
Please Pray for Henry

**Updated to add: Here is a link to Kara's family blog, Three Little Kings. She just updated with a post about Henry, who is still fighting this awful infection. Please keep praying! I know it means so much to Kara to read your sweet comments. You all brought tears to my eyes with how quickly you responded. Thank you so much!

This is Henry Aaron, the son of my college roommate, Kara. (Kara has a home decorating blog, called home (ec)lectic, which I know is the last thing she is thinking about now.) I am interrupting my usual house-y stuff to ask for prayers for sweet baby Henry, who is in the hospital fighting for his life. This photo was taken the day before he got sick.

Baby Henry is nine months old, and is currently facing pneumonia, a horrific secondary lung infection, blood transfusions, oscillators, you name it. He is a very sick little man. Henry and the doctors are fighting hard, and I'm asking if you would just take a minute and pray for him.

I'll be back next week with some projects I've been working on, and any updates about little Henry. I can tell you one thing for sure: this makes me want to hug my baby Henry and sweet girl Nina extra hard, and thank God for their well-being today.

Thank you everyone!


  1. Just prayed! Can't imagine going through that with my own son!

  2. Just prayed for Henry and his family. Thanks for sharing their situation.

  3. Little Henry and his family are in my prayers!!!

  4. done...please keep us posted on him:)

  5. Just prayed for little Henry and his family. What a terrible thing to be going through.

  6. Praying for that sweet little baby!


  7. I will definitely be praying for Henry!

  8. So heartbreaking! I am sending my prayers.

  9. Poor little guy...Henry has my prayers.

  10. Bless his little heart. I hope he is feeling better soon. Sending hugs and prayers from Nebraska!

  11. I just said a prayer for baby Henry. Please keep us updated. What a precious little baby boy!

  12. Praying for Henry...what a precious boy with a beautiful smile.

  13. I just said a prayer for sweet baby Henry and his family.♥

  14. Many prayers and hopes for good news!

  15. Just prayed and he will be in my thoughts all day.

  16. You might also want to add Evan to your prayer list. He is Allen's (from the Park) 12 year old son who was diagnosed with advanced stage of cancer.Our hearts are heavy this week. Donna

  17. Just prayed for baby Henry and will continue to pray!!

  18. posts like these make craft projects seem so trivial.

    well, i prayed, for you and your boy. i hope it is all really going to work out well for him and for you/the rest of your family.

  19. Father, carry this dear family through these days of fighting for sweet Henry's life. I ask you to heal this little man and let everyone stand back and praise you for your loving kindness and mercy.

  20. I said a prayer for Henry, his doctors and his family. I can only imagine the things they are going through right now.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)