
My New Favorite Christmas CD

The day after Thanksgiving we love to drive up to the little town of Estes Park, Colorado, where they hold an annual Christmas parade just after sunset. The lights of the parade, the pretty floats and Christmas characters, and the music is just magical!

We all bundle up, as you can see!

This year we wandered into a little shop and discovered Peregrin Road, a local acoustic band. They were just sitting there, live, playing music from their Christmas CD, which I bought on the spot! It's a beautiful mix of guitar, Irish whistle (my favorite) and other things this non-musical person cannot identify.

All I can tell you is that I've been listening to this CD non-stop. Although Frank, Bing, Tony and the rest of the crew will always have top billing at my house, sometimes you just need a little variety in your Christmas music! I love to play this during my (few) moments of peace, or at night when the kids are in bed.

I promise I don't know these guys, and they are not paying me to say this! I just found something that brings me a little calmness and peace during the Christmas season, and wanted to share. Their CD sells on Amazon, or you can go to their website directly to listen and download. If you have a few minutes, I highly recommend it!

Have a great weekend!


  1. You're so right...this album is great. I ordered one on the spot.

  2. Will definitely listen -- if it has your stamp of approval, it's got to be good! Here's a tip from me -- listen to Mulberry Lane (4 sisters from Omaha) www.mulberrylane.com. Maddy & I love them! You have the cutest family -- that Nina and Henry are so adorable!

  3. Both of your pictures are ADORABLE!!!! EVERYONE looks so cute and happy!

    I will go check out that CD right now! I LOVE so many types of Christmas music and that sounds right up my alley!♥

  4. I went over and listened and ordered 2 of their CD's. One for us and one for my parents. LOVE their sound! Thanks Carrie.♥

  5. I haven't heard of them. Off to check out their website. I love Irish music.

  6. Estes Park is SO beautiful this time of year! You all look so cute bundled up! :) You are right... they sound beautiful!

  7. Thanks for sharing your new find. I love the pictures of you and your bundled family...looks like a fun time.

  8. Wow, that is just beautiful music. Thanks for sharing with us.

  9. Their music is beautiful. I love it when people suggest new music to me. Hubby had actually heard of them. I think we are going to order one.

    Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

  10. Thanks for sharing your great new find. Merry Christmas!

  11. I LOVE Christmas music..I will check that cd out!!

    cute family..and blog :)

  12. I love Estes Park...went there on a trip with my parents when I was younger. Colorado is such a beautiful state!!

  13. I just went over and listened to a couple of songs, very pretty.

    I'm so sorry I haven't been by for a while. Google has had my blog so messed up that I have spent hours daily trying to get it fixed and they have no idea how to help.
    I have missed coming by and wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas.
    Merry Christmas

  14. Whta fun! I love lights and a parade. I was out in Aurora Dec. 11-14th and my son and family took me downtown to see the county building. THe lights are awesome. I loved the white and the cool weather.

    Have a Merry Christmas!


  15. I downloaded the album onto my iPod when I read this post and we listened to Peregrin Road over and over and over during Christmastime! Love it--thank you for the recommendation! :)

  16. Margaret (and everyone else who checked out Peregrin Road): I am so glad you love them! Now that Christmas is over, I am missing the calmness that this CD brought to my house...I think I might have to check out their non-holiday stuff. Has anyone else done that yet? Let me know if you do! :)

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    Sincerely yours


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