
Horseradish Meatloaf

OK, I have a confession to make.  Do you want to know the number one thing that I have eaten during this pregnancy?  Mashed potatoes.  The way my mom makes them, with nothing but potatoes,  butter, cream, salt and pepper.  I have eaten them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and they were the perfect bland food when I was nauseous in those early days.  Now I just eat them because it is cold and I want comfort food.

That being said, I am always on the lookout for recipes to make alongside the mashed potatoes.  Excuses, really.  We don't eat a lot of Chinese or Mexican food around my house anymore.  Why?  Because mashed potatoes don't go with tacos.  

Nevertheless, this recipe I am sharing is meatloaf, but not your boring old meatloaf, because it has horseradish in it.  Not too much, just enough to keep it interesting.  I have given this recipe to many of my girlfriends with kids, who say that their kids all love it.  (Although, I would recommend serving it first without the sauce to your kids.  It's much spicier with the sauce.)  My husband loves it.  I love it too, but mostly because it's a vehicle for my mashed potatoes. 

Horseradish Meatloaf

For the meatloaf:
2 pounds ground beef (I've tried this with ground turkey or chicken too, it's just as good!)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup dry bread crumbs
1/2 cup ketchup
1 T. horseradish
2 t. Worcestershire sauce
2 t. salt
1 t. onion powder
1/2 t. black pepper
1/2 t. mustard powder or Old Bay seasoning
1 clove garlic, minced
1-2 T. chopped fresh parsley (or 1 t. dried parsley)

For the sauce:
1/2 cup ketchup
3 T. brown sugar
1 T. horseradish
2 t. spicy brown mustard
1/2 t. mustard powder or Old Bay seasoning

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  In a large bowl, mix all meatloaf ingredients together well (Although messy, it’s easiest to do this with your hands). Press meat mixture into a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan or form into a freestanding loaf in the center of a baking sheet.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the sauce ingredients. Spoon half of the sauce mixture on top of the meatloaf. Place meatloaf in a preheated 375 degree oven and bake for 50 minutes.
After 50 minutes, remove meatloaf from oven, spoon remaining sauce over the top and return to the oven for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for an additional 10 minutes before slicing.

My husband would like me to add that you can't really have too much of the sauce.  He loves it!  If you make extra, you can either spoon it onto the meatloaf or serve it on the side.  Whatever your family doesn't eat, just send my way so my husband can bathe in it!

Let me know if you try it!  

And guess what I am in the mood for now?  :)


  1. Mashed spuds. =) Hope you have a great Tuesday!

  2. Sounds awesome. I will definitely try it because we like horseradish. We love an excuse for mashed potatoes too.

    Hey, if you put a little chili powder in the mashed potatoes they might go with your tacos...

  3. I loved mash potatoes and mac and cheese when I was pregnant! But, I really CRAVED tuna fish...I can't look at tuna fish now!!!

    Sounds like a great meatloaf!
    -sandy toes

  4. MMmmmm....that sounds delicious!

  5. We love both meatloaf and mashed potatoes at our house. Thanks for posting the recipe. We will try it out. Have a great week!

  6. This sounds terrific. Love the idea of a new recipe with a little pazzaz!

  7. I hate horseradish, however, my husband LOVES it...I am debating on telling him about this, he really would love it...
    FINE! I'LL MAKE IT! You have guilted me into it!! (Just by posting it...)

  8. I love meat loaf...so thanks for the recipe!

  9. Yum. My family hates meatloaf & I love it - maybe they'd like this version.

  10. Love mashed potatoes too -- who doesn't! Not a big fan of meatloaf, but may have to try yours, esp. with mashed potatoes!

    Have a great day and have a helping of mashed potatoes for me!


  11. Mmmmm! This is exactly what I'll be making Friday night when hubby comes home. He looooooooves meatloaf.

  12. That sounds wonderful!! Around this time of year I always crave a good meatloaf!! I usually make the B@refoot Contess@'s Turkey meatloaf, but next time I am going to try this....I love horseradish!!

