be such a stranger to us--please...

  2. Love it!! That turned out so cute! Hope all is going well with you and your sweet family!


  3. That is awesome! Before was beautiful too (both of you)! ;)

  4. looks so fresh and new totally different! Love it.

  5. So happy to hear from you again! Love the dresser. Let us hear from you soon!

  6. Welcome back! We missed you!

    Your dresser turned out FABULOUS! I wish I could ship a piece of furniture off to you to be redone! I don't even know where to start! You are soooo talented!

  7. I was just thinking about you the day before yesterday. Great to see your post.
    Ha ha, those overalls crack me up. I had a pair too. :)
    The dresser looks amazing! Nice work, as always!

  8. I love how the top of the dresser is left unpainted. It looks terrific.

  9. Great job! What a great piece with great colors. :)

  10. I think so many of us easily think of just selling things or throwing them away because they just don't offer what they used to offer. And, I wish that more of us could think like you!

    Lately I'm loving soft blues, whites, grays, and I love what you did with this piece of furniture. As always, a job well done, Carrie!

  11. Love, love, love it! So glad you came out of hibernation ... I've missed you! Enjoy your summer!

  12. Loved it before, love it even more now! Great job!

  13. Wow, It looks awesome. Now I want to find and old dresser and redo it. Deana

  14. I just look the look...I had an old dresser someone gave me, so I went out this past weekend and got all the paint to redo it like yours. It turned out amazing. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  15. Oh my word! That is just a genius at work! It couldn't have come out any better...

  16. Just wanted you to know that you were thought of today! Hope you are doing well!

  17. Your chair reminded me of the lobby at this hotel and restaurant:
    If you have never been it is a real treat.

  18. you did her a beautiful favor!!! really a gorgeous piece and you chose wonderful colors! enjoy your "new" dresser!

  19. So...I totally LOVE This! Well done! I've never been a good painter. Wanna come help a sister out??? ;)

    ps - My word verification is "messess". Kid you knot.

  20. Ha! I thought I was the only geeky gal who told bloggers what my verification words were, Shannan! In fact, I resisted doing just that earlier this evening. : ) Carrie, your dresser looks beautiful and I hope you're having some really great yummy, restful family time.

    Happy Fall!

    : )

    Julie M.

  21. i need you back blogging.
    miss you

  22. I just stumbled across your blog for the first time. I great collection of informative information, You have a beautiful home. The pumpkins and all your recipes. are my favorite.

  23. What a great looking piece, My furniture 's Old White is almost gone so I think I will mix it with various colurs and make it more attractive. Will be best looking with combo of white and lavender.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)