
Shamelessly Copying Pottery Barn

I love this wreath from Pottery Barn, don't you?  The colors are so pretty!  It is no longer for sale on their website, though.  And let's be honest: we are just a hot glue gun and a visit to Michael's away from creating our own version of this!

image from PotteryBarn.com

So here's my wreath and glue gun, waiting for action:

And a bunch of reindeer moss I bought at Wal*Mart:

A few hours later...

And lest you think that we have it all together at our house, here's a wider shot of where the wreath hangs:

Want to come help me wash my dishes?  :)


  1. oh my gosh. It is fantastic.


    PS. If you ever have a minute would you let me know how you did that bunny?

  2. It looks wonderful....a perfect copy!!!

    sandy toe

  3. The wreath is great! I think I might have to borrow the idea for one in my kitchen. Looks great!

    Whoever comes to help you with your dishes...will you send them my way when they are done?

  4. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. I'll add that to my project list!

  5. That turned out sooo cute! I am all about being a copycat!

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. Sure...I actually love to wash dishes.

  7. I really like the wreath. I like that it's a little fatter too.

    Your kitchen, my kitchen, they all look like that at some point in the day.

  8. Yours looks much better. Great job.
    Sorry I can't help with your dishes - I'm busy procrastinating on doing mine.
    Enjoy your Tuesday.

  9. I'll help with the dishes if you come help with my floors! :) Love the wreath, you crafty girl!


  10. Very cool!! You are so talented!!


  11. That turned out great! I admired that wreath when it was being sold. I will have to attempt to make my own!

  12. Love the wreath! And hey, love that your keeping it real!

  13. Way better than paying $$$ at Pottery Barn!

  14. This looks great! Matter of fact, I like yours better b/c it's more substantial than the one from Pottery Barn.

  15. That turned out so cute! I have been wanting to make one of these for awhile, now I'll have to get started! :)

  16. I have been looking for a wreath to hang on my wreath holder and I haven't been able to find one I like within a reasonable price. I thing you are my answer. Thank you so much.

  17. I love your wreath! Also, I'd love to help you with your dishes but then could you come over and help with mine too...? ;)

  18. I wouldn't call it shameless, I would call it creative and sensable! It looks great. I have been trying to come up with a summer beachy looking wreath for indoor but I am not sure that I am that creative. Any ideas?


  19. I like yours better than the Pottery Barn one!

    "Let the good times roll" - Yeah!!!

  20. What a great place to hang it - over your kitchen sink! Love what you did, of course.

  21. Love it - it looks great! I also love your "laissez les" sign...reminds me of NOLA :)

  22. Super cute - way to save. PB prices are out of control. :)

  23. Why buy when you copy, right? ;)

    And, as strange as this sounds...I would actually volunteer to come wash your dishes! Not only do I see it as therapy (most of the time), but that would give me a chance to come check out your gorgeously decorated home!! :)

  24. super cute! love it!! thanks for sharing!

  25. I have to say that I think your wreath looks better than PB's.

  26. That really is beautiful! Girl, you are gettin' your groove back! (Not that you ever lost it...it just took a vacation while you birthed and nursed a child.) Been there, done that. Doesn't it feel good?? :)

  27. Love your copy! Looks wonderful.

    I'll help you with your dishes if you will help me with mine. ; )

  28. I'm deathly afraid of crafts, but you give me inspiration. It doesn't look that hard and the wreath you made looks lovely.

    I hate doing dishes so much that I'd rather clean the toilets. My husband finally caught on that one and now it's his duty every evening. What? He gets a cooked meal every evening and a clean house in return (among other things :-)

  29. I'll help you wash your dishes if you help me wash mine!! :)

    Love the wreath! I am so into "do it yourself" these days... I refuse to pay retail for anything anymore!!!!

    Oh, and was that you that left a comment on my blog about the Lightroom presets?? They are back up now, and I added more!

    I don't think they work in Photoshop or Elements, though... just Lightroom.


  30. love the wreath! we all have dishes in the sink:)

  31. Love it! It's just as cute as the Pottery Barn one AND you probably had more fun making it than you would have had just buying one premade.

    Thanks for showing the wide shot! I always love seeing other people's houses looking like they actually LIVE there!

  32. I like your wreathe better - I like the chunkier look!

  33. Ooohhh that looks great! You are so creative!

  34. I think you have it all together at your house even though your sink is filled with dishes! : ) It looks awesome. I love your creative take on life. It is refreshing!

  35. Carrie! I love yours more than PB! What a fantastic idea~adding it to my must copy idea folder. (I think I already have a hundred million from you!) You just ignore that kitchen and go love on your cute little Henry. Thanks for the RSVP for June 4th~can't wait to see what you share!!

  36. Love the wreath! Pottery Barn and I have had a love affair going for years. About your counter, it looks alot like mine. Love the honesty.

  37. turned out great! i would never know that it didn't come from pb. way to go:) (and hey, just do what i do some nights...throw a dish towel over those dishes!)

  38. You are so creative! Loving all of your new creations.

    Hope you had a very Happy Mothers Day!