    Mashed potatoes were also one of the foods that I ate frequently when pregnant with Nick....mashed potatoes, spaghetti, and pizza were the three staples.....Can you say Carboholic!!

    Thanks for the recipe!!


  13. Hi Carrie :)

    I just drooled all over my keyboard... oh my! That looks good and I LOVE horseradish! My husband and my kids hate it though, so I'll make mini loaves and just put it on mine ;)

    Your Christmas decorations look beautiful and I'm so jealous that you're finished. I really need to step it up and get the boxes out of here. Oh and I'm copying that advent calendar as soon as I can get to a craft store. It's probably too late for this year, but it's definitely going to be great for next year :)

    Could I blah blah blah anymore? LOL

    Have a great day!

  14. Good ole' comfort food at it's best! I will be trying this. Last week I made your tomato soup. It was really good and different. I love getting new recipes! Thanks:)

  15. Oh my! I am so going to try this! In fact I have to go to the grocery store today so I think I'll just add the ingredients right to my list:) I like mashed potatoes and it is a must to have with meatloaf, but until recently I hardly ever made them. My kids didn't like potatoes but have just discovered that I make the "best mashed potatoes ever." So they say:)

  16. This is AWESOME - know why? Potatoes is the ONLY THING that I want in my pregnancy, too! hahahaha... so funny. :)

  17. I just LOVE meatloaf and that one sounds GREAT! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  18. I love mashed potatos too, I could eat them all the time. They are the best food ever!! The meatloaf sounds great, I will have to try it!

  19. That sounds so good. I love comfort food...and meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes is the epitome of comfort food! Every blog I've been on today has had a yummy recipe to share...I love blogging☺

    Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  20. Mmm, Mmm Good! I can't wait for Jas to get home so I can make this next week. Thanks for sharing. I'm with you~ I LOVE mashed potatoes and make them the way my Gma and Mom did with sour cream, cream cheese, butter~ all of that fattening stuff that makes them so yummy!
    Merry December hun~ Les

  21. Oh, we loooove spicy at our house. I'll have to try this! I craved spinach of all things, when I was pregnant, can you believe it?! :)

  22. When I was pregnat with DS2, I could have eaten mashed potatoes and creamed corn forever, lol.

    I love horseradish and meatloaf...and potatoes...so I will definitely be making this!

    Have you ever tried the Rachal Ray Turkey burger with horseradish? It's really good, even my DS1 loves it and I wasn't so sure because of the horseradish, but he asks me to make them all of the time, yummo!

    Thanks for the recipe!


  23. Thanks for sharing your recipe! I'm going to give it a try this week. Sounds delicious.

  24. My kids are weird and love hot, spicy foods. They will probably love this!

    I was the opposite of you and craved Mexican food with every single one of my pregnancies. It's been four years since my last kiddo was born and my husband is just finally able to stomach Mexican food again! :)

  25. You are too funny. You probably wouldn't even believe me if I said I don't like potatoes. :) The meatloaf sounds good though!

  26. Guess what? I have all of the ingredients, so I am making this right now!!!

    Will let you know what we think later:)


  27. yum! I'm on a meatloaf kick so I'll have to try these out. Mashed potatoes and annie's natural mac and cheese are my comfort foods. :)

  28. Yum, that sounds great! I love horseradish!

  29. That;s sounds delish!!!

    I've bookmarked it....mmmmm!!!!

  30. Yum! This looks delish!

    And how cute that your unborn child already has a nickname: Spud (or Tater).

  31. Is it inappropriate to invite myself for dinner? My husband loves meatloaf and I am always on the lookout for new recipes. I'll add this to the list.

    MMM, potatoes...what a yummy thing to crave!

  32. I can't believe it!!! You know what we are having with OUR mashed potatoes tonight??? I was making a meatloaf, and I use BBQ sauce instead of Ketchup. I didn't have any!!! So, I ran next door, to the neighbor's and the only kind of BBQ sauce is a horseradish BBQ! My husband laughed and said-I knew even though you don't like the stuff, you would make it sometime!
    (He wanted me earlier to write down your recipe!) He got his "horseradish meatloaf" tonight!!! LOL

  33. i can't wait to give this a try. sounds like a great twist on the same old 'comfort' food. thanks for sharing.

