
My New Kitchen

Today I want to show you our new (to us) kitchen! First, a few "before" shots:

Originally the kitchen and breakfast area were painted a nice, sunny yellow. I was thrilled because I thought the color would work really well with my furniture, which it did. Unfortunately, however, once I added my buffalo check curtains (an absolute necessity, as the kitchen faces the back of the house and gets crazy sun) it looked like Big Bird's house. Yellow, yellow, and more yellow.

Luckily, our landlord was OK with us doing a little painting. As soon as I got his approval, I was at the store in a heartbeat! The color? Sherwin-Williams' "Comfort Gray."

Seriously, I had that kitchen painted in a few hours! Nothing like impatience as the great motivator, huh?

The curtains seem right at home now, and I think the new wall color looks great with the trim and the cabinets.

I am also loving the lack of bugs out here in California...we can leave these doors open all the time!
Remember my subway sign? It's got a new home now!

And of course no room (of mine) would be complete without a wreath of some kind. I have an obsession.

The walls seem to change colors throughout the day, as all paints do. Sometimes it looks more gray, sometimes blue and sometimes green. I am really enjoying it!


  1. I love the color you chose. It really brings out those adorable curtains. I live in Southern California and there are a few things I love about it, we have the beaches and mountains so close, no humidity, and you can wear sandals year round. Oh and Disneyland :)

  2. Your kitchen is beautiful. It is amazing what a color change did for the space! I love the decor as well!

  3. Yay for Comfort Gray!! I'm thinking of painting my dining room this color! It looks great with your yellow check drapes.

  4. love it! I have been thinking of painting my bedroom comfort gray, It is such a pretty color. Your drapes are darling!

  5. Looks great, Carrie! Love the color. You're really turning this new house into your family's very own home.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Another beautiful room. Great job & thank heaven for landlords who trust renters.

  7. Beautiful Carrie... praying those Buffalo checks add a little home to the place!

  8. That's it!! That's the color I've been looking for! I love you for posting this. You're kitchen is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing!

  9. Wow! Looks totally lovely as your other home did and every other room you create! lol :) So beautiful!!!!!!!!

  10. I also love it! The color is very soothing!

  11. The color really is perfect in the space, and great with the check curtains. And, somehow I love the curtains so much more now.

  12. Oh I die for the window pain cabinets. I WILL have those some day. Y'all did such a wonderful job! Looks wonderful Love.

    Hope you're having a fabulous week so far,

  13. It looks great Carrie! I love Comfort Gray. We are painting ours Sea Salt, just a shade lighter than Comfort Gray. The curtains are perfect in that space! Glad you're getting settled in! And three hours?? We've been in our house eight months are I have a half finished living room. (Not really my fault though!)

  14. susie from bienvenue has used that same color.
    It seems folks have really fallen in love with that color. I guess it's the new white....it's a great color to match with so many different styles and colors. Neutral enough, but like you said it changes throughout the day.
    I love your buffalo check curtains. They look great against the new paint.
    You have a really great landlord to let you paint.

  15. I would have never guessed a gray would look so great with those curtains! Wow, it looks wonderful, Carrie! I am so envious of NO BuGS!!! Beautiful area!

    Thanks, too for your sweet email!

  16. Beautiful. I love the color you choose. It really does go so well with your curtains. You really do decorate so beautifully. I just love your style.

  17. What a pretty kitchen and the sunlight is to die for! So glad you are able to make your house feel like home!

  18. Carrie, Your new home is looking BEAUTIFUL! Hope you are getting adjusted to CA and living in your new home :)

  19. Love the changes it really is beautiful and now it looks like you! I hope the kiddos are making the adjustment well.

  20. Love the way the curtains match perfectly!!!! Love the comforting color you picked!

  21. Oh my - so beautiful! And no bugs??? Wow -- how wonderful is that!


  22. Looks great! You've gotta be loving that view, too!

  23. Absolutely lovely -- I would never have paired that color with the drapes and it's gorgeous!!

  24. Really beautiful color!
    So, this week we redid Kaishon's room. I tried to channel you : )

    I hope it worked : )

  25. Beautiful home! Can you tell me where I can get curtains like that or fabric to make them? It is such a large check and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks, Laura


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)