
Renovated Table Reveal!

I am so excited about this table! It is so much fun to bring something back from the land of decorating neglect. Even better, I think, is being able to shop your basement for things that are ready for a makeover and are also free! This whole project cost about $75. (Replacing the legs was about $50 and the paint and glaze was $25. I already had all the other materials.) Not bad for a whole new table that I adore, huh?

So, once again, here's where we started. A nice, sturdy, heavy and boring work table.

And here she is now, with new paint, new stain, new legs and a whole new look!

And of course you probably noticed what is now sitting on top of my cute new work table. Yep, it's that sewing machine that I keep talking about. I don't know if I've been inspired by the new table or what, but my sewing machine has actually seen some action! I will definitely never win any sewing awards, but stick around to see what I've been making with this gorgeous fabric:

I am heading back to Ohio for a week to visit family and friends, so probably won't be around much until next week. I'll be dreaming of toile in the meantime. See you soon!


  1. Great job! Very cute! Looove the fabric!

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. I love it, it looks amazing! Can't wait to see your sewing project. I love that fabric.

  3. That is supper nice fabric. I have been making outdoor seat cushions out of thrift store vinyl tablecloths. Your table is super nice. Looks good an sturdy for sewing. Enjoy your trip and be safe. Blessings

  4. Turned out very cute.
    I have a desk redo but the rain is not helping. I'm hoping to post it this week.

  5. That definitely does change the feel of that table. Good job!

  6. Great job on the table! Looks fabulous! Love that toile -- can't wait to see what you make with it! Have a great trip!


  7. Ohio? Come visit! Love your new table and can't wait to see what you do with that sewing machine. I'd like to learn eventually.

  8. Your table is perfect. Did you ever sew the drapes with the checked silk fabric?

  9. YOur table is gorgeous. Thanks for taking time to teach us. I love the fabric and can't wait to see what you've done!

  10. What a great transformation. Love it. I can't wait to see your first sewing project.
    Have a wonderful vacation.

  11. Oh, Carrie, it looks fantastic, and a new home for your sewing machine...yea! That itself is motivation to sew, to be able to have it set up out of the way of other things! I LOVE that fabric and look forward to seeing what you are doing with it!


  12. I love it! Love the color combo..looks amazing!! :)

  13. Wow! I do love this table. How exciting to have a place to LEAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE OUT. Way to go! Thanks for showing us all of this, step by step!

  14. Wow, it looks great! I just painted a desk black and I am looking at yours and loving the COLOR!!! Also love the fabric! Have a good trip!

  15. The table looks great....and I LOVE the toile. Can't wait to see the finished project!

  16. That table looks so great! I love the color with the dark stain. I can't wait to see what you make with that gorgeous toile!

  17. Oh my gosh.......your table looks TOTALLY different....what a great makeover! And the toile??? DELISH!

    Smiles and blessings,

  18. Wow! I can't believe that's the same table!!! It looks beautiful!

    Enjoy your trip to see your family!

  19. Love your "new" old table. Fabulous transformation. Thanks for walking us through the process. Enjoy your time away!

  20. Love, love, love the new look on the table!! It is amazing how finishing one project leads to starting another one. I can't wait to see what you do with that beautiful toile!

  21. Oh my word.....LOVE the table!! You did a great job with this project....you should be so proud of yourself!!

    Enjoy your trip!


  22. Great job. I always say paint can fix just about anything. Your table turned out great. I love it.

  23. The table turned out amazing. Great job. Glad to know you'll be in Ohio, we're happy to have you home!! :)

  24. The table turned out GREAT Carrie! And I love how you set up your work station on it! Wowzers!!! I'd want to be a crafting, creating fool with that awesome set up also!
    Give the kiddos some smooches and lovin.
    Lots of hugs, Les

  25. What a great job you did! It looks great!!

  26. I love how your table looks and you couldn't have found a better thing to put on it than a sewing machine.

    Whether you make napkins for your table or a quilt for your bed..enjoy sewing.


  27. I just started reading your blog and I just had to comment on this table! It's just gorgeous! I like!

  28. Hope your trip is MARVELOUS! Love that fabric to bits! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  29. Wow, LOVE the finished table. Love it. Seriously, you would never guess they were the same table. I am really looking forward to some projects I have up my sleeve. THanks for teaching me so many great things. I will be coming back for helpe often!

  30. The table turned out great! I love the new legs. They make the table look totally different.

  31. Holy crapolie! That looks amazing, girl! Great job, loving that blue and the new legs!

  32. That is a great table and I love the toile, of course!

  33. When you get back come on over for my MONTH LONG GIVE AWAY with weekly DRWAINGS

    Have fun-can't wait to see what you create-I love sewing curtains and home decor projects. I love creating something one of a kind that someone else can't just run and buy that looks just like mine but I don't really enjoy making clothing-too many factors and measuring and remeasuring and altering patterns to make it REALLY fit just right.

  34. Love the table!

    Hey how do you like you sweing machine...I know Janome is an awesome brand...Im looking for one to buy and have seen yours. Is it easy for this non sewing beginner?

  35. Oh wow! What a transformation! It's just gorgeous! I really like how you accessorized it as well.

    Hope you have a great time visiting your friends and family!!

  36. I love the shade of blue on the table legs! You did a great job on that table-like a professional!

  37. The table turned out great! I really like the dark stained top.

  38. You saw it.
    You dreamt it.
    You fixed it.
    YOU did it!
    Thanks for sharing with us all.

  39. Great table! The material is lovely. Can't wait to see what you create with it!


  40. Wonderful! I love that blue. :) Have a good time in Ohio!

  41. The table looks great - and I love the fabric, I'm a big fan of toile.

  42. Very cute!!! I love to see your projects!!

  43. Very cute!!! I love to see your projects!!

  44. absolutely AWESOME job!!!


  45. The table looks great! You did an amazing job on that table! Looking forward to seeing what turns up toile!

  46. Very pretty!

    I just painted some chairs for my pool that color..aqua! I love it!

    Great job!
    Hope you are having a wonderful summer!
    sandy toe

  47. great job with the table. It looks great.

  48. I've been looking through your blog and you have a great blog here. I just had to comment on this post. WHAT.A.GREAT.JOB!! It does not even look like the same table! You inspire me...


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)