
WFMW: A Toy Worth Buying (For Babies)!

Today's Works-For-Me-Wednesday is a themed one: the Toys Worth Buying edition!  It just so happens that I went to a baby shower over the weekend and used this idea, but it would work just as well as a Christmas gift.  In my case, the mom-to-be is having twins, one boy and one girl.  A few friends and I wanted to get something that she could use for both babies, regardless of gender.  Look what we came up with!

We bought a simple basket from Michael's, added some green grosgrain ribbon (green is nice and gender neutral, you know!), and then splurged on a ton of board books to fill the basket.  I remembered that, before I had my daughter, I always wondered how people collected such extensive libraries for their kids.  I knew I wanted to teach my daughter the love of reading, but seriously, who has the money to buy stacks of books when there are cribs and strollers to buy?

Everyone at the shower commented on the basket, and we felt very virtuous because we have contributed to the babies' literary education.  Plus, just look how stinkin' cute the basket is!

An easy, gender-neutral and charming gift for babies (and new parents!).  Works For Me!


  1. I love, love, love this idea! This is the best baby gift ever! I will definately be doing this next time a baby is born!

  2. I did something like this for a girlfriend of mine. I love to read to my kiddos so I gave her a basket of books. It is something that people would not buy themselves. Great idea.

  3. You can never go wrong with books. Board books are wonderful! I also love fabric books.

  4. That is a great idea!! I can't afford to purchase books new either, so I am always at our used bookstore, or I pick them up at yard sales. 10 cents. You can't beat that!

  5. I'm a sucker for books, too! I love, love, love kids books! We didn't think we were going to be blessed with another child after Bryce so we gave a lot of his library away. So...starting from scratch. I forgot how pricey it is to do! This is such a great and timeless idea! Happy day hun~ Les

  6. What a fabulous idea for my 6 month old grandson for Christmas. Something he will enjoy for many years to come. Thanks for the great idea. Mimi

  7. It is stinkin cute! What a great gift! And ribbon can add so much to anything!! You were too sweet to fill the basket with books! They are super expensive too, we need to get some new ones for BabyBoy's library, I don't think he's sick or reading them but we are, haha!

  8. I soooooooo love all the books my son got when he was born. We still read them regularly and they were one of the few things we actually brought back from overseas when we moved back to the US. i.e. GREAT gift! :)

  9. What a great idea, I love it!

  10. This is a great idea. We have three babies due in the family this year. Thanks.

  11. Looking back on my own two children. You get alot of repeativeness... clothes, clothes,
    did I say clothes.

    I've often said many of the important things are overlooked.

    You've hit the nail on the head.

    I often say, should I recommend a few must haves.... a rocking chair, wagon (we still use ours for various activities), and a first aid kit.

    I guess I'll need to add books to that list.

  12. The basket is a terrific idea.....and it looks so pretty!

    Even though this was a joint gift....I am sure you were the brainchild on this one.....adorable!


  13. That is an awesome gift. I kept several of the board books from my babies. Just something about them...I can just picture the boys chewing on them!! :)

  14. This is a fabulous idea! The basket is adorable too!

  15. I'll have to drop some hints to my friends when my baby shower comes along! What a wonderful idea!

  16. Cut cute cute idea! You're right, who has the money for books when diapers are so expensive!

  17. Very cute...since I am a former teacher..we have so many books...I love to buy books! Have you bought any Fancy Nancy books??? We love them!
    -sandy toes

  18. I'm a former teacher and a complete children's literature nut. My kids have more books than we even know what to do with ~ but I look at it as a wonderful investment for their future.

    I love to do this for future moms as well...a great way to introduce new little ones to the fantastic literature that is out there. I love the way you arranged the basket ~ very pretty!

  19. I think this is one of the best gifts to give asa baby gift. You can never go wrong with books. I've given the same thing before and it is always so appreciated. i think it would be a neat idea to also include a book(s) for when the child is older as well. One of my favorites is the Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.

  20. I love this idea!! So easy and so cute, I loved those board books when my kids were toddlers!!

  21. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift.

    Speaking of children and books, I taught each of my children to read before Kindergarten. It's easy using sight words. Put the word on a card or paper. Start out with easy words she can associate with such as Mommy,Daddy,cat,dog,rain,etc. Try just one or two a day until she knows them and then add one or two a day keeping the ones she has learned. You could even give an M&M for each one right as a reward. I'm telling you if she can do this and won't you be so proud!!

