
For Sale!

Well, it's official. This sign appeared in my front yard yesterday:

I apologize for being so MIA lately. We decided to sell (as opposed to rent to tenants) our house earlier this week, and our days have been filled with getting-the-house-ready-to-sell types of activities.

There I was, thinking "There can't be anything the realtor would want to change about my house to make it sell faster!" Ha. Ha Ha. Pride comes before the fall, my friends! Turns out there's a whole list of things that needed to happen, in order to maximize the square footage and various other features of this house. So much of my stuff has now been moved to the basement, in order to make the rooms look larger, that I am surprised my husband hasn't broken something. Either a bone, or maybe one of my knickknacks, out of frustration.

In the good news department, we already had our first showing this morning and our realtor seems hopeful that we won't sit on the market too long. I'm not holding my breath, though.

Mostly because I am so tired from all these house projects, I might pass out.


  1. Good luck! I remember selling out last house and it is a PITA. I will keep my fingers crossed it goes quickly.

  2. What a lot of work, but it will be worth it. If I lived in your area I would buy your house because it is so lovely. I love your front porch. Good luck!!!

  3. I hope it all works out-the move to San Fran will be exciting!
    This midwest girl LOVES San Fran-so you find me a bit envious of your move-
    God Bless!

  4. I found your blog via my friend Jill and just had to pop in to
    say hello. I used to live in Castle Rock;-), but now live outside of Chicago. ( we also lived in the bay area, so I think you will love it).
    Good luck with your move!

  5. Hey! We want to move to Denver...lol...selling a home is SO much work, agh. You have a gorgeous home though.

  6. I just finished up with this process. Listed my house at the end of April and closed beginning of June. It was definitely a process! good luck!

  7. Good luck with your move. By the way, do you know how your friend's son, "the other Henry", is doing. I've checked her site from time to time but no updates. Think of him lots.

  8. Hope you sell your home quickly. We've had ours on the market since March. Crossing fingers it sells before new house is finished.

    The toy chest looks great under that table. And I love your wall color. What's the name of the paint?


  9. I'm thinking that whomever lies their hands on your house has got a lot of luck in their blood!

    I'd go all in just to have that things furnished. I bet it's so stinkin' cute!

  10. Good Luck on your move! Will you be posting on your blog as to when you are having your garage sale??

  11. Good luck with your sale! We've been renting an apartment out to tenants and sometimes it's great but we've had a few stresses too! If you're able to sell quickly it's the best plan for sure.

  12. Praying for a speedy sell and plenty of peace for your family!! We're in the same selling boat and its not the most fun thing to do, but.... just think of all the fun decorating in your new place! Squeal!

  13. How funny that they had a list! I am sure it wasn't too bad at all though...you have such a beautiful home.

    If it helps, we actually sold our house within 1 mo of listing it. Who knows...maybe the same will happen to you!

  14. I hope things go well for you and the house sells quickly. I know one thing for sure! Anyone that comes to your house will fall in love. You decorate so beautifully!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)