  39. You have inspired me!!! I am on it...and sorry, but I'll skip dish duty because I have too many of my own...Ugh!

  40. SO cute! What does the sign say at the top? I'm curious! lol ;)

  41. Very Cute! Reindeer Moss is such a pretty bright green color - perfect for this time of year!


  42. beautiful! Great Job. I love PB but, it is really expensive!

  43. Well Queen Bee you have a perfect name. I believe this is the busiest site I have seen yet. I would invite you to visit (come on over) but you put me to shame with your energy. I will be back.

  44. I love it....and it looks perfect hanging above your kitchen sink....might even make doing those dishes somewhat enjoyable:)

    Hope you are well!!


  45. Looks fabulous!! Love your blog..so excited to find it. Sent you an invite to mine.

    Have a great day!!
    xx me

  46. You are a hoot girl! Hey, looks like you've been busy cooking, too! Yummo!
    The wreath turned out great! My Mom made some like that one Christmas and hung them all around the house and I remember loving them.
    I love the idea of having a neat yearround one like yours!
    Job well done chica!
    xo Les

  47. You did a great job!

    I love your "Let the Good Times Roll" Sign in your kitchen.

  48. I remember seeing that wreath in their catalog. I love the way yours turned out.

  49. it's fab - I just love shameless copying of stuff like that, yours worked out so well

    wish I was as crafty as you!


  50. Your knock off looks just as good at the original.
    I went back to Hobby Lobby last week and the 3 yards the sales lady said there was left on the bolt ended up being a little over 9 yards! I bought it but it was still $13.00 a yard. I don't know why they didn't mark it down to $7.00 but I couldn't take the chance of it still being there later. Can't wait to see your curtains done!!

  51. Oh! You are going to be in Ohio? When? We are going to Virginia for a couple of weeks when my parents move so I don't know if we will make it to Ohio or not.

  52. That looks great - I've never in heard of reindeer moss - now I'm on the hunt.

  53. I love the moss for spring & early summer! I'm with ya girl...if I waited until our house was all clean to craft, it would rarely happen. Sometimes you just gotta let the creativity out when it strikes! At least those are all clean dishes!

  54. Your wreath is great! Bet you saved a bundle. Love the monogram toy box/trunk and the T-shirt transfers are so cute! Have a great weekend. Jackie

  55. Visiting from Just A Girl. I hope you don't mind but I may have to borrow your idea for my entry way. LOVE IT!

  56. I'm going to go and shamelessly copy you and blog about it to boot! (Don't worry, I'll give you all the credit. :) Thanks for sharing such a simple and cute idea.

  57. how many bags did you buy / use

    and how many inches was your wreath?

  58. HEY....I am not just saying this....I like yours better...it is more chunky and substantial. LOVE it. cherry

  59. I am totally on a moss kick right now. I just did a "mossy ball" arrangement in a garage sale urn. Love it!

  60. Looks great!Did you cut or tear the paper you used to cover the bunny and how small?

  61. Looks great and I love the black and white sign above your sink. Don't worry about the mess. I just blogged about a dirty kitchen yesterday over at worldgazing.blogspot.com. come visit sometime!

  62. LOVE IT!!! What a fantastic idea! I'm going to try it!!!

  63. Love it!!! What a great job!

  64. Sweet! What a thrifty solution. It really is a clone to Pottery Barn's!

  65. Love it! I, too, have copied the Barn in the past. They have great ideas but BIG prices!

  66. Two thumbs up for Type A first-borns! :)


  67. To answer Shellie's questions about the wreath...I bought three bags of reindeer moss and it was perfect. Also, I would say my wreath is 18 inches from edge to edge, before I added the reindeer moss. Hope that helps!

  68. Thanks Carrie! I sent your link out to some women at church and we are going to get together at my house to do the wreath! I'll tell them 3 bags and 18 inches!!! mucho gracias!

  69. Hey Carrie,
    Just catching up on your last few posts! You've been busy! :)
    The toy box turned out so precious and I adore the idea for the monogrammed t-shirts! I can't wait to check out the tutorial!
    I hope you have a wonderful week!

  70. It's perfect...makes me want to give it a try!!!

  71. I love this wreath!! I've got to try that. I love your line - "we're just a glue gun and Michael's away from . . ." How true! When you get a minute, go check out what I just made thanks to Joann's and inspiration from blogland.

    Found you through Rue initially. Your blog is great! I'll be back!!

  72. Wow! Nice job, love it! It's wonderful to see things you love and then to create them yourself! : ) This is my first time to your blog, I love it!

  73. Well aren't you clever? Love it!

    Oh - and you stopped by a week or so ago and asked me about the chair I recovered - it's a Sam's Wholesale Find circa 2004!

  74. Love the wreath, Carrie! I am making one of my own. Couldn't find the reindeer moss at my local Walmart though. I did find it at Hobby Lobby, and that's what the price sticker on your bag in the pic looks like too?
    I used 4 bags of the moss, and this one is 12" acrossed. I must have made mine really puffy! LOL.

    THANKS for posting such a great idea!


  75. I LOVE PB but I agree, yours is even better than theirs!!!!!

  76. I love it! What a wonderful idea!

  77. I love it! What a wonderful idea!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)