
No Way!

This weekend a few really cool things happened.  

First, my husband and I got in an argument.  No, that's not the cool part.  But there I was, fuming away after our argument, and I logged in to my email.  What was waiting for me?

A lovely note from Kim of Today's Creative Blog.  She was writing to tell me that my little blog was being featured!  Kim's blog was one of the first that I ever found in the world of decorating blogs, and I found many of you as a result of her.  I can't believe she thinks I am worth highlighting, but I am not complaining!  :)  Wa-hoo!  

The second cool thing is that I have had tons of comments on my 100th post!  Man, you girls love you some wine charms, don't you?  It made me so happy to read your comments, though, and without further ado, I want to announce the winner of my first ever giveaway!

The winner is comment #74 (chosen by my husband)...Sit a Spell!  Come on down, girl, and claim your prize!  Just drop me an email at buzzingsofaqueenbee@hotmail.com and we can work out the details.  

This week I hope to keep you entertained by a visit to my friend's house, where I will show you some of the cool projects that I would like to copy from her.  I am also about to totally blow your mind by telling you what my favorite Christmas gift was.  A few hints: I have no idea how to use it, and I will probably break it before I figure it out.  Do you know what it is?

Oh, and my husband and I did make up after our argument!  I didn't want to leave you hanging there.  And I am having regular contractions, but so far we're still hanging at about 2 cm. dilated, so I think you'll have to put up with me for awhile longer.  :)


  1. You totally deserve to be featured on that blog! You amaze me with all of your projects and redos. :)

  2. Kudos on being featured! That is wonderful news.

    Can't wait to hear about your Christmas present. I would think some kind of power tool. :) He he.

  3. YEA for being featured, and of course, we love seeing other people's projects. :)

  4. Congrats to the winner & to you for your feature. You so deserve it.
    As for the Christmas gift....I'm guessing a sander or a paint thingy.

  5. Congrats to "Sit a Spell"...she's so deserving to win! Sniff, sniff...can you tell I'm a wee bit disappointed that I didn't win? Oh, well, better luck next time, right? :)

    The news about your Christmas gift has me wondering...A LOT! Of course, I haven't a clue what it could be!

    Congrats to you, also, for being a featured blogger...WAY TO GO!!! Glad you and your hubby made up! Have an awesome Monday!

  6. You're awesome - loved seeing what Kim highlighted on her blog - since I've seen everything on yours!

  7. Congrats on the award!! You ARE so creative!

    And woohooo -- sounds like that baby is not too far off! Can you blog from the hospital??? Just kidding!

    Hope you have a great week!


  8. How neat to be featured on that blog! WOOHOO!

    Congratulations to the winner!

  9. Way to go girl! that's so cool!
    Best wishes to you!

  10. At a 2 with regular contractions...you get get into gear at anytime. Are you ready? So exciting.

  11. I'm guessing a new camera? How exciting that baby's arrival is drawing near. I wish you an easy delivery and healthy baby!

  12. Wow..how fun to be featured...you are the perfect one for that!!! Contractions...oh my!!! Don't argue you too much or you may be delivering...hee hee!
    -sandy toe

  13. congrats to the winner.

    Congrats on being featured!

  14. That is totally awesome that you're being featured!! You deserve it. You're one of the most creative bloggy people I know! :) Congrats! And congrats to your lucky winner of the cutsie charms! Glad you and your DH made up :)

    Hope you have a great Monday!!

  15. Congratulations! That is so cool. I am going over there right now and check it out!

  16. Fun stuff! I can't wait to get to the baby 'times.' And see his/her sweet face. :)

  17. Congrats on your feature!! How fun! About your Cmas present...I'm thinking a sewing machine? An embroidery machine?

  18. Congrats on being featured! That's wonderful.
    Having a 4 month old, I haven't yet forgotten those last few days and weeks of pregnancy so I'm praying for you today!
    Have a great week!

