
Pumpkins and Gourds and Mums, Oh My!

Hi again!  Two posts in one day..but I just couldn't resist!  Melissa over at The Inspired Room is hosting Fall Nesting Week, and I wanted to join the party!  Unfortunately, I have not had time to pull out the fall decorations or purchase the necessary pumpkins, gourds and orange mums (my favorite) to sufficiently "Fall" my house (Do you like how "fall" is now a verb?).  Luckily, I have photos from our previous house, all decked out and ready for fall.

I simple adore a little clump of pumpkins and mums on the front porch.  Who doesn't?  And if you look a little closer, you will see my favorite fall wreath, decorated with a slew of those burnt orange fall-looking berries.  You will see that wreath again, my friends, once I get my act together in my current house.

In the meantime, just looking at the photos makes me want to break out the pumpkins!  As my sister says, "Carrie always likes to start the seasons early."  (Hence my Christmas music two months before Christmas.)  I am glad to know I am not the only one!  Happy Fall!


  1. Your old home is so adorable!!!

    I am so ready for the pumpkins...they are on the shopping list this week...hooray!!

    Sarah's bday is around Thanksgiving and last year our house was fully decorated for Christmas for her party.....everyone was like....wan't thanksgiving yesterday? I am always jumping the gun too....happy decorating!


  2. Your previous house is gorgeous. I like pumpkins and mums for fall decorating too. I've started my Fall decorating but haven't shown pic's yet. I need to change things around more before I share with everyone. hehe Can't wait to see your new house.

    Brandee :-)

  3. inspiring, I need to do something with my little postage stamp of a porch. I will look into some mum's this week, but the pumpkins will have to wait as it is almost 90 degrees up here today :)

  4. It must be a first born child thing- my younger sisters and brother tease me about starting the seasons early, too! My Christmas CD's start their rotation in November. I just can't seem to make Thanksgiving dinner without the Elvis Presley Christmas CD playing in the background- it brings back memories of Thanksgiving at my grandma's.

  5. What a darling house! It's so cozy and quaint! I love it!

    I agree - start early if it makes you happy and puts you in the holiday frame of mind. Why not?!

  6. I LOVE that house! The porch is so gorgeous!

  7. What a homey-looking house. I just love that big front porch. Why don't they make porches like that any more? Ours is so narrow I practically have to walk sideways on it to keep from falling off. -Julia :-)

  8. Oh what an adorable house--it looks so homey and sweet! Love it!

    ~ Sarah

  9. Looks great.. can't wait to see pic's of the new house!

  10. Love it! Break out the pumpkins! What a great porch you have for decorating. I saw a great porch where a woman put a tall plant stand by the door with a big mum on it, then a shorter plant stand in front of it with a fall arrangement and then pumpkins and a black bird by the base. Very very cute. It was by a store in Calif. Very cute! Great job.

  11. What an adorable house! I would have been so sad to leave that front porch behind.

    Oh wait. I did leave a great front porch behind. I'm sad. ;-)

    Your fall pumpkins and such are lovely. I like to get my seasons started early too. Always looking forward to what comes next.

  12. Wow! I want your old home - it's gorgeous and so pretty! Thanks so much for posting the photos.


  13. I bought some mums this weekend and I just lit one of my favorite fall candles. I am really looking forward to fall this year!

    I also posted 6 things about me, just in case you were curious:)

    Thanks again for the award!

  14. Oh no, you left that house? I love that house!!! :) :)

    Your pumpkins and mums are just perfect :)


  15. Carrie~ I love, love, love the front of your old house and can't wait to see how you decorate for this fall!!! And, you are so sweet to pass that award on to me hun! What a great start to my day today! Now, go check out the post I just did b/c there is something there for you as well! Happy day wishes to you hun~ Les

  16. I don't know how I have missed your blog. I love the picture of your house. It is so perfect. I will be coming here often.

  17. OH MY! House love! House love! Gorgeous home & fall decor!

    I've been thinking lately that I start summerizing my house in about April, so if I don't start with Fall in early September, Fall gets shortchanged and taken over by Christmas! It deserves more attention than I give it, especially since it is my favorite of all seasons!

    Thanks so much for being a part of Fall Nesting Week!



  18. I love homes with front porches- don't see them much in my area-
    Thanks for sharing-

  19. Yes, I love little bunches of pumpkins too! We're going to have to travel to a pumpkin patch this year (after moving from the east coast) :) Mentioned you in our blog today :) Happy decorating, can't wait to see what you do, then steal, I mean see your ideas!

