
My Little Plaid Turkey

We got more snow this weekend in Colorado! It was the perfect weather to sit and work on this little pillow that's been in my head for a while. (Actually, to be honest, I have had the little turkey cut out since last Thanksgiving. But never the motivation to finish the job!)

I thought it was a cute addition to the Thanksgiving decor around here. I am debating if this guy can hang around all year, or does he have to go into hiding after the fall? I just love the colors in the plaid.

What do you think?


  1. I *love* that plaid too... beautiful colors! Who says he has to hide after Thanksgiving? I say if you like it... keep it out!! :)

  2. I think he looks great & should definitely hang around for a while.

  3. Since it looks like you've got more fabric...make other pillows for other seasons. Make a scarecrow for fall, a santa for Christmas (fabric as his pack?), a bunny for spring and summer... Attach the designs with velcro so you don't have to make too many actual pillows.

  4. I think the combo of plaid and corduroy is just perfect!

  5. LOVE it!!! What a cute little pillow!

  6. So adorable! You are so clever!


  7. I am thinking I love it!!! Call me inspired!

  8. That is so cute! Love it. I say keep it out for as long as you can :)

  9. Very Cute. If you enjoy it...It can stay out, all year. Why not, right?!

  10. I think it is completely adorable! Love it.

  11. I think you've added to the list of cute things that you do. Lovely.

  12. Are these the chairs that you recovered on your own? I love them! Do you have a link to how you did it?

  13. What a cute pillow! I love the colors too. I say he can stick around all year. :)

    Hope you're having a great Monday!♥

  14. My vote is to keep it out--it's a conversation piece!

  15. That turned out sooo cute. I love the fabric. I think he can stay out all year!

  16. I say it's your house, so its your call. I have some bunnies I leave out all year because they just make me happy! I think Mr.Turkey may do the same for you. It's adorable!

  17. I love him! He is too cute to put away after Thanksgiving.

  18. So cute. Love it, I think you should leave it out all year around :)

  19. We had snow in Spokane Washington this week too! The kids loved it. . . and I had a perfectly justifiable excuse to listen to my Elvis Presley Christmas CD- not that I needed one ( :

    Very cute pillow. I tried my hand at maple leaf rose centerpiece for our thanksgiving table- but couldn't find enough large leaves ( I waited too long). So I'll have to think of something else homemade to spruce the table up with this year.

  20. I think it is adorable : ) You are so brilliantly creative! I just can't take it!

  21. LOVE IT>..I don't know that I could put him away either......

  22. Awwww too cute... looks great..Oh keep him out year round..I would...

  23. Call me traditional, but I'd put him away after Thanksgiving. He'd lose his specialness if he were hanging around all the time.

  24. you're little plaid turkey is adorable! you are really starting to make me want to learn to sew.

  25. What a cute little pillow. I love the plaid too.

  26. so cute - I'm a huge fan of courdaroy (I totally cannot spell that word tonight!)

  27. Gotta LOVE a plaid turkey! Head on over to my blog for a visit...I'm having a great giveaway!

  28. I love your turkey pillow - and I love your new blog design Carrie! Woo hoo! Happy TG, friend!

  29. Oh, I 'm just popping over from my reader...your site looks fantastic. Love the turkey - how fun. :)

  30. Nice post as for me. It would be great to read more about this matter.
    BTW look at the design I've made myself Russian escorts

  31. Super cute! I am a plaid type person...just love plaids!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)