
Someone Knows the Gender of My Baby...

...but it isn't me!  We just had our 20-week ultrasound a few days ago.  We told the doctor before the exam that we did not want to know the gender.  We were surprised when pregnant with our daughter Nina, and we really loved it that way.  I found that it gave me that extra motivation to push when I kept falling asleep between contractions!  And my husband got to be the one to tell me "It's a girl!," which was so meaningful to me.

Anyway, I digress.  The ultrasound went well and the doctor says everything looks healthy.  I am so glad for that.  The baby was wiggling around like crazy and she could not get very clear photos.  He/she kept turning towards the camera, so a profile shot was especially difficult.  This was the best we could do:

At the end of the visit, I said to the doctor "Please don't tell us, but do you know the gender?"  She smiled at me and said "I KNOW!"  Needless to say, it has been all I can do not to race to the phone to call her and say "I changed my mind!  Please tell me!"  But I keep remembering how amazing that moment in the delivery room was, and I refrain.

Either way, I thank God for a healthy ultrasound and an active little baby!  Only four more months to go...seems like an eternity.  


  1. You are good.....I could never hold out...I had to know immediately....What a wonderful surprise for you and your husband....your right, it will be very meaningful and special....DON'T call her!!

    So glad that everything is moving along as expected and you got the wonderful news of healthy happy baby!

    The 4 months will fly by.....fall asleep between contractions??? you have to be kidding us...

    Enjoy your day!


  2. Congratulations on such a wonderful appointment! Such blessed news to hear how healthy the baby is! I always loved seeing my baby and never wanted the ultrasound to end!

    You are an amazing woman! I was too impatient to wait and had to know right away!

  3. Carrie,
    I am so excited for you! I don't know how you can wait. We've already decided that we want to know with the baby I am carrying now. I wish I could be as patient as you...I think it is because I am too much of a planner! Great picture!

  4. Oh congratulations!!! What a sweet season of life.

    PS ~~ I admire your ability to wait to find out if this baby is a girl or boy!! :)

  5. I HAD to know what my babies were, but then again, I also snoop for my Christmas presents! A healthy baby is such a blessing...that is what matters in the long run. God Bless!!!

  6. So exciting! It would be hard to know that someone else knows if it's a boy or girl! It will be wonderful to find out when the baby is born. Congratulations! The next 4 months will fly by.


  7. Congratulations on a great ultrasound! I loved my 20 week u/s but I did not have the strength not to find out...I found out with all three of mine!

    A surprise on the "day" would be fun!
    Any names?
    -Sandy toes

  8. I am one of those who had to know! I really admire people with enough restraint to not find out when they know someone else knows!
    I am glad that the baby looks good! Hang in there...4 months will go by faster than you think. Well, it will seem like it did at the end anyway ;-)

  9. Do you feel any different then with Nina? What I thought was going to take 9 months took 8 1/2 years. So when my hubby wanted to know I couldn't say no to him. I felt we were having a boy. Fran had 2 girls and 1 boy by this time. She gained more and carried her son different and I was just like that and yes it was a boy. I'm glad you are waiting. Makes it SO MUCH more EXCITING!!!!

  10. Aww congrats!! Stay strong - I can't imagine how fun it is to not know the sex until that very moment!!!

  11. I think it's so awesome you are waiting to find out! I would wait to, because there aren't many real surprises in life, and I'd want to have it like you did with your husband...after all that work, having him be the one to tell you! I"m kind of old fashioned that way.

    Plus, I've known several people who found out, then when the baby was born, learned the techs were wrong!! ha! Now that's a surprise! ;)

  12. I LOVE that you don't want to know! I didn't know with my first baby either. And not because I didn't want to know... the dr refused to tell me! (this was a military facility) My favorite memory of giving birth to my son was hearing my mom yell "It's a BOY!" (my husband was deployed and missed the birth)4 months does seem like an eternity when waiting for your new baby but you can do it!!

  13. So glad that everything with sweet baby is going well! I absolutely HAD to know what I was having both times :)!! My sister was surprised, though, and it was fun to find out at the hospital!

  14. Oh, the anticipation. I didn't know with my first baby and it was a beautiful surprise. I definitely thought she was a boy because all of my husbands siblings were boys. They also had only boys so when my daughter was born we were ecstatic. To this day they still call her baby Bethany and she is 14.

  15. I think my husband could have waited to be surprised but I just had to know with all 3 of ours! How exciting for you!!
    I loved ultrasounds too. Our OB was awesome with our last baby. Starting at my 20 week, he gave me one with each appointment, sometimes even sneaking in the cool 3D one!

