
Lampshade Advice

Remember I told you I was nesting, but almost in reverse? Knowing that once we move to California, I might (gasp!) not be able to find my hot glue gun for awhile...well, that's got me all fired up! And since I feel rather helpless and immobile as we wait to sell our house, I find myself inventing projects to keep the stress at bay.

Here's my latest. It's an old milk jug that used to be my mom's, converted into a lamp. I love it!

ItalicIt's absolutely huge! And it's currently being re-wired by my handy husband, who is not quite so energized by my projects, but is nice enough to comply.

The old lampshade was classic 1970s, and it had to go. So I recovered a Goodwill shade with some burlap. I love how it looks, but now I have a dilemma. Should I add anything to the shade, do you think? Maybe something like this bee?

Or maybe a letter or some numbers, kind of like on this lamp, but on the shade instead of the base?
OK girls, I need your advice! What would you do?

Thank you!!


  1. I like the Bee but about what just some thick black trim?

  2. We are moving out of state and our house is currently on the market too! I am also doing little projects left and right to keep busy. My husband doesn't understand why I am still trying to decorate this house when we are moving. :)

    I love the lampshade with the bee. I have that page in my inspiration folder too. It reminded me of some things I have seen at Ballard designs lately. You should check out their site for pretties with bees on them.

    I think the bee and the black trim would be nice or even just some sort of simple decorative trim or ribbon would be nice too. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  3. well since fall is just around the corner i would go for a number or a letter.........lamp shade turned out really nice

  4. I like the bee or maybe a monogram!

  5. I'd go for a design on the shade, as this is more easily changed out if you tire of it. I love the bee, but a monogram would be great too. Cool lamp!
    We're going through the struggle of deciding whether to move from our dream house for my hubby's job also. We too would be moving to a much more expensive area, and would need to downsize. I understand your stress/excitement!!
    Life is never boring!

  6. OK I'm not going to be much help but, I like BOTH ideas!

    Michelle @ One Crafty Chick's Creations

  7. I love the bee.

    Good luck with selling your house and the move to CA. God has everything planned and His timing is perfect!

  8. I love the lamp and I think a monogram would look GREAT :)

  9. How about est. with the year you were married??

  10. I LOVE the Queen Bee!! Thinking I NEED to have her SOMEWHERE in my house!!!
    I think Patty P's idea is GREAT though!!! LOVE that idea!!

    I've been away from the blogging world for quite some time now. Life just has a way of taking over sometimes, yaknow?!? :)
    ...not to mention the past few times I've tried uploading pics to MY blog I had issue after issue and finally just said forget it! Anyways, not sure WHERE in California you're moving to, will have to catch myself up, but happy moving and like someone said up above, God's timing. Just keep a positive attitude and look for the good in it all and you'll be JUST FINE!!!! It's so exciting moving, I think. Meeting new people, seeing new places!!! You can ALWAYS go back and visit where you moved from!!!!

  11. I like the Bee! I'm sure whatever you decide will turn out fabulous! :)


  12. I'd like to see the details on the milk jug brought out a little more.

  13. I think I would do a monogram on the lamp shade and also some trim on the shade! Good luck on your move I hope your house sells quickly!

  14. I like the idea of trim on the shade to make it pop. I think you could tire of the bee, so maybe trim that is more vibrant (like a bold line with a skinner line inside)? It just feels like bees are in style so you may want to change it, though it is cute. I wouldn't paint the base, but that may be me :)

  15. First off, so sweet of your husband to rewire the lamp. I want to learn how so I can do my own. :)

    I definitely think a design on the shade would add a nice touch. Love the bee or number idea so I am no help as to what design to use. ;)

  16. I vote for black cording around the top and bottom rims of the shade ( well, up /down an inch or so) and then sand off the writing on the base a little so it is more visible.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)