
My Pretty Girl's Room

Months and months ago, I got an offer from Dutch Boy Paints to review their product. Obviously, they know my affection for painting things. What with moving my whole house (twice) and all, it has taken me a long time to get around to using the paint that they sent me.

Oh, how it was worth the wait!

I promised my four-year-old, Nina, that her room would be the first room painted in the new house. I selected "Delicate Pink" from Dutch Boy's collection. Here's Nina's room before:

And here is the after! Excuse the harsh lighting; I was trying to get a photo with the accurate color of the walls. It's a pale pink that doesn't overwhelm you with it's pink-ness, which I love.

Nina's room is small, but I am so happy with the color because it gives it a warm glow when the morning sun comes in.

I will be telling you more about this birdcage (below) soon, and also about the desk (above).

The gallon of paint was more than enough to cover the walls in one coat. That is reason enough for this mother-with-no-time to become a convert!

Dutch Boy paint in Delicate Pink. I love it!


  1. What a great paint color!

    Can't wait to hear about the birdcage :)

  2. So pretty! I've missed you and somehow missed your last post! Going back to read it now! Two moves --oh my!!


  3. It looks great! I knew it wouldn't take you long to break-in the new home!

  4. I love the pink walls! Just stopped by to let you know I gave you an award today, stop by when you have a chance to accept:

  5. It's lovely! She's a lucky girl :)

  6. Pink Girlie Prettiness.... Just perfect for a little chickie!

    Warm blessings,

  7. Dear Carrie, Oh, that is the perfect pink, so soft, almost a shell pink. Just lovely. Hugs, Joyce

  8. Carrie, I love all things "prissy" so I definitely think this room is adorable - the perfect pink!

  9. I LOVE it! I had painted my oldest daughter's room a pink that just isn't right. Now that room is her baby sisters and I'm wanting to redecorate it in a similar style to yours. I will definitely check out the paint!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)