
Meet My First Spouse!

Today I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. A real life friend...one that has seen a lot of real life with me, I might add! Her name is Sarah. She and I were each other's spouses before we married our husbands. Wait, let me explain that...

Sarah and I graduated from Miami University (the one in Ohio, not Florida!) and decided we wanted to be world travelers. We hooked up with a company that sends Christian teachers overseas to teach English. They sent us to Morocco. As in North Africa. (Proof is in the photo below, taken in Marrakech, ten years ago!) Now that I have a daughter, I can't believe our parents ever allowed their 23 year old daughters to do this! But we were armed with college degrees and thought we could rule the world.

It was an amazing year. We truly were all each other had, and living in another culture, far away from all other family and friends, that's saying something. It was a bit of a pressure cooker at times. Sarah is the only person in the world, other than my immediate family, that I have ever had a knock-down, drag-out screaming fight with. It kind of bonds you for life, you know? Kind of like being married!

We have been in each other's weddings, traveled all over together, and have continued to make time for each other over the years. She is Henry's godmother, in fact. Someday she will teach him all about his crazy mother, when he's old enough to understand. :)

Why am I telling you all this? My friend Sarah is now pregnant with her first baby, due in August. She is hilarious and has lots of things to say on the subject, as you may imagine. So on this Friday afternoon, I am inviting you to take a trip over to her new blog, The Life of Blights. You will definitely be entertained! And be sure to tell her I said hi! :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh how fun! How wonderful to teach abroad..what an experience. There are things that I did and I look back thinking "Where were my parents????"

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    sandy toe

  2. That's great that you got to spend time in Morocco! I would love to visit that country...I'm not sure they would let us in though because of all the Israeli visas stamped in our passport.

    Yay for great friends! It's wonderful to have some that stand the test of time and stay connected, even when living far apart.

  3. What a hoot! I can't believe your parents let you go! What a great experience though!

    Congrats to Sarah! I will head on over and congratulate her!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. So sweet -- weren't you two simply adorable! So nice to have a long-time friend! Will definitely stop by her blog!

    Have a great weekend.


  5. what a blessing to have such a wonderful friend. god blesses us by giving us the 'families' we need at certain times in our lives doesn't he? have a great weekend. hope henry is doing well.

  6. What fun the two of you had...and the memories you share.

  7. What a great experience with a wonderful friend! Congrats to Sarah.

  8. What a cool experience! And of course your parents couldn't stop you...you were over 18! ;)

    My brother in law went to the same college you did!

  9. Awesome to have a friend like that! On my way to her blog now...

  10. Aren't friends like that the best!? I'll be sure to check out her blog. How fun that you have those memories of traveling and experiencing the world together.

  11. I could have never done that! I'll go over and check it out and say hello:)

  12. How fun to have such a special friend! What a bonding experience for the two of you. Aren't you glad that you got a chance to travel before you "settled down"?

    Thanks for the sweet thank you note. I meant to e-mail you before you sent it to tell you that you didn't need to send one...but I forgot. We need to get together I would love to see how big Henry has gotten. Can you believe this snow? It's crazy!!! Take care, Lisa

  13. Thanks for sharing this story with us... I love stories about friendships. What would we do without them? i will definitely make a visit to her blog.

    Have a great weekend.... every time I see the weather report and hear about the snow in Denver, I think of you:) Spring has got to be just around the corner!

  14. Yea Miami! I knew that there was something fantastic about you ;) we might have been there about the same time.

    Great place to establish amazing friendships! Must have been an unforgettable year!

  15. So, Sarah is your "person". (do you watch Grey's?) Friends like that don't come around too often. Sounds like you guys had lots of fun! How exciting to go to another country to teach! A few of my friends from high school have been doing that the past 4 or 5 years in Korea. They are the same ones who aren't married, have no kids or a mortgage. I love to hear their travel stories and hope I have some of my own one day.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

    Going to check out her blog...

  16. How fun Carrie! I'm so glad you girls are still such good friends. Those friendships in life are so important!
    My Mom used to teach the foreign born how to speak English~ she was an English major, too! She had some great stories for us. I bet you do, too!
    I am excited to see her blog~ over to say hi this afternoon!
    xo, Les

  17. Okay, I visited her blog, like you asked, and I've got to say, you're friend with a MICHIGAN fan??? Oh my.
    Sounds like you two had a great year together, but I can't believe you weren't able to convert her to "our" side. :)

  18. What an adventure. When you tell people you're from the school of hard knocks... you can say it literally.

    I'll stroll over and visit your friend.
    Sweet wishes,

  19. I always love to "meet" my blogging buddies friends! Thanks for sharing Sarah with us!

  20. That is so cool, Carrie! I would've loved to have done that ( I think!) :)
    It just sounds so interesting. I'd love to hear more sometime!

  21. What special memories! I am thankful that I had the chance to travel when I was young and single too. I am happy for your friend!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)