
Merry Christmas!

Phew!  I don't know about you guys, but I am exhausted.  I spent yesterday cleaning, and rather than feel good about it, I now realize how dirty my house was and I don't know how I am ever going to keep up with it when I have two kids!  Can anyone else relate?

Anyway, Merry Christmas Eve!  I am excited to have nothing more trying to do today than to whip up a few little things for Christmas dinner.  The rest of the time I will be sitting on my couch!  We plan on going to a candlelight Christmas Eve service tonight, and then spend tomorrow in our PJs for as long as possible.  :)

Wherever you are, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!  You all have been such a wonderful (and unexpected!) blessing to me this year.  

I am taking some time off from blogging while my husband takes some vacation time, too.  But, I'll be back when he goes back to work on January 5!  Of course I will let you know if any baby news breaks (Get it?  Breaks?  As in water?  Wow, I must be really tired.) between now and then.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  


  1. Have a wonderful break! Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Merry Christmas!!! I wish you a restful break-and hope to hear news of a "breaking story"!!!
    God Bless,

  3. Merry Christmas Have a wonderful holiday season in your pj's:) enjoy the break!

  4. Merry Christmas to you and your family....have a great holiday!!


  5. Merry Christmas! See you next year!!!

  6. Merry Christmas to you guys!
    Best wishes with everything!
    Hope you are feeling good!
    Hugs enjoy the time with your family!

  7. Merry christmas to you! I am at the hotel for the next week..trying to enjoy the moments..hoping to go to the beach today:)!
    -sandy toes

  8. Merry Christmas to you! Enjoy your time with your hubby!

  9. merry christmas carrie! may you and your family spend time enjoying one another. god bless.

  10. I bet you are exhausted. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and you can take it easy. Also, Happy New Year. Definitely let us know if anything "breaks".....lol

  11. Merry Christmas!
    Maybe Santa will bring you a maid.

  12. Oh yes I can relate. I've felt like my house has gone into a downward spiral every since #3 was born last February. I'm still trying to recover!

    I hope you have a Merry Christmas, a new baby and all other good things!

  13. Enjoy some rest with everything clean and beautiful! Merry Christmas

  14. Merry Christmas to you, too, Carrie! I hope you get a chance to rest up & please keep us posted if something *breaks*! ;)

  15. Carrie I hope you have a great Christmas. Enjoy the wonderful time with your hubby being off.
    *And you will adjust to cleaning and having two. It will just be a new schedule, even more fine tuned!

  16. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your break!!

  17. Have a wonderful, blessed holiday!

    And you'll be able to do it with two...I can somewhat keep up with it with six....just don't plan on sitting down for the next 18 years.......

  18. merry christmas! enjoy your time with your hubby!

  19. Merry Christmas and enjoy time with your husband. And it is tough keeping the house clean... don't have high expectations, then you won't get frustrated! :)

  20. Carrie-Hope you are able to relax a little today. Take care of yourself and that little baby, girlfriend! Don't worry about the house, you'll manage! Merry Christmas:) Have fun with Nina!

  21. Merry Christmas!! I'm just laughing to myself at your comment about it being crazy now with one kid... Oh, you just wait. hee hee.

    Enjoy your break and relax as much as possible. See you when you get back:-)

  22. Sending best wishes for a wonderful and blessed Christmas for you and your sweet family!! Enjoy your break -- I'm sure you'll be back with all kinds of great ideas! Take care!


  23. I hope you have a great Christmas! Enjoy your time away!

  24. Have a fabulous Christmas - see you next year.

  25. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Enjoy some relaxing time with your family. My hubby is now home for the next 5 days and I'm very excited!

  26. Have a wonderful Christmas. It will be so much fun with Nina this year. God Bless, The twins

  27. Merry Christmas...your house looks beautiful! And, I am sorry to report that it is nearly impossible to keep a house clean with 2 little ones. Mine are 2 and 4 and I have had to accept the fact that the dust bunnies will hide behind all of the toys. Best wishes for an easy and speedy delivery. Enjoy the time with your family.

