
The Chair That Took Nine Months to Cover

Hi, my name is Carrie, and I am here today to tell you what not to do.

Let me start at the beginning. This is my mom. Oh, and that's my sister and me with her. Cute, huh?

About, oh, nine months ago, I had this genius idea to buy a pattern to recover an old Parsons chair that I had. I asked my mom if she would help me cover the chair, seeing as she knows how to sew and has an interior design degree and all.

Sounds resourceful. Smart, even. Who wouldn't rather spend money once on a pattern that keeps on giving, right? Well, you see where this is going, I am sure.

Yep, that's the finished chair. Yep, it looks fantastic, and I really do love it. However, just call my mom and ask her if it was worth nine months of her time, working on that darn thing every time she came to visit. Cursing the pattern that seemed so simple, but was really anything but. Tossing said pattern into the trash and eventually just winging it.

I love the chair! But here's a piece of advice for you. Unless you have endless patience and some kind of advanced PhD in physics and geometry, just buy a chair cover. Heck, you could fancy-it-up with some grosgrain ribbon and other bling.

So I will sit here and admire my chair that took two people to make (mostly my mom...I just cut some fabric and said things like "I can't believe it's this hard!" over and over). The chair that took nine months, endless patience, a chair pattern, a trash can (for aforementioned chair pattern), lots of pins and thread and eye-rolling and just a bit of wine. :)

I love it.

But take it from me: next time, just buy something and be done with it!


  1. I wanted to make an outfit for Anna Claire to see if I liked sewing. Turns out, I don't. There were eye rolls, huffing and puffing and wishing I hadn't taken on the task. Working non-stop, it took me 3 days. I should have included wine...I might have had a better attitude :)

  2. Sugar, I have NEVER, EVER seen a pattern that was as easy as "they" say it is. Example: a little purse sitting on my sewing table that testifies to that and will probably take 9 months to give birth to also! I feel for ya, chick, because I understand completely...

  3. Hi Carrie..
    and Sarah..
    I was taught as a child to sew. both my sis and I were given easy tasks;
    cut a perfect square of white cotton material,turn the seams, press with an iron, and then sew the hems on the treadle machine. then we had to monogram the hankies using an embroidery stitch. Daddy loved them..or so he said.
    the key to doing anything is to start simple, learn the basics by practicing until you are comfortable with the equipment and techniques..then and only then do you choose a much more detailed project.skip the wine.. enjoy yourself with the satisfaction of your own creativity. have the wine in celebration AFTER the project is finished,
    warm sandy hugs..

  4. Carrie, I have been sewing for 40 years and all I can say is that I'm certain some pattern designers use drugs...really. I have seen what should be the simplest pattern completely eat my lunch. Somethings just aren't worth the time and expense!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It really is beautiful! As is your mother (and young!). :)
    Sorry it was such a hassle though! Chalk it up as one of "those" memories! :)

  7. I can totally identify with wanting to make something that would be easier and sometimes cheaper to just buy! :) The chair looks great!!

  8. At least you learned something new with all of this and were able to share it with all of us!

    The slipcover turned out awesome! Love the fabric :-)


  9. Turned out great! Your Mom is so sweet! And you three are very cute! Have a great weekend!


  10. lanni @ dandygiveaway.blogspot.comJune 18, 2010 at 1:32 PM

    wow! it looks great!

  11. Nine months of labor! It sounds to me like you needed a really long lasting epidural(ha ha). Congratulations on your diligence. It turned out beautifully!

  12. So pretty...I love the fabric-
    sandy toe

  13. Amen! I attempted to slipcover a wingback chair.....never again. Your finished product does look great though! :)

  14. ha - I can SO relate. I have two chairs just waiting to be painted and then just have the seat covered...so much easier than yours. It's been four months since I got them at a yard sale. :)

  15. Your post made me smile. :) At LEAST you and your mom finished it. Your mom probably was determined not to let it best her. LOL

    Elisabeth @ Treasuring the Moments

  16. I am so jealous looking at that pic of you guys with the mountains in the background. I miss colorado soooo much. enjoy your vacay!

  17. The chair is beautiful! Where did you find the fabric? Don't you hate it when what you think will be a fairly easy project is anything but?!

  18. Hi Amber,
    Got my fabric at a yard sale, go figure! So I can't tell you for sure, but I think its a Waverly pattern.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)