
Works For Me: An Easy and Unique Gift!

It always seems like friends' birthdays creep up on me.  I have the best of intentions to buy them a perfect and thoughtful gift.  Then, life (and very often, the budget) gets in the way and I end up scrambling at the last minute, which I hate! 

Here's a good idea that has really worked for me: When I am out at thrift shops or garage sales, I buy little flower pots.  They are everywhere this time of year!  It helps if they are cute "as is," but ugly pots work too, if you have the time to spray paint them.  Then when I need a gift, I use my rub-on letters (I know, I know, me with the rub-on letters again.  I should get paid for this!) to put the person's monogram on the pot.  Vinyl letters work well too.  A little Mod Podge on top makes the pot look really "finished," and then I just stick some flowers from the grocery store in there to complete it.

Check out this pot that I just did for my sister's 1st wedding anniversary (with her and her husband's joint monogram):
As you've heard me say many times, I just love monogramming!  Adding a little personal touch turns a bland gift into something utterly unique.  I would be so happy to get a little pot like this for my birthday, wouldn't you?  :)


  1. I,too posted about a craft/gift with mod podge. Stick on letters are the greatest! Nice tip.

  2. Great idea~I would love it! Works for me~

  3. I've never thought about using stick on letters for stuff like flower pots! I'm so excited to try this. What a cute and clever gift idea!

  4. How fun! I just love a good craft project - especially one that makes a great gift! Thanks so much.

    Have a great day!

  5. That is such a thoughtful gift. I'll definitely have to remember this one!

  6. I really like this idea...would be happy with it myself!

  7. Glad you're back! These are adorable.

  8. That is a very cute gift! I love gifts that are made with love by the giver.

  9. great ideas-as always! Can't wait to see what you come up with when it gets closer to christmas time!!!

  10. Yes, I would love to get a little pot like this - so cheery! :)

  11. What a great idea. My birthday was yesterday if that's any consolation....LOL.

  12. Great idea, I am always buying flower pots at garage sales and flea markets. They are so expensive otherwise and my mother in law is always giving me clippings.

  13. That is so very cute!!! I love monogramming and that pot is delightful!!!!

    My posting today I linked to you because I copied one of your great ideas. Now here you go again with ANOTHER one...you keep me busy Buzzing Bee!
    Happy Wednesday!
    -Sandy Toes

  14. What a cute gift idea....I love the personalized touch...your vinyl letters are just perfect!

  15. Very I love the monogram look great idea!

  16. i too love monograms...tres chic! they make anything cute...good ideas here! thanks for stopping by...!

  17. That is a gift my MIL would love! Maybe I can do a Christmas theme w/ poinsettias for her for the holidays

  18. Thanks for the idea. I have been rooting a lot of green plants and that would make the perfect gift to put them in. I think I will do this for my sisters for Christmas. Jackie

  19. What a great idea! I'll keep it in mind as I head into a season of lots of birthdays in my family!

  20. This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Very cute idea!

    I have a something for you on my blog today:)

  22. That's a clever idea -- I never even considered that before! What a personal, yet cost-effective gift!

  23. Okay, that is SO cute! Love it!

  24. What a fun idea! Your like a library of great ideas!

    Come over and check out my giveaway! It's a goodie!!


  25. What a cute blog! I did not know about rub on letters...how great!

  26. What a fun and creative gift, and so economical too! Definately something that someone would not necessarily do for herself--what a great idea, thaks so much for sharing!

  27. This is tooo tooo cute... Great idea!!!

  28. Now that is a great idea!!!! You have the best ideas!!! You should compile them all and write a book! I am serious!
    Have a blessed day!!!

  29. What a cute gift idea! :D I'm going to have to try that!! Would be great for the kids to do, too!

  30. That is a great idea and very personal.

  31. Such a great idea! And so easy that's what I really love about it. *smiles*

  32. So should we all be expecting one of these cuties in the mail? LOL

  33. That is a great idea! Maybe you've already answered this, but where did you get those letters to put on everything?

  34. Great! I would love to get one of these, and I'm definitely going to make some!

  35. Super fun and creative idea!

  36. Great idea! I love monograms too!

  37. i need to start making these! great tip!

  38. That is a great idea! I am going to be in need of a gift here soon so I think I will try this out!

  39. I hope I can remember all these great ideas when I need them! This one is a keeper! What a great idea-I am stealing this one today!!!

  40. Love all your great ideas! Keep them coming! Hope your week is going well!


  41. Very cute - thanks for the easy idea!

  42. Sounds cute and easy! Thanks for the auto post tip. I'm giving it a try!

  43. Looks like everyone will be trying this! I love it.

  44. very cute idea!! you need to get you a sewing machine that monograms for all you new little ones bibs!! hope you are having a great Wednesday

  45. WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!I will use this for sure! :)

  46. Great idea....thanks for sharing!!

  47. What a great and personal gift! She'll love it! Happy day wishes to you hun! Hugs, Les

  48. Cute idea! I am going to have to try this!

  49. Wow! What a great idea! I love those letters!

  50. Where do you get the rub on letters from? I was at Michael's last week and couldn't find them... but then again, I don't really know what I am looking for.

  51. Too Cute! I'll have to try it. I haven't checked in lately. Congrats on the pregnancy! I'll be back to see how things are going.

  52. A few people have asked about where to buy the letters. I have seen them in the sticker/scrapbook section of Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Joanns...the usual spots! You have to look for them awhile because they tend to blend in with everything else, but ask one of the sales people for the "rub-on" letters and they should be able to help you!

  53. Cute idea! Love the gift. Who wouldn't want that?

  54. This is the perfect combo of cute, thoughtful, and cost-effective (something this city girl needs more of in her life!) Thank you so much for sharing, I'm totally adding this to the birthday gift ideas list. :)

  55. I would be so happy too! I LOVE this idea! I will have to be on the lookout for some pots...

  56. This is a very nice gift! Who doesn't love to get a plant and with a personalized touch too!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)