
WFMW: Last Minute Cards for Gifts

Today's Works-For-Me-Wednesday tip is one that has saved me countless times.  I don't know about you, but I always seem to be scrambling at the last minute to get gifts for people.  And cards for those gifts are even harder to remember.  So a few years ago, I got smart and started a stationery collection (all photos have been "doctored" to protect our last name...I hope you can still get the gist of it!).

This first one is a simple card with my daughter's name on it.  Whenever she brings a gift to a little friend's birthday party, we whip these out to use as the birthday card:

Next is a little gift card that has our last name on it.  It reads "The Smiths" (obviously not our real last name)!  These have come in handy for weddings and other occasions when the gift is from the whole family:

These last ones are my favorite.  They are gift tags specifically designed to fit over a bottle of wine!  How many times have you been on the way to a friend's house for dinner and haphazardly grabbed a bottle of wine from your own cupboard to give as a hostess gift?  I totally do that too!  These little cards just make the wine look a little more "finished" and not like you grabbed it on the way out the door (which you totally did):

When I factor in how much money I spend on cards at the grocery store or Target (if I remember to buy them!), it really adds up.  I buy these cards in bulk (anywhere from 25-100 at a time) and it ends up to be about $1-$1.50 each (and I don't know about you, but I easily spend double that per card if I buy them at the last minute).  Personally, I have someone locally who sells these to me, but I have also seen similar cards online at places like Tiny Prints or Doodlebug Dezigns.

This is the perfect little time-and stress-saving trick to keep in my back pocket.  Works for me!


  1. That's a great idea - I spend way too much on cards at Target. This way, you could really use them for just about anything/any occasion. Love it! :)

  2. Love your idea. I buy funny birthday cards in advance. Mostly the funny haha you're getting old like me cards for my friends. It seems to help cut down on the stress some. Mimi

  3. Those cards are so cute! This would work for me too! I love stationary, cards,tags...great idea!
    -sandy toes

  4. This is a great idea! I'm a firm believer in keeping cards on hand. It is a definite time and money saver.

  5. Great ideas. I've never seen wine cards like that. That's a good idea for a Free download I can make:-)

    I designed personal stationary for my kids and use it all the time. Well worth the printing cost!

  6. GREAT ideas! I love it! I bet people love to see your names on the cards too, that is so cute!

  7. I am also a last minute scrambler when it comes to cards....what a great idea!! I LOVE the wine bottle card...that is terrific!

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips!


  8. Great tip - love the ones for the wine bottle. I have never seen those.

    I alwas have generic cards at home too so I can use them when I am in a pinch - it comes in VERY handy and saves money too!

  9. I do the same thing, and I have quite the stationery stash at my house! However, I don't have the wine bottle cards but I think those are a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great day!

  10. I love that-I am huge into sending cards...

  11. I love the hobby of rubber stamping and I had a personalized stamp of our family name made to make cards similar to these. A real time and money saver!

    P.S. I also had a personalized stamp made of my daughter's name so she can do the same thing. She loves it. :)

  12. I do the same...and let me shre the DEAL of the cenrury with you....go to - www.shopboatmangellaer.com for the most precious items and unbelieveable prices, great Xmas gifts too!

  13. Very good idea!! Will have to copy you . . . again! Have a good day!


  14. Kacey at Doodlebugs also has great stickers...we use those for birthday gift here...and then you know the card won't fall off! A friend just introduced me to expressionery...great stationery & cards!

  15. That is a great tip...I love stationary so I can always find something in my stash. I have always had enclosure cards for my kids which have also come in handy for other things that need their name on it.

  16. What a wonderful idea.
    I'm always spending about $4 per card when I'm in a hurry.
    I'll have to see what I can find.
    (I love the wine bottle cards.)

  17. I love me some stationary! I've been making my cards the last couple of years. I figure I have all the scrapbook stuff, why not. I think my family is disappointed if they actually get a store bought card from me;)

  18. These are great ideas and I love personalized cards and stationary!

  19. I bought a bunch of blank cards on sale from target that has a really cute scalloped edge with holes punch in it all in assorted colors and then ran them through my printer to create personalized family cards. I just LOVE them. Great idea.

  20. I love to keep cards like this on hand too. Yours are so cute!

  21. What a great idea and I love the wine bottle tags! How cool!

  22. Great idea, I spend way too much money on cards!!

  23. Love this WFMW tip! I also love Tiny Prints. They've really came through for me on Baby Shower invites and B-Day invites...I'm thinking of getting our Christmas cards done there this year (ASAP) :) Great ideas!

    Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!

  24. Love those wine bottle tags!! What a clever idea! Thanks for sharing;)

  25. You always have a great idea to share! Thanks!

  26. Great suggestions. The wine cards are too cute. I have never seen those before! ;)

  27. I love this idea! My parents have done this for years, but I've never thought of having a set of cards for each child--I could do that for my boys. Thanks!

  28. I have those with my kiddos names on them! They are so super duper handy! But, I haven't gotten any for me. Hmmm. Need to get on this. Thanks for the reminder hun! Love the wine ones. So neat!
    Hugs, Les

  29. Thanks for profiling Tiny Prints stationery on your blog! We appreciate the kind words.

    Rick @ TinyPrints.com

    P.S. We love Boatman Geller too!

  30. Your cards are so cute, you can never have too mnay cards!

  31. Fabulous idea! I may need to "borrow" this one since I am always looking for ways to get ahead and spare myself one less frantic moment.


  32. I love the wine tag! I've never seen that before. I'll have to search for those online.

  33. People are just gonna be so surprised by me this year. All these blogs I'm reading are giving me the bestest ideas. I'm a horrible gift giver but with all these great things people will think I'm brilliant. And I will totally take credit for it! ;)

  34. Carrie,
    you are a wealth of good information. thanks so much.
    ~blessings, edie

  35. I love personalized cards/stationary!! Your's are adorable. What a great idea for wine! I love it! : )

  36. Wow.I haven't even been on my computer for 4days(miracle I'm still breathing) and come back to so many great posts!

    I'm hoping and praying you get your new house or an awesome new neighbor at the least!

    That soup...YUMMMMM...butter and cream oh my!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the wine bottle cards.Too cute! I'm gilty of grab a bottle too! Shhh.

  37. Carrie,
    I love the wine cards I have never seen thoes before. I am going to google it now and buy some. thanks for the tips

  38. I hardly ever buy birthday cards for my parents/siblings/grandparents anymore. Know why? Because I have a 5 year old and a 2.5 yr old who love to color!!! So I almost always have THEM draw a card - they also love to decorate it with stickers. We spent time on it, it's unique, and I don't have to drag the kids out to the store at the last minute and search for a card while they pull all the cards out of the display. The only hitch is when the kids don't feel like coloring... but stickers usually get them past that roadblock.

  39. You've sparked an idea for me to give these to my sister-in-law this year for Christmas. I love personalized cards!

  40. I am in the process of making my own cards for Christmas this year. Wish me luck as it will be a first time endeavor. I love the wine tag cards. You have such great ideas. Thanks for sharing them. xxoo


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