
Vinyl Letters: My Exciting Discovery!

I am so excited about my new discovery!  OK, I doubt this is a new discovery for any of you, but I am a relative novice here and this is new for me.  Vinyl and rub-on letters!  So many of you have done adorable projects with these, and most recently I got some advice from the undomesticated wife and Rhoda (she directed me to Manuela's cute project) that pushed me over the edge.

So this weekend I re-did a few little items around my house that needed a face lift.  I am amazed at what a difference a few cute letters can make!  Here is a little tea canister I bought at TJ Maxx.  I didn't like the letters that used to be on here, so I took a little acetone, rubbed it over the paint, and it came right off.  Then I used some cute rub-on letters I found at Hobby Lobby and it is a whole new piece!

Next is a flower pot I picked up a few weeks ago at a garage sale for $1.  It was sponge painted.  Enough said.  I spray painted it a creamy white, then added this little saying.  Now the real miracle is going to be keeping this plant alive!

Lastly is a blatant copy from so many others out there.  I love your "Boo" pumpkins and just had to have some of my own.  I added a few thrift sale candlesticks painted black, and I have an adorable fall corner above my fireplace!

I think in the coming weeks you will see a lot more "lettering" from me!  Let me know if you have any other ideas (I know you do) so I can copy you, too!


  1. love these ideas! i too, love the letters!...looking forward to more of your ideas.

  2. My neighbor across the street has a machine that cuts the vinyl letters - it is so addicting.

  3. Oh my -- so, so cute!! Love all your re-do's! I must get busy and try to get some fall decorating since it now officially fall. Have a good week!


  4. Oh yes, vinyl lettering can become SO addicting! I love what you've done!

  5. Ooo! Your projects turned out fab! I love!!!

    Hey, even if your plant doesn't make it, the pot is still adorable. :b

    Good job girl! Can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  6. So super cute! the planter is my fav :)


  7. I can't wait to try this. My mind is buzzing with all the things I have that can be lettered:O

  8. OHH I am a typhography nut too...monograms, words, it does not matter. I love to use rubons. love the sprout. cherry

  9. Okay, so how cute is that pot with the word "sprout" on it? I'm going to have to remember that one!!

  10. I've used these for scrapbooking but never thought about it for other things. Now I'll have to see what I can add a rub-on too! :) Your canister and plant looks great!! I love your BOO pumpkins!!

  11. WHAT did you use for the "boo" lettering? I'm free-handing it right now, and it's horrible! Cute ideas!

  12. I haven't done any of the vinyl letters but I am seeing them all over blog world. LOVE all of your creations...esp Sprout...cute, cute!!!!

  13. The vinyl letters are terrific....I think I would be going nuts putting letters on everything...

    I love the pumpkins...I have some on candle sticks too!!

    I might have to add "letters" to my craft store shopping list!


  14. Looks wonderful! I must find these vinyl letters. I am aparently behind on the decorating times. *smiles*

  15. I love the "sprout" on the pot! That is so cute!!! Vinyl lettering is fun especially with pumpkins!
    -Sandy Toes

  16. oh I love the sprout one how cute!

  17. Sooo cute! It's amazing how a few exxtra touches (or letters) can really spice up an object and make it a lot more fun.

  18. Oh those are great ideas. SO cute!!! I'm thinking of what I could use them on.... :)

  19. Oh, I just love those boo pumkins...I think I'm going to have to copy you my friend! : )

  20. I love the boo pumpkins, too. Very cute repurposing ideas!

  21. Nice job on those. I have been making lots of fun Halloween crafts with my vinyl and giving them as gifts. Inexpensive, home made and unique.

  22. I love what you've done with the letters! Great ideas!

  23. I so need to go to Hobby Lobby for some vinyl lettering. The "sprout" plant is really cute!

  24. I love them too. Try rubbing one off (your initial) on to your favorite scrap book paper and place it in a small frame. I did, it's cute.

  25. Check out Uppercase Living - google that and go to their home page - you will love it - it is an entire company based on the vinyl letters. I was just at a home show a few weeks ago and received my order yesterday. I will be sure to post pics when I get it hung - I am SO excited!!!

    **Check out my blog from late Friday - I have something for you!

  26. Oh!
    I just put a vinyl saying on my living room wall yesterday.
    Aren't they simply fantabulous?

    I think I will take a pic tonight & post on my blog.

    Yes, I am so addicted to the vinyl letters now. Might have to get a saying for the kitchen.

    Of course, the husband & the kids thought it was dumb but what do they know, they are men!