  34. This sounds oh so yummy~

  35. I can't tell you how much I LOVE horseradish, so I can't wait to try this. It sounds delish!!

  36. That is yummy! My mom has been making a variation of this all my life. She uses onion soup mix in it too. ummmmmmm good

  37. Why did I read this before I ate my Weight Watchers dinner!

  38. But wait! You *can* have mashed potatoes with Mexican food!


    Jalapeño Mashed Potatoes

    2 1/2 pounds potatoes, peeled and diced

    1 stick butter, cubed

    1/2 to 3/4 cup heavy cream, warm

    1 roasted jalapeño pepper, peeled and pureed
    salt and pepper to taste

    Thoroughly wash, clean, peel and dice potatoes. Place them in a pot of water with a dash of salt and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook the potatoes until fork tender, (about 12 to 15 minutes). Remove the pan from the heat and drain. In the same pot add the butter. Using a handheld masher, mash the butter into the potatoes. Add enough warm cream until desired smoothness is achieved. Season the potatoes with jalapeño, salt and pepper to taste.


    Chilpotle Mashed Potatoes

    1 head garlic, roasted

    2 1/2 lbs. russet potatoes, cut in 1" pieces

    1 C. white cheddar cheese, shredded

    4 oz. cream cheese

    1/4 C. butter, at room temperature

    1 1/2 t. chipotle pepper - minced

    Squeeze cooled garlic out of bulb; set aside.

    Cook potatoes in a large pot of boiling water until tender, about 25 minutes. Drain.

    Add garlic, cheddar cheese, cream cheese, butter and chipotle pepper. Using electric mixer, beat mixture until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

    Potatoes can be prepared 2 hours ahead. Cover; let stand at room temperature. Rewarm, stirring constantly, before serving.

  39. Carrie, email me at jennifergray02 at yahoo dot com I don't have outlook on my computer so I can't email you. :)


  40. I'd try your meatloaf recipe if I thought my family would try it. That's not a reflection on your recipe, its just that the last time I made meatloaf, I think I scarred them all for life! Let's just say that, well, I've not been asked to make meatloaf ever again. Yeah, that bad.
    On the other hand, your recipe sounds great!

  41. Sounds delicious, I would love to try it...we haven't had meatloaf in ages!

  42. The horseradish in the meatloaf sounds delicious ~ I'll have to give this one a try.


  43. Old Bay is a must in a Baltimore house! I've got to try your recipe soon. I'll make them like I make my mini meatloves. Thanks for sharing the recipe. xxoo

  44. I ate a lot of mashed potatoes when I was pregnant with Jamison and that was in the middle of the summer! But boy were they yummy.

  45. Carrie,

    I have to say, I am a New Englander and here we usually take our meatloaf plain jane. HOWEVER, your recipe sounded so delicious that I actually - no lie - went out yesterday and bought the stuff I needed and made your recipe. I did omit the horseradish (because I somehow forgot to put it in the cart - shopping with a 2 year old will do that to ya!) but it WAS AMAZING!!! I dont usually love spicy, but mmmmmmm. We loved it. Even my picky daughter said "Mmmm, this is my favorite meal EVER."

    Thanks for sharing it and adding another easy recipe to my list!


  46. THIS sounds SCRUMPTIOUS!!! I LOVE meatloaf and I LOVE mashed potatoes too!!!!
    When I get back home I'm SO trying it!!!

  47. I made a mental note of this recipe when you first posted it on your blog. I tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago when company (with lots of kids) was coming for supper. It was such a hit! Oh my goodness, delicious! Just thought I would thank you once again for sharing. Becki

  48. Hmmm. The three do provide a nice balance for a meal. The mashed potatoes, the meatloaf, and the horseradish offer different flavors, but it seems that they do mix well with each other, combining their strengths into a fun dinner choice.


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