  28. Merry Christmas and enjoy your blog break!!

  29. Carrie~ the table in the post below looks great! Everyone will love having you as the hostess with the mostest girl!
    Our house is a wreck, too. It's harder with more than one kiddo, but oh my the blessings of babies far outweighs the dust bunnies~ you'll be o.k. sweetie!!! ;)
    Enjoy the family time over the holidays!
    xo, Les

  30. Merry Christmas to you, too, Carrie!

    It's been wonderful getting to know you through this blog this year. It's a gift to me!

    I hope your search for the perfect baby name goes smoothly. Jeff and I had that same dilemma with our third son, but now I adore his name and can't imagine him with any other.

    Enjoy your family time, and I'll catch you in the new year! :)

  31. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Relax and enjoy some time with your lovely family.


  32. Merry Christmas to you! See you in 2009!

  33. Merry Christmas! See ya in the New Year! It's been a real blessing and joy. Stay warm!

  34. I hope you enjoy your break. Have a wonderful New Year!!!

  35. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I can totally relate to the house cleaning. My house used to be spotless, buy since becoming a mom it's not so spotless...I actually find myself "spot cleaning" more than deep cleaning. It's my constant challenge. Hope you enjoy your time off with your hubby! I'll be keeping an eye out for the "breaking" news:)

  36. I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas! We had a fun day, but today is all work...getting ready to head south to see family. It will be almost 60 degrees down there; I can hardly wait!
    Take this time to relax and enjoy as much as you can!

  37. Hope you had a Very Merry Christmas and I want to wish you a Safe and Happy New Year!


  38. Just caught up with all of your posts. My, what great decorations! Your house is beautiful! Loved the pic of your daughter and her Daddy dancing. So cute.

    Sounds like you're almost ready to deliver with the cleaning you've been doing. My sister did the same thing before her daughter was born. Her water broke right after she finished cleaning the floor. She was worried about it as we hustled her out the door to the hospital. :)

    Hope your Christmas was Merry and Bright! Wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year! xxoo

  39. Oh your Christmas decor was gorgeous! I loved everything. Hope you had a very merry Christmas!!

  40. Queen Bee,

    Remember this: "The days are long, but the years are short!" Go look at my blog to see what I'm talking about. I have an 18 year old MAN as my first born and a new baby! Believe me, your babies will be packing up for college TOMORROW. You can clean your house then...Who cares about those messes?! Let 'em go!


  41. Here's to a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    kari & kijsa

  42. Hello. Forgive me for being so bold, but I am having a little giveaway on my blog. I am offering a chance to win a free caricature created by me. There are no gimmicks. It's just my way of celebrating two years of blogging. Please do me the honor of signing up for a chance to win.

  43. Hope you got all day to lounge in your PJ's (and many more after the 25th). :)

  44. Enjoy your family time. I look forward to visiting your blog in the New year.

    Sweet New Year Wishes,

  45. Hope you had a merry Christmas! I have found it impossible to blog much with all of my family underfoot so I can relate to your *sabbatical.*

    I look forward to your renewed posting and to hearing an update on the baby status.

    Happy New Year!

  46. Hey Happy Be-lated New Year! Hope you have a healthy and good 2009!

    "Nana's Box"

  47. Happy New Year! I just had to check and see if you might have posted during your break with "breaking news", but none yet, eh!

    Best wishes to you and your family for 2009 -- it's gonna be a great year, isn't it!

  48. I'm finally catching up on my blogs. I guess I took a little blog break myself. I hope you're enjoying yours.

  49. Happy New Year...just checking in to see what you are up to and if there is any baby news! Connie

  50. Great blog. Hope you have a blessed New Year.

  51. New to your blog. Your Christmas decor is lovely.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)