
An Easy Facelift for Antiques!

Hi everyone! OK, this is an absolutely amazing product, and I just had to share. Have you ever heard of Kramer's Best Antique Improver? Let me show you Exhibit A.

This is my husband's grandfather's desk, which we inherited when we got married. It's in good shape, but the wood looks a little dried out and "faded." The dry Colorado climate has not helped. I've tried various furniture polishes and oils, and the desk just soaks it up, then looks the same the next day: sad and worn-out.

Now, check out the same desk, below, about 20 minutes after the above photo was taken, and after one coat of Kramer's Best Antique Improver:

No touch-ups. No special camera effects. Literally, just 20 minutes with a rag and this miracle product (which no one is paying me to rave about). Go ahead, scroll up and compare those photos again. I'll wait. :)

I seriously cannot believe the difference. And I can tell you that, weeks after applying, it still looks this good!

So, if you've got a furniture piece that needs some TLC, invest the $20 to special order Kramer's Best Antique Improver. It's a lot cheaper, and a lot easier, than most of the other treatments out there. And I gotta love the instant gratification!


  1. What a beautiful desk. That's great that you found a product that works so well. My mom has a dresser that I bet this would do wonders with.

  2. That desk is beautiful and how nice that it reminds you of a family member. I definitely have some pieces that could use a boost. I'll have to check it out.
    Thanks for the info.

  3. Love that desk and did check out the site. I have several antiques and will be giving it a try. Thanks for the info. At one time I had 4 antique desks and have given 2 to daughters for their homes. I will have to pass this on.

  4. Wow - that is amazing. I'll have to try it out.

  5. Carrie, that desk is gorgeous!!! Love it so much, and glad to know about the product!



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