  19. Congrats on the feature! You totally deserve it! :)

    Do you have a Wii? We just got one for Christmas and the hubby and I decided we'd end our next dispute with a round of boxing on the Wii...take out our aggressions there! :)

    As for the Christmas gift...hmmm...sewing machine or a camera are my guesses. I think someone has already guessed both of them but I'm still learning how to use both of those things and always afraid I'm going to break them!

  20. Congrats to you. I love your blog!!! I also love the "Barefoot Contessa". I got my sis her new book for Christmas. It is wonderful.

  21. Congratulations..Your blog is awesome! I can't wait to see the projects and I also can't wait to know what the gift was.

  22. How neat Carrie! And with your contractions starting, your sweet baby could be showing up in no time! Keep us posted :)

  23. Hey Carrie! I said it before, but I'll say it again...Congrats on being featured at TCB! It was just a matter of time :-)

  24. So cool - I think I already know what you got because I got the same thing . . . a sewing machine. I just signed up for some classes through the local community college, but I know you're about to have your hands full soon with the little one.

  25. How cool! I told you that you were very popular! : )

    Did you get an I-phone? Is that what it is? Or probably something crafty....?!

    We are leaving for Scottsdale in a few days, so I'll check back on you when we get back.

  26. You are one creative chicky and totally deserve to be featured on that blog!

    I'm going to guess that you got a fancy, schmancy camera for Christmas? (Sorry ~ I've got cameras and photos on the brain!) :)

  27. I was so excited to see you featured on TCB. Your blog is just so great and you're a total peach. You absolutely deserved it.

    Can't wait to see what this new gift is!! And woot woot on the baby coming soooooon!

  28. Kim's blog is great. Congrats! And I was going to ask you what's going on w/your contractions ... :)

  29. Congratulations! You deserve this award! Way to go!


  30. Congrats on the feature!!!

    I'm going to guess you got one of those cute new little video cameras!

    Sounds like the little one will be entering our world real soon!!!


  31. Congrats on being featured! You totally deserve it, girl. I'm looking forward to hearing news of your new little baby coming soon! Good luck!

  32. love your blogs!! Keep them coming, you inspire me!

  33. Congrats on being featured. Hopefully you'll be having a sweet little baby sometime VERY soon!

  34. Coolness on being featured! Cause that is how I found you! You do some mighty cute things!


  35. Congrats on the award....you so deserve it, you are one of the most creative people I know!!

    I am stumped on you gift....maybe a toolbelt like the fancy one my husband got me last year.....not sure if you were around when I posted that one!!

    Have a great night!!


  36. Congrats, you deserve the recognition for your consistently great posts! Here's to hoping you're posting a new baby picture soon!

  37. Carrie,

    Just wanted you to know that we had the most delicious dinner tonight... Horseradish Meatloaf! It was SO good and as my husband said,"This is definitely a keeper!" Thanks for sharing the recipe and giving me another recipe to add to our favorites:)

    Congrats too for being featured on Today's Creative Blog!!!

  38. Yay for TCB-that's how I found you and you are my new favorite girl. Anyone that's as much of a fan of grosgrain ribbon as I am can be my friend.

  39. love your feature. so glad she mentioned your advent calendar - still one of my favs. keep up informed on the baby front...

  40. Thanks for the daily inspiration! I look forward to checking your blog every day when I get to work :)

  41. Congratulations! Can't wait to hear about baby!

  42. Congrats, go you! Todays creative blog was the first blog I had found too. I am soo excited for you. Good thing I have already found your blog. I am way excited to see your friends project.
    As far as the christmas gift...hmmm, a power painter!?! The reason I say it is because I got one and I had no idea how to use it and I did end up breaking it! ;)

    Ashley Nichole

  43. How in the world did I miss that give a way??? Great on being featured You deserve it for sure :)

  44. Congrats on the big feature!!! How fun is that?

  45. Congrats girl! Have fun with it. cherry

  46. OHHH I wanted to guess you got a cricket????? You did didn't you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  47. Congratulations on being featured. Your blog is so lovely! I am surprised it took this long!

  48. Congratulations!!! What an honor! Thanks for sharing your fun news. :)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)