
Mirror, Mirror (leaning) on the Wall

We're almost there!  Day Four of the front room makeover, and I am excited to show you some of my favorite new elements to the room.

This mirror below is a pretty oval shape, and I got it at Big Lots for $5.  Yippee!  I thought I would give it a coat of (what else?) black paint, but then got it home and actually liked it in gold.  So gold it will stay!

My lamp is a $5 garage sale find, with a lampshade that I bought at Joann's and recovered in fabric.  Same process as what I did here.  And don't you love those big brown polka dots in that fabric?  You'll see more of those in the big room reveal tomorrow!

Lastly, the tall table that everything is resting on is a cheapie Target purchase.  I bought it when I was fresh out of college and in need of furniture.  It started out as a very light blond wood, then spent a few years as green, and finally, black.  I've gotten a lot of use out of it!

See you tomorrow for the Big Reveal!


  1. I just can't contain myself...I am SO excited. I love that gourd with AUTUMN on it! Great look.

  2. Everything is looking beautiful! Looking forward to the BIG reveal. :)

    Angie in OH

  3. Love the polkadot lamp and I can't wait for tomorrow!

    I just bought rub on letters for some Pottery Barn-like buckets. I can't wait to try them out!

    Thank you for continuing to inspire me!

  4. I heart the display! The polka dots on the lamp are fabulous. I am a sucker for polka dots too! Can't wait for the reveal :-)

  5. I will be back tomorrow...can't wait to see this room. Love your blog!

  6. There is that gourd again I like so much.

    The suspense is SO hard!!! Glad i only have to wait one more day!

  7. Yes! Im so excited! I love the polka dots! I trying to find the right black and cream polka dots for my spring/summer curtains! :)

  8. Love it! Can't wait for the big reveal!

  9. Love the mirror! I really can't wait for tomorrow-I might have to shave my legs again for this one...

  10. I have to tell you that I totally thought of you with that bee stamp!!!

  11. Can't wait for the reveal! Love the lamp!!!

  12. The lamp is so cute with those polka dots and the balls hanging off it! I love it!

  13. Such fun...am loving your great finds. Nothing makes me happier...hee hee

  14. Polka dots and pom-pon fringe...I'm in love!I'm a paint-it-black kinda girl too but the gold looks great!

  15. Oh my that lamp is so cute...okay I am so excited to see tomorrow..I hope the pictures are nice and big so we can see your "decorating" talent at work!
    -sandy toes
    p.s. maybe I need glasses? oh my!

  16. It's looking great! Can't wait to see the big reveal tomm.!!

  17. I do so love the polkadot fabric. Very cute! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  18. I do so love the polkadot fabric. Very cute! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  19. What a great reveal tomorrow will be! Just the vignette in the pic is too darling! How cute are those polka dots, and that cute pear from a previous post...I can hardly wait to see everthing tomorrow! Happy Thursday!

  20. Oh wow -- it looks gorgeous already!! Ummmm -- can you come over and re-do my whole house??
    Looking forward to the big reveal!


  21. Great mirror! Love it:) We have Big Lots here in CT. I really need to stop in one day. I always here of everyone getting such great stuff there!

  22. Cute Cute! I want that gourd! I love the fabric!!!

  23. The lampshade looks fab. I love that pom pom fringe too. I have that same clock from Pottery Barn that I got years ago. Deana

  24. Looks great as always!

  25. I absolutely love that polka dot lamp! Can't wait to see the room tomorrow!

  26. I can't stand it anymore! I MUST see the reveal! LOVE the mirror. Looks like I'll have to go to Big Lots. :)

  27. this is looking great! can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. my living room is in desperate need of a serious makeover! wish i could just get on a TV show or something! :)

  28. I'm so excited! Be sure to show A LOT of pictures that we can enlarge!! :) I have a feeling I will be wanting to study each one! :)

  29. Love the lamp! Can't wait till tomorrow;)

  30. Love going through the make-over with you and I can't wait to see the big reveal!!

  31. You have me on the edge of my seat...

    Can't wait for the big reveal!!

    I LOVE the tall lamp and the mirror, what a fab find! I love Big Lots! I actually went to Michael's to try to find one of those nightlight kits that you talked about in your other post, but no such luck! She said they didn't carry them...I was so bummed. However, I still need to try JoAnn's, maybe I'll find one there *fingers crossed*! The polka dot fabric on the lamp re-do is so perfect!

    Yippee for the big reveal tomorrow!

  32. Oh I Just love decorating! Looking forward to the big reveal!

  33. I'm likin' what I'm seeing! I was trying to cheat and look in the reflection of the mirror only to find that you did a great job at getting a "non-revealing angle". Bummer. =)

  34. I'm looking forward to the big reveal. With all the little teasers....

    I bet it is going to look FAB!

  35. Oh you have me all jealous...I so need to get tom my rooms. Looking forward to tomorrow!

  36. You've officially got me convinced that I need more lamps in my house. I love the polka dot pattern, and is that something written on the bottom of the lamp?

  37. I'm crazy for polka-dots -that is too cute! :) I know I'm going to love the whole thing...you have great taste!

  38. I came back to let you know you've been tagged. That's what you get for making me wait for this reveal! It's a fun one--I hope you can participate!

  39. That lamp is too cute for words! I also love that you bought that mirror for just $5 and painted it yourself. Those little secrets make things look even better!

  40. Love the lamp fabric. Seriously~ when Jason passes through Denver coming home from a TDY again, I am so having him kidnap you to bring you here to revamp my house girly! And, yes, I'll play with all the kids and entertain them while you make my house pretty!!! How are you feeling by the way? I hope GREAT! Not too much longer! Hugs, Les

  41. andrealeigh--
    Nope, there's nothing written on the lamp, but you might be seeing the gourd that I painted and put the word "autumn" on it. :)

  42. Look so cool Can't wait to see it all! Happy Halloween !


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)