  20. I love old homes and yours is so pretty!

  21. I also like the clumping of pumpkins and mums! :o) Your previous home is very charming! I love older homes!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  22. Your home looks terrific. I love the ceiling treatment on your porch!

  23. Your home looks so beautiful! And ready for fall. I am almost there, except that it's still so hot around here.

    xo Lidy

  24. I love the pumpkins, mums, and wreath! Beautiful! This makes me want to decorate for fall! :)

  25. Your house is so cute I love it...wonderful blog...lisa

  26. Hi,
    You did leave behind a really cute house. I love the mums and pumkins on the steps!

  27. I, too, love to decorate early! I may have to drag out the orange and black Rubbermaid tonight!!

  28. Your previous home was so warm and inviting. I just want to curl up with a good book on that porch!

  29. Your previous home looks so cute!! I love pumpkins and mums out on my front porch too!

  30. Oh I also love to decorate for Halloween and any other holidays my favorite time to decorate is Christmas

  31. I can't wait for fall, it's my favorite time of year! The end of this month I'll start getting ready! it was 90 degrees here today I'm just not feeling it yet!

    Lanny :o)

  32. What a great house! And perfect decor!

    Don't worry - we're doing Apples before the Pumpkins! You know pumpkins don't last two months here in the South. ;)

  33. Your pictures are so cute...I love that house and the porch! We lived in a type of "village" near Cleveland and there were a lot of houses like that. I can't wait to pull out my fall stuff...soon!

    Love both your two postings today!
    -Sandy Toes

  34. Your previous home is so cute and welcoming! I have always wanted a front porch to decorate. I can't wait to see what you do in your new home!

  35. Your old house is wonderful! Please post pictures of your current house whenever you get it "falled" out (how's that for some great English?!). Fall still seems quite a ways off here in Texas, though hopefully it is on its way. I'm ready for some cooler weather!

    Congrats on your blog award! I enjoyed reading your little-known-facts. I share your love of old music and Christmas music, and we didn't find out the gender of any of our babies before they were born. I think the element of surprise adds to everyone's excitement, and I read that research has shown that women who don't know the gender of their babies have shorter labors because the curiousity and suspense are motivating. :)

  36. I love Fall too an dlook forward to decoarting my frint porch (if I have one by then)

  37. Everyone is getting out their fun things for the fall nesting party but it was 87 outside today. Just can't do it...yet. Yours is so cute, and I can picture it right now...in the new house...when you have your act together. :)

  38. Congratulations on your award!
    Your old home looks beautiful decked out for fall.
    I still need to get out my decorations. Hopefully the "party" will give me the push I need.

  39. Oh My Gosh, I LOVE your house. Seriously, love it!

  40. Love mums and pumpkins! What a great house!

  41. My kiddos are begging to get out the fall decor. Your house is adorable and so homey. I love it. Enjoy the fall.

  42. Ohhh why did you leave that beautiful cozy place? Its adorable. That is my dream home...I love porches. My porch is just for looks...you can hardly walk it ...it is too narrow. Love all the Fall decor. cherry

  43. What a darling home! I'll have to come back and see what the new one looks like :)

    Very cute with the pumpkins and the mums!

  44. A girl after my own heart! I love Christmas music early, and I am loving your fall decorating! Your old home is adorable~can't wait to see the new one in it's autumn glory! :)

  45. Oh. my. goodness. Could your old house have been any cuter? It just oozes charm! (Was it a house back in Ohio?)

    I want to do a little fall like decorating, but this is my first fall in Texas living in my own space, and I can't figure out exactly when to do "fall." It's still in the high 90's to low 100's every stinkin' day, which surely doesn't feel like fall. And last year, in December, some of the leaves took on a more fall hue, but that is CLEARLY Christmas time!!! Here we have more of what I call, "Fell"...the leaves turn brown and fall off. No colors. No early crisp autumn days. All of which has left me really perplexed about fall. Do I bring out the fall wreath and mums and pumpkin spice candles even though it still feels like blazing summer outside, or do I wait until the end of October when we might actually have a cool-ish day? Oh dilemmas. ;)

    I look forward to seeing your house all gussied up for fall! Complete with actual Colorado fall weather to accompany it! Can you tell I'm just a wee bit jealous?! (wink)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)