
Tour My House Tuesday: Loft

On today's tour I'm going to show you the room at the top of our stairs.  We call it a loft but it really just has a half wall that overlooks the stairs.  It does allow for a lot of light in the upstairs hallway, and has a great view of the mountains, which we love!

Somehow this room has evolved into containing quite a few of old family pieces.  This bookshelf was in pieces when it came to us.  It was in my husband's room as a child, and his parents kind of dismantled it in their empty-nest enthusiasm.

Another piece from my husband's side.  They were really into collecting antiques for awhile.  They always refer to it as "the cow box."  I'm sure you can see why!  

This is the alternate view of the loft.  Those double doors lead to the master bedroom, which I will show you next week.  And that big wooden piece is the hope chest that my mom gave me when I graduated college.  A family friend made it for me.  I love it!

I love this little collection.  The desk comes from my husband's grandfather, and the needlepoint chair comes from my grandmother.  When we first got married and I put these two pieces together, I cried when I saw how well they fit, like they had been made for each other.  I know I am super-sentimental, but it just made me happy to think about our two families, our individual heritages, coming together to make a new one.

And just in honor of my blog's name, I had to show you my little bee pillow.  I am always drawn to bees in decorating...so charming!

So there we are!  The loft is one of my favorite rooms in the house, because it is removed from the hustle and bustle of downstairs, and has such comfortable pieces that remind me of our families.  Maybe I'll go curl up with a book in there today!


  1. That does look like the PERFECT place to curl up with a book! I love all the family pieces that make it so special!

  2. What a great space! It is like a little extra surprise at the top of your stairs. Very nice...

  3. All those beautiful treasures in one room....it looks so warm and inviting...in fact, your whole house looks warm and inviting!!

    I love that the chair and desk came from each of your grandparents...it was like they were made to find each other....just like you and your husband were meant to find each other. That would bring tears to my eyes too!!

  4. What a great space to put famiy treasures that won't be disturbed by children. Baby walkers, sticky hands, accidents, probably won't be happening as much in this room. It's nice to have a room that stays pretty much clean too!

  5. Great room! I love to see how people incorporate piece of their famliies together into their home. I love bees too. I have bee fabric in my bedroom. I hate them in real life but think they have so much character.

  6. Lofts are awesome and I love how you pull old pieces - the really sentimental ones. It looks great.

  7. Very cozy and warm, that's for sure. You've done a great job.

    I love antiques as well. I have a few pieces I just love and can't imagine parting with.

  8. That loft sure does look warm and cozy. I love the cow trunk.

  9. What a great room! I love how so many of your pieces in there have a *story.*

  10. My parents have a loft in their house and it is my favorite place! I love all of your family treasures!

  11. I love how you use your loft! I have always wanted a two story home, just so that I could have a loft. I figure that is where I would have the kids "play area". Who knows what I'd really do if I had one.

  12. I love the combination of red and yellow. You've done a great job with the decor. It looks so cozy!

  13. I love that pillow...what a wonderful space!!!
    -Sandy Toes

  14. I love bees too! What a nice cozy space!

  15. Very nice are. That's where you'd find me curled up with a book.
    Love the bee pillow.

  16. Awe, that lil loft looks so nice and cozy. I just wana curl up in a blanket and lay in the sun light!


  17. I love it! You definitely have a great decorating gift - I wish was good at stuff like that! I've been enjoying your "tour" of the house!

  18. Oh -- it looks so lovely and just the place to curl up with a good book. How wonderful that you can look out and see the mountains!! How unfair -- my state is right next to yours (Nebraska), but we have no beautiful mountains!! Enjoy yours!


  19. That is such a great space! I love it! The desk and chair do blend so well together. Goosebumps on this end when I read about it! I love pieces that have stories behind them from the family. That makes them even more special I think! It's all lovely! Happy Tuesday! Thanks for the tour! xo, Les

  20. Such a great space!Very soothing.Love the bees, too.

  21. What a beautiful space! I love all the light and how cozy it makes things feel!

  22. What a great room full of happy memories. I love the things that remind me of my family and my legacy. Thanks for sharing. Connie

  23. I want to come over with my book and curl up! I bet it is so nice to sit in all that sunlight in the winter--warm and cozy!

  24. That is where I would be reading too! The bee pillow is perfect for you!!!

  25. What a great space, so nice and cozy!!! : )

  26. I love this room. It looks so relaxing and like a comfy warm place to be. Love the "cow box"!

  27. Your loft looks huge and like a wonderfully comfortable place to hang out!

    Angie in OH

  28. What a lovely loft! It looks soooo cozy!

  29. I really like this space..you've done a great job with it..it is warm, inviting and cozy!

  30. What an absolutely adorable little place. I love that the desk and chair fit together so perfectly. I'm super-sentimental as well. And the "cow box" is too cute, too. :)

  31. Thanks for sharing...Call me nosy but I love to look at other people's rooms!! LOL!!

    Your loft looks so cozy and I love the fact that there are so many items that are from your family. Neat.

  32. Wow, I love your loft! Totally LOVE the cow box! And the hope chest! Everything, really : )!

  33. I love your loft! It's so warm and cozy! That bookshelf that you "rescued" is great!!

  34. Love your loft!! The furniture is awesome. I love the coffee table and that desk!

  35. It's so special that you have so many pieces of furniture from your families. Such a cozy space filled with your family heritage.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)