
Wood Projects

You know how, when you go out to a garage sale or a thrift store, you have to walk in with an open mind?  How as soon as you think you're going to find a specific thing, you don't?  Yep, me too.  Happens all the time.  So that is why I now have three large pieces of furniture in my house that I never thought I needed, but ended up buying anyway.  Like I said, you gotta keep your options open!

First we have a Pottery Barn coffee table that appeared one Friday morning at a garage sale I happened to pass by.  (Don't you love how I make it sound like fate?)  It was $40 and had every feature that a family with a toddler needs: a drawer to hide all the stuff, an extra shelf underneath for more stuff, and a large surface area for a large basket full of stuff.  Get where I'm coming from on this?  :)

Next is a $20 thrift store find.  It's a little trunk that needs some serious love, but I am thinking that once I have loved on it a bit, it will become a toy chest for Nina's "big girl room," still in the making.

Lastly is the piece that we needed least.  A dresser that is so beat up that it was shoved between some much better looking pieces in an antique shop a few weeks ago.  My husband and I just thought it had really pretty lines, and I am imagining it with a beautiful dark stain and a marble top.  It's the kind of piece that I think could look good in a bedroom, dining room, or front entryway.  We got the owner down from $130 to $100, and for that price we decided that this dresser will be our husband-wife bonding project (you know, for all the extra time we have coming to us once the baby is born). 

I think that's why I love to visit thrift stores, garage sales and antique shops.  You just never know what you're going to find!


  1. You never do know what you are going to find....

    and you found some great stuff!!

    I cannot wait to see what you do with Nina's toy chest....and that chest is going to be gorgeous...it does have great lines!!

    You never stop, do you?

    Hope you had a fun wedding weekend!


  2. good buys! its all about the hunt!

  3. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with this wood furniture! Please share! Some great finds!!!

    Happy Monday!
    -Sandy Toes

  4. I love your finds! The chest is great...and I'm a sucker for Pottery Barn anything! The dresser will also be lovely once you're all done. Is that a coaster under the sippy cup on your coffee table? What a woman!!!

  5. i love the coffee table-but they are all great finds....

  6. You found some wonderful things! I love that dresser. Have a great time bonding over it. lol

  7. Wow -- you found some great treasures!

    Have a fun week!


  8. Carrie~
    Those are great finds~you know I appreciate a good yard sale/thrift find. And, I completely believe in fate and yard sale finds! :)I finally got my new blog up and there is a giveaway, so be sure to stop by~

  9. Great finds - love the coffee table!

  10. Good stuff!

    Our sales here are crap! I went this weekend and was disappointed. Most of them are baby/children's things, which if that's what you need, you'll score big time. However, that's not what I need, so most of the sales I just drove on by. :(

    And they price things here like they are brand new. Sorry, but garage sale stuff is supposed to be a bargain!

    Can't wait to see how your projects turn out!

  11. Great finds! I love the coffee table and the toy chest is going to be perfect! It's awesome your husband likes to thrift. If mine did I would have tons of pending projects. I adore RESTORE but he can't see the hidden treasure, but loves the finished product.

  12. What great "fun finds", as I call them! I love the coffee table -- you got that for a great price! And the dresser is beautiful...can't wait to see the end result! :)


  13. I can't believe you found a pottery barn coffee table for $40! What a deal! It looks to be in excellent condition!

  14. Nothing like some good bargain hunting! I still have this great, heavy, long shelf I need to sand and slap some paint on. Got it for $4!! It's going to look sweet when it's done!

    Can't wait to see your after pix!

  15. Lovin the trunk. That will make such an adorable toy chest, or would look wonderful at the end of my bed :)

  16. I wish I had your eye for things like that! Just think of all the money you have saved!!! You go girl!!

    How was the wedding? Did you have a great time?

  17. Love your finds! I need to go hunting. *smiles*

  18. Waiting patiently for the 'Big Reveal' of the lovely pieces. I know you will turn each one into a treasure!!!

  19. You've got some great finds there! I can't wait to see the "afters" on them.

    We've got baskets on/under/and in tables around here too...

  20. What great finds...that coffee table is wonderful.

    I didn't make any garage sales this year...just not time. But also don't have much extra space, so probably just as well.

    Probably more time to host one ;-)

    Enjoy your fix it up projects!

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  21. You got some great pieces. I just love that chest of drawers. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  22. What fun things that found you!!! I can't wait to see the chest and dresser finished! You guys will have fun making them your own!!! Happy week ahead hun~ Les

  23. I can see the potential in the trunk! I love it!
    Can't wait to see the after pictures.

  24. YOu ought to look up freecycle in your area... good junk for FREE!!!
    find it.
    Just type in freecycle in a search and you'll

  25. I do love how you make it sound like fate! haha! That dresser does have VERY pretty lines. I hope you post a pic of it when your done.. three years from now.. just kidding!

  26. You found some great stuff. I have been looking for a coffee table that I could use in our bonus room! 40 bucks was a great price.

  27. I love the Pottery Barn table and I can't wait to see the toy chest after you have loved on it a bit!

  28. Such a fun find! I love your idea about Xeroxing the other side of the magazine page, I'd totally freak if things were in the wrong order too ;) I have a little award shoutout on my blog, coming your way! :)

  29. It has been those times where I come home with large pieces of furniture too! It is so fun though. I love your pieces and that dresser is awesome!

  30. Great finds. I can't wait to see that dresser when you are finished with it.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)