  16. So glad to hear all is well! It won't be long now!

  17. YOu are amazing - I NEED and HAVE to know. Then I can start going crazy on the nursery! So glad everything looks great and your pregnancy is going well! I actually love being pregnant - but don't do deliveries too well!

  18. Praise God, so glad little bean is doing great! So exciting! That would be extra pushing motivation wouldn't it! So sweet, love when the Hubby's are so fully involved!

  19. How exciting! I have so many friends like you that want to be surprised...I couldn't wait! I had to know on my son : ). I'm so happy everything is going great!

  20. How exciting! We too wanted the surprise! I could have swore I was going to have boys with both my pregnancies! Wrong:) Enjoy the next 4 months!

  21. How exciting!! I don't think I could ever do this so it is always fun when other people do it. :)

    Glad everything is looking good!

  22. We did this with all 3 of our babies, and from what I know, that was the hardest part. Have a baby derby, it gets everyone excited for it.

  23. Ultrasounds are so exciting...I always loved just laying there watching my baby!!! It made it SOOO real! You have great will-power to hold out until delivery. I had to know the instant they could tell.

    I think these last four months will just fly by especially with all of the holidays coming up....it will be over before you know it.

  24. Congratulations! That is so great that you can go without knowing. I couldn't at all!

  25. You are much stronger than me! Much much much stronger!I had to know so I could decorate! I know, I am a freak~! I have accepted this and moved on!

  26. I was always too ready to start SHOPPING so I always asked the gender! With my first one I wanted a girl sooooooo bad and even before the ultra sound I told my husband I just know it is a boy, I can tell. Sure enough ...boy!
    Glad the baby (and you too)is healthy!

  27. How exciting. I love ultra sounds...it's been a few years but the ultra sound was sooooo exciting and wonderful to see the little baby. It's wonderful. We found out on all three kids and I loved it all. But I am equally understanding of waiting for the excitement in the delivery room. Yippppeeee for you!

  28. We didn't find out either, and I just loved it! There is something in you that wants to know, but it is totally worth the wait in the end! Wishing and praying for a happy healthy baby!

  29. How very exciting! I think I would like for it to be a suprise too..

  30. How exciting!!! I was surprised with both my girls...they told me BOTH times I was having a boy. HA! That was a joke. Of course that was 19 & 21 years ago....times have changed.

  31. Just tagged you on my blog if you're interested in sharing a few things about yourself...am embarrassed to say that I cannot figure out how to link it to you here in the comments section.

  32. Congrats! So glad to hear your baby is healthy and doing well. I am also so glad that you didn't find out the sex. We didn't find out with either one and both were such a wonderful surprise. Our doctors also knew the whole time but we were never even tempted. We didn't want to know!

  33. Our first two, we never found out the gender...but the last 8....we found out.....Its fun to be surprised! I am glad all is going well! :)

  34. Yea for a good apt! I will have a glass of wine to celebrate for you Miss Preggers! I hope you're letting hubby spoil you rotten and pamper your pregnant tootsies!!! Happy rest of your week~ Love, Les
    p.s. Jason is flying through Denver on his way home tomorrow. I'll have him wave to you for me ;)

  35. How sweet! I love to see those little ultrasound photos. :)
    Congratulations on your sweet little one!

  36. We waited to find out too! Though being surprised with Twins on our 7 1/2 WEEK visit - was the real shocker!

    Glad for your healthy report!

  37. I never wanted to know either. A friend has just found out she's pregnant and at least 22 weeks to top it off.

    It's a baby boom right now.

    This may be fun to try if your into wacky things... the chinese birth calendar.

    They claim they can predict the sex of your baby based on the age of the mother and the month you conceived.

    If I remember correctly, it worked for both of our children.

    If your interested, just google it.

  38. thats awesome! I didnt know the sex of my daughter before I had her, but mostly because by the time I decided I wanted to know, she had already turned and they couldnt see! :) I cant wait to find out what your having!!!

  39. ohhh...and I wanted to add, I fell asleep between contractions and pushes too, I was so exausted!

  40. How fun! We kept the gender a surprise for two of our children and decided to find out with one. Both ways had their advantages, but I liked the surprises much more ( :

  41. You are going to love having that surprise to look forward to! I did it both ways...my first two kids I found out and the second two were a surprise. The surprises were so much fun!

    Angie in OH


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