
Reflections (Ha! Get it?) on a Mirror

OK, so this project has been in the works since July. Remember this photo? I asked you all what to do about this mirror here.

Here's a close up of exactly how disgusting this thing was. But hey, it was $10 at Goodwill. But...gross.

My husband took it apart for me, and I sanded it, cleaned it, and painted it (the paint was Behr's "Country Dairy"). I added a little antiquing polish because, really, it's what I do to everything. (Remember this post?)

It's not exactly what I would have chosen if I had all the mirrors in the world to pick from, but not bad for $10!

And yep, that's a shot of my new guest room, still unfinished, but getting closer all the time. Hopefully I can show it to you soon!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Looks straight out of a catalog - I think you did a great job!

  2. Ha I remember that mirror! I looks great…..and I LOVE the wall color. My friend just painted her guest room that color and she had the hardest time getting the right blue. She was looking for share just like the one on your wall. I’ll have to send her this link.

    Happy Friday to ya!!


  3. It looks great, especially for the price you paid. The slight glimpse of your guest room looks lovely - that looks like a comfy bed with all those pillows!

  4. Great Job! I found a HEAVY 3'x 3' mirror at Goodwill for $12 a few months ago that I plan to sand and stain darker. I just love deals like that!

  5. I like it A LOT! There's just something about round mirrors/frames that I just love. And I love the wall color too! Beautiful!

  6. It looks so pretty--and the price is amazing!

    ~ Sarah

  7. Good job and great price. I like the look it gave that bedroom. I have 2 old mirrors I haven't done anything with yet. Yours might get me moving.

  8. Good job! It looks beautiful!!

    Have a great weekend!


  9. okay...if it's not your favorite and you find your favorite...I have a good home for that mirror. It will be loved and have lots of room to run and play!!!

  10. Looks awfully good to me! The new frame looks really good on those walls. I want to see the whole room!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. I remember you posting about that bad boy and wondered what you had ended up doing with it. Looks great! What a big mirror for so cheap. Can't wait to see the new room...I'm loving the fabrics you've used.

  12. The mirror looks great! Nice, clean and simple. Have you considered hot-gluing some shells or the like around it? Just a thought. Love the color of your guest room.

  13. So pretty. It is amazing what you can do with a little elbow grease. Good Job

  14. I think it looks great!! Can't believe it was the same mirror:)

    Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day!!


  15. What a serene color combination!

    : )

    Julie M.

  16. Looks great!

    So are you re-doing your master, or just using leftover fabric? I love the toile!

  17. That looks so good! Love the color combinations too. I would love to know the name and make of the fabric of the pillow if you know--did you make it? Hope we get to see the curtains too--brown toile, one of my favorites:)

    Great job!


  18. Your mirror looks great! I can't wait to see your finished room and those curtains!!!!! They look lovely....

  19. The entire room came together beautifully. Your guest will feel very comfortable. The mirror is amazing!

  20. Kelli-
    The material on the small pillows on the bed is a Waverly pattern that I bought a few years ago. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of it, but I have seen it since. (Just bought mine at a local fabric store.) Good luck!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)