  27. That machine is a cricket (?) not sure on spelling-but I want one to do a banner...LOVE, LOVE the letters!! Want them all over my house! I did a vinyl banner at my cottage, I'll post it on my blog-
    LOVE the Puumpkins!!!

  28. So fun...I am going to finally get to spray painting my pumpkins this week.
    I haven't gone to the vinyl letters yet, but must....too cute.

  29. You will get a kick out of my copy-cat project...feel free to copy mine since I copied from everyone else's site. : ) Did you also get your B O O letters from HB? That's my next project. Thanks for sharing yours.

  30. OMGoody Goodness! Your items turned out GREAT! I'm totally gonna snatch the BOO! idea from you. Hope you don't mind! If mine turn out 1/2 as great as yours, I will post pix and PROPS to you!

    My hubby does vinyl designs as a hobby. I had him cut a design for me (a 1st!). I loved the way it turned out. I can't wait to put him to work again! LOL

  31. Those turned out so cute! I love the BOO pumpkins! I better join in the fun!

  32. Aren't they ever so easy to use! Love the "sprout" :-) Try them on plates!


  33. Don't you just love rub-ons! I broke down today and bought some candlesticks so I can have my own Boo pumpkins:)

  34. It all looks great! Rub-ons are fabulous! Are the "BOO" on your pumpkins rub on's?

  35. Your ideas are great!!!!!!
    Are the letters similar to uppercase living? Where do you think that the best/cheapest place to find them is? I would love to do those pumpkins for in front of my fireplace! Thanks for sharing!

  36. Have you heard of Uppercase Living? Check out our blog for some of the cute stuff we have been doing with it or check out the website http://expressyourself.uppercaseliving.net

  37. Wow! So cute! Especially "sprout." Would not have thought of that myself. You do some great things and I'm learning lots from you. Thanks for sharing. xxoo

  38. I think you did alot w/ your letters and all - hope you are feeling better! Keep the ideas comin, love your blog.

  39. You ALWAYS have the coolest ideas!!

    I love the pot with "sprout" on it.

  40. OH!
    I blogged about my vinyl saying.
    Come visit :>)

  41. You have been a busy bee chicadee! I love it all! I haven't used any yet, so you beat me to it and I will be copying you! I must get on board and try this awesome new trick!!!

  42. Oh I love vinyl lettering!! One of my daughters has a vinyl sign business and so I'm always asking her to print out some for different things...
    our latest vinyl letter project isn't as cute as yours...
    We have put big vinyl letters on a shower curtain every which way (capitals and lower case) and we are teaching Riley letter recognition...kinda like a twister alphabet game....

    I love your pumpkins!!! very cute!

  43. All of your projects are great. I especially like the pumpkins on those black candlesticks, and I think you will have a hard time killing that plant. I root those all the time, and they grow easily remember, light and water, and you will have it made. Jackie

  44. I haven't tried these letters yet, but you have made me sure want to!!!

  45. super cute! i love the "sprout" I would have never thought to use that word on a pot. I also love the font.
    I am so glad that you are so exicted over the letters! In utah-there is vinyl letters everywhere! EVERYWHERE! Sometimes-I dare say-a little overdone. But, i still love it! I love how you can change anything with just a word or two-then when you are sick of it-you can rip it off and start over!
    Too bad I can't do that with my butt-you know rip it off and start over~! :) ha ha

  46. Oh, I am loving this too. How cute is this?

  47. I was very unaware how these cute letters kept appearing everywhere. Vinyl letters...YES! Another addiction:)
    Thanks for the great tips and Loved what you did with them!

  48. I just love the lettering! You're right - it really transforms those containers! Your pumpkins are just adorable, too. :)

  49. VEEEEERY cute! I love rub ons... I use(d) them all the time when I scrapbooked.

  50. I spelled autumn on small pumpkins for my kitchen window sill. I love letters and monograms and am always looking for spots to add more.

  51. I used the rub ons on some tealight candle holders I have. These candle holders are raised up and solid glass from top to bottom so I was able to center the rub on letters on each candle holder.

    This set has three holders and I themed them for Christmas, Peace, Noel, and Joy (in red rub ons).


  52. I've also seen rub ons on vases. Such as fill a tall vase with rock and pebbles and then add some twigs for a nature look and then place your rub on saying in the center of the vase.

    At the top of the vase add a scrap of scrapbook paper and secure with double sided tape then add a ribbon on top of the paper and tie a square knot.

    The saying should be bellow the paper and ribbon of course.


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