
Do Bees Hibernate?

This was the question I typed into my Google window the other day. A strange one, to be sure. But one that has become important to me as I crafted this blog post in my head. (And, to answer your curiosity, some bees do hibernate over the winter, clustering together to generate heat. Don't ask me about the details; they are fuzzy at best!)

You see, like the bees, I am going into hibernation.

I thought about just calling it a mini-vacation. I also thought about stopping my blog altogether. Neither one seemed right. I have loved having this blog as a personal playground, a creative outlet in an otherwise suburban, husband- and kid-centered life. I don't want to cancel it, but I am also at a point where my "real" life is calling to me, louder and much more insistently than my blogging life.

It used to be that I was overflowing with ideas. Decorating, crafting, cooking, homemaking. I always had something new up my sleeve. But lately, since our move to California, I've been feeling a bit dry. My rental house is all set up, painted and decorated. At least for the immediate future, my work is done. We don't know how long we'll be here; my husband's job is stable and hopeful. His company is based here in northern California, and we've chosen to make the move here so that he can have every opportunity to learn and grow and strive. Until we know more about the next career steps, though, we don't want to buy another house...

...So, yes, it feels very uncertain and unknowable. I think we're looking at a couple of years here at least. Long enough that I know I have to put down roots. I can't just cruise through this period of life, closing my eyes, working on house projects and not leaving time for anything else, and hoping it will be over soon. I have to engage in it, live it, connect to it. And I also have these precious kids to think about. Nina is four and Henry is two, and I want to intentionally invest in these years with them, and not let them pass me by while I am pursuing other, more "important" things. (Please know I am not exercising judgement on anyone else's life with these statements. I just know my own personal pitfalls, and am trying to be honest about them.)

In essence, I feel like I am putting a part of my life in hibernation too. Turning inward, towards my family and my life here, fighting for survival through this winter-ish season in my life, hunkering down.

It's not that I will stop being creative, doing projects, loving the thrill of the thrift store hunt. I am sure I will poke (buzz?) my head in and out from time to time. If I work on a project, or discover some new craftiness, I will want to share it with you. But my buzzings will become much less frequent, for the foreseeable future anyway, and I felt you might want an explanation.

So, you see? Not just a simple bloggy break, but not a permanent departure, either. A hibernation. For an undetermined amount of time. (It's a good thing that some bees do hibernate, or else this analogy would have fallen apart a few paragraphs ago!)

Thanks for sticking with me all this time. I will miss you. Stay well.


  1. Sweet Carrie--I'll miss seeing you buzz around, but it's not about me :) You have to do what is right for your family. Period. As a mom, our greatest influence is in our homes. Enjoy this time with the babies in the California sun!

  2. I've enjoyed watching you turn your rental into a cozy home! I look forward to hearing from you again! I soooo understand .... life gets 'buzzzzzy' and you must embrace those precious babes! Look forward to hearing from you again!

  3. please, please, please, enjoy your hibernation time--you will be missed but we all know you will enjoying peace, love and fun with the kiddos and hubby in sunny CA!

  4. You're not only an incredible decorator, but you're one smart lady. Enjoy your time in the Bay Area. There are so many sites to see and places to enjoy. (I grew up in Los Gatos -- I should know!)

  5. oh, carrie! i totally and completely understand!! i also have a four year old and a two year old....in a flash, my four old seems so much older! how did they grow up?? enjoy your time ~ it goes by way too fast!

  6. Carrie,
    Many blessings to you! Enjoy your hibernation but I will still be looking at your photos for inspiration. I finisehd a project last week that I just blogged about and linked to you. I swear I wasn't looking for the exact fabric! Take care and Im praying for gusto to get out there and experience everything CA has to offer.

  7. I am definitely bummed to read this but I understand and respect it. I literally just posted *yesterday* about how you were one of my favorite blogs! lol How ironic. You still will be - I'll just have to satisfy myself with old pictures of your house for inspiration.

    I do hope you'll keep giving us snippets of your creative ideas - maybe even just once every few months if it's not too much trouble?! :)

  8. Good for you! I always enjoy your decorating inspirations but even more inspirational is your decision to live intently the moments that you don't want to miss. May your time focusing on the important things in life be blessed greatly!

