
Thank You!

OK, hold on.

Nope, that's not it. Let me get this thing in focus.

Oh crap. Where's my head?

Alright, well, you get the idea.

Seriously, thank you so much for your comments regarding my last post. It was so helpful to hear where you all are coming from. If any of you have ever wrestled with some of these blogging issues (and from your comments, I know you do!), I highly recommend reading everyone's responses to me! So gracious, so kind, and so honest. Just what I needed!

So here's my takeaway from all this: I am still going to blog about my home and decorating and crafting, with a splash of my "real" life thrown in there so you know I have dirty dishes on the counter, most likely just pushed out of the way for a photo of something I've spray painted. I am going to let myself off the hook for feeling like I have to respond to every comment and generally be "super-blogger." I am going to be happy that I get to share my ideas with you all, and that you enjoy coming here and tweaking my ideas to fit your own home.

And most of all I am going to communicate how much I appreciate that you do come here, and that you share your day with me. As I read your comments all weekend, I felt a growing sense of freedom and excitement in sharing more of my projects with you, so watch out! It's amazing what a little grace can do, huh? Good life lesson for me, too, actually...

So thank you, thank you, thank you...from the bottom of my crafty little heart.


  1. I just found you a month or two ago through Nester (I think)- and have really enjoyed going back and reading your posts! I think its awesome that you care about your readers so much, and that you've been able to keep up so much communication- The thought alone wears me out!

    I say: craft away, girl! I'll be reading for sure! :)

  2. I"m excited to see what you have stored up! :) I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and I love it!

  3. Carrie, I just read your last two posts. I come to your blog because I LOVE the projects you do and I love the way you decorate. I get so many great ideas from you!! Thank you for sharing them with me and so many others!

  4. Carrie, I absolutely ♥love♥ reading your posts! Love them!

    How I wish I could write and blog like you do! I also wish I had a following like you do! Ha! I'm lucky if I get one single comment on a post! ;o) Yes, I'm serious!

    Keep on posting, we'll be reading!


  5. You are more than welcome. Love your blog and I don't think for a minute that you don't appreciate us readers. Looking forward to many more posts.

  6. Yay, where's the "like" button?!?! Have a great week.

  7. All good lessons learned! Just do your thing & we'll be here (when we can).

  8. Oh my -- you are such a cutie! Here's another question for you -- how do you stay so darn skinny?!!! Really -- tell!

    Have a great week!


  9. I tried twice to comment on the last post, but my internet kept on dieing on me!

    I love all that you do. And if I had a gazillion followers, I don't think it would ever occur to me to try to personally reply to each comment!

    Just keep doing your thing - I love it!

  10. It IS amazing what a little grace can do... I could not agree more. ~ kim

  11. Hi Carrie :)

    Remember me? LOL Maybe not! I read your last post... trust me when I say that I understand. I wrote a post about this very thing not too long ago and that's one of the reasons I hadn't been by. I have WAY too much stuff going on and barely have time to post much less get back to everyone. Anyway, it's good to visit you again and see what's been going on in your life :)


  12. Hi Carrie,

    I read your post below and that's the same question I ask myself all the time. Sometimes I take a week off and post from my archives just so that I have time to get to people at least once. I feel bad that there are people that always comment and I just don't have the time to do so. I can either do stuff or comment, not both usually. So that's how I deal with it.


  13. You are too cute Carrie! (and I love that you can write "crap" on your blog! Ha!) No super blogging necessary - just keep on doing what you're doing - it's great!

  14. SO glad you are feeling better about things:) Can't wait to see all the projects you have up your sleeve for us!!


  15. I love your attitude -- I think it's perfect! Can't wait to see what you come up with in 2010!

  16. You rock Carrie! Can't wait to see what you have in store :-)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)