  22. That is simply adorable! What a great gift! Have a fun Wednesday!!


  23. I'm a sucker for kids' books of all kinds! That is a great gift!

  24. The books are a fantastic idea. I have a baby shower to attend next Sunday and was debating on buying books or not. I think I most like the way they are "packaged". What new mom can't use a sturdy basket to hold the babe's stuff? Very nice.

  25. That is really a FABULOUS idea and CUTE, CUTE!!!

  26. Adorable gift.
    I may have to use this idea one day.

  27. Great idea - I loved getting books for my shower (its sort of last on the list when you are having your first and have so many other items to purchase!)

    I'm copying this idea for the next baby shower I go to!

  28. I love this! Whenever I buy gifts for kids I always throw in a book. :) Probably beacuse I like to read so much!

  29. Great Idea! I went to a baby shower once that was a book shower, where everyone brought just books for gifts. Sooo fun!

  30. What a fabulous idea! I go to soooo many baby showers (and throw them sometimes :)! I will definitely be using this one! Love it!

    You're always so stinkin' clever :)

  31. Fabulous idea! i have b/g twins and I could so use that basket of books right now!! What a great gift!!

  32. I almost forgot to tell you...when I was over here this morning reading your post with my first cup of coffee in hand, I thought you were trying to tell us you were having twins!!! I had to read it again....then I understood it was your friend having twins!

    Can you imagine two at once in addition to Nina....I could not!!


  33. What an adorable gift idea! Thanks for sharing.

  34. Great idea! I'm expecting my first baby in May and would love to get something like this. So thoughtful!

  35. Too CUTE!!! This is a GREAT idea!!! Thanks for sharing...

  36. Great idea....you can never have enough books!

  37. That is so cute, Carrie! Love it. So simple and just perfect. :)

  38. See, when my bro and his wife had their first baby shower, I bought them several books. Most were old favorites that my brother and I used to love as children, and he once had commented that he'd love to remember those old stories to share with his kids. So that's what I got.

    But SIL didn't think it was a nice gift (since it wasn't on her registry). *rolling my eyes*

    I love them in the basket, because that could be used for so many things. :)

  39. I would have loved that basket~books are the best gift. Such a great idea! I love how your room turned out as well~beautiful!

  40. That is a fantastic idea! How smart you are...!!

  41. I can't remember how, but somehow I made my way to your blog! I love your whole design! What a good idea for a baby gift! Thanks for sharing.

  42. OH I love it....I alwyas always give books in a basket as baby shower gifts!!! I also include, in the basket, a copy of Jim Trelease's Read Aloud Handbook! It is such a fabulous resource for the child entire life! Perfect shower present!!!
    The basket you created is just lovely!
    Have a great rest of the week, Carrie!

  43. Fabulous gift! Another one of your great ideas! As a teacher, I am always giving books as gifts.

    I love to surprise my nieces and send them books unexpectedly in mail. They love getting something in the mail addressed to them and a new fun read. I've been doing this since they were tiny. The best part is when they call me and we have a book report over the phone ~ it's also a nice way to stay connected since they live so far away.

  44. That is a great present, and one I know I would love.

  45. Wonderful idea! I also love giving books as baby gifts! :) Cute basket with ribbon, too!

  46. My sister's eight month old twins are coming up on a birthday soon...NOW I know what to do! Thank you for the great idea! Perfect!!!

  47. this is a great idea! and as a teacher... i love it when people give kids books. it is never too early to learn to love reading!!!

  48. Such a great and useful gift! And of course the adorable basket and ribbon make it even more special!

  49. love this great idea!

  50. A family can never have enough books. Great idea!

  51. I like the idea. I tend to always buy books for kids for all occassions. I guess because I'm a book-a-holic myself, and I agree it's so important for children to have a good library of books at home. I also do this because I'm a teacher. ;) Lucky for me I have access to book orders so my daughter has a massive library!
    ~Michelle~ (friend of mommatobug)

  52. I've been gone for awhile, but I just had to let you know how much I LOVE your Livingroom makeover! Everything is breathtaking! Smart move to have someone do the slipcovers. Fantastic choice on the fabric! Love the pillows, love it all!!! : )

  53. This idea will be tucked away for my future baby shower gift ideas. Wish I would have thought of it first! ;)

  54. Well just like everyone else...I love this idea!! I will be using this one :)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)