  9. Carrie, as you know, I think you're wonderful. I've been inspired by your blog, but I'm even more inspired by your decision to focus more on your family and to live fully in this season of your life!

  10. Carrie,
    Kudos. On the other side of this season, I'm sure you will see that you made the right choice and will be amazed at how God has blessed you.
    That being said, I plan to keep your blog in my reader so I can enjoy any posts you do write.
    I appreciate you! God bless,

  11. It makes me like you so much more to hear you describe your situation. You know where you are, you know where you want to be, and you're going to get there. Good for you!

    Thanks for all your ideas!

  12. Good for you for following your heart and what you know is right for you and your family.You will never regret that. You know you are one of my favorites and I'll still be watching to see if you pop in with some of your wonderful ideas/tasteful decorating. xxoo

  13. You are a wise woman. I hope your hibernation is restful and rejuvenating. You'll never regret investing the extra time in your real life.

  14. Your blog was one of the very first that I found and followed. Love your decorating and style! I understand your hibernation completely - I have 2 small kids, too. Take care. I will still go back thru your older posts for inspiration and look forward to new ones when you're ready!

  15. Carrie,

    You have sure had a lot going on! I am in Northern CA too... if you are near the Sacramento area, email me!

    Anyway, focusing more on family is always a good thing. I've been there too lately and it is wonderful. It really helps put/keep what is important into perspective.

    Hugs to you,

  16. I guess I've been in hibernation as well because it's now March 2nd and I'm just now reading this post. Tonight I was thinking about how long it's been since I've been online to read others blogs and that's okay by me. :) Sometimes LIFE is just more important than blogging. ;)

    Enjoy your hibernation. I have you on google reader so if you post it will show up on there for me.

  17. Enjoy your time with your children and husband as you have earned it. Circumstances required a move from the Bay Area 23 years ago, but I still miss it so!! I hope you come to love it. BTW, hibernation is a good thing, you know!

    (I'm so sorry about the ad that appeared that I didn't see. I'm sure it has some bearing on all this.)

  18. God Bless you and your beautiful family, Carrie! It's not quite the same thing...but I find hibernating hornets in my outbuildings all the time. Have a sweet and restful, meaningful journey...

    : )

    Julie M.

  19. Well best wishes to your husband as he pursues this career! I know you will thrive in whatever community you are a part of : )

    Blessings to you Carrie. Love, Becky

    PS Just make sure that your family is still a HUGE part of your lives. Careers are very important and wonderful and great for earning and living yadda yadda yadda, but family is everything. You don't want to ever get to the end and wish your kids would have been around their grandparents more. You know? I mean, you might have a super fabulous mansion, and AMAZING careers and all the prestige in the world, but if the kids miss out on knowing their grandparents...what does it matter? I was recently offered a job in California. It was a position that would bring prestige and glory, but none of that mattered to me one second. I just couldn't take my child away from my family. That matters most.

  20. While I know you are taking a break, wanted to let you know that you were thought of and prayed for last night.

    I was polishing my silver and thought, "I hope Carrie is enjoying using hers."

  21. I have been hibernating too since December I wish you the best and enjoy those kiddos. Mine are now 29, 26 and 22. The years went by too fast and the one thing I regret is not spending more time playing and being silly with my children. I do that now with my grandchildren and what fun we have!

  22. will definitely miss your posts but i totally hear you on the "real life" part needing more time and attention - i have definitely not posted as often as i would like because there just are not enough hours in the day. i will check back from time to time to see if you had a minute to post about any decorating ideas, though :) by the way - did you receive the most recent pottery barn catalog (it might have been the bed and bath one) with the bees on the sheets and bedding??? i thought of you - they are really cute!

  23. I don't know if bees hibernate but I wish this bee didn't :( Although I also know what it's like to be a busy mama and family is always the priority. I will just wait until a new post shows up on my blogroll and be very happy when it does!

  24. I miss your great posts....

  25. I am new to your blog so I am sorry that you are leaving for a while but glad that you are doing what is best for you and your family.Hope that the Lord Blesses you greatly in whatever endeavor you choose.

  26. I hope you do pop back in from time to time...enjoy your life and thank you for the good reads!

  27. Hi
    Good way of describing this. Good to see that some people really write good content nowadays!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)