
Come to a Bridal Shower!

**UPDATE: Thanks to tidymom, I have found the link to the pumpkin dip!  Yum Yum Yum.  Here it is, (it was on Blissfully Domestic, love them!) and enjoy!  Also, if you can get your hands on some Honey Crisp apples, they are spectacular with this!  My grocery store only has them in the beginning of the season, so they should be out now.

A few weeks ago, I hosted a bridal shower for a friend of mine (the same friend who I framed the wedding invitation for, actually).  I just love girlie girl parties!  Here are a few photos from the day...

Isn't the shower invitation cute?  I didn't pick it out, so I can say that.  I thought it was a fun little touch to hang it outside my front door to welcome people.

We had all the usual girlie food.  It was a brunch, so there was some yummy fruit, coffee cake and an egg casserole with sausage and cheddar that was to die for!  I also used a pumpkin dip recipe (perfect with crunchy apples!) that I found out there in blogland but can't for the life of me remember who posted it.  If it was you, please tell me so I can personally thank you!  It was the hit of the shower!

We had sparkling water for us preggos, and refreshing mimosas for the rest.  Aren't these wine charms cute?  So great for parties when you don't want to mix up your drink with someone else's.  I've also used them on coffee mugs.  My sister and I started a little business about a year ago to sell these.  We do lots of handpainted little goodies and sell them on etsy and in a local shop in Denver.  We named it Mildred Lane, after the street we grew up on!

My friend and co-host brought all the ingredients for lattes.  Oh my.  These were so good!  Mine was so pretty I almost didn't want to drink it!  (But I managed to force it down.) 

Oh, and did I mention it was a lingerie shower?  I thought these little undies looked cute hanging from the chandelier.  Of course my husband, when he saw me hanging them, asked me why we don't have undies hanging from the light fixtures more often.  But I really doubt that my maternity underwear would look nearly as good over the kitchen table.

What do you think?  :)


  1. What a fabulous party!! I had no idea you and your sister had a shop. Can't wait to check it out! My hubby would totally go for panties on the chandelier! Hubba, hubba, good times! :)

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! And the food looks/sounds delicious!

  3. The pumpkin dip sounds so yummy!...looks like a wonderful party with delicious food and friends! The panties on the chandelier is an added touch!

    -Sandy Toes

  4. I would love the pumpkin dip recipe...it looks delicious! Maybe in a future post :)

  5. Looks so fun! I love lingerie showers and have hosted a couple of them before. They are so fun. I have hung panties from the chandelier or hang them up like a clothes line across the mantel. :) I"m going to go look at your shop...

  6. Wow -- sounds like so much fun -- the food, the drinks! And the decorations -- so cute! You are quite talented!


  7. I`m asking to all the Bloggers to support our dear FRIEND Mandy!
    Please do come over, and DO LEAVE A COMMENT!

    Debbie Moss

    Thanks so much for your SUPPORT!

  8. Oh it all looks SOOO yummy!!! Is this the pumpkin dip? http://blissfullydomestic.com/blissful-food/pumpkin-dip/
    I had it bookmarked to try! LOL


  9. Yes, post the pumpkin dip recipe! Does it have pumpkin filling and cream cheese?! *drool*

    Cute party set up!

  10. I think.......

    I wanna know how to make that DIP!!!

    I have a mild (excessive) pumpkin addiction!

  11. The undies what a cute touch! I would have never thought about doing that. I am sure all the hubby's out there would appreciate more undies hanging on those light fixtures. *smiles*

    As for the recipe, I was going to suggest what tidymom suggested, thinking it was the same one. I printed it off to try weeks ago when I ran across it.

  12. The invitations are so pretty!! And how clever to dang skivvies from the chandelier. Perfect touch for a bridal shower! The shower must've been a blast! Great Blog:)

  13. What a lovely shower- especially with all the personal touches. I think the latte's and pumpkin dip would've been a hit with me, too ( :

  14. Carrie~ CAN'T WAIT to check out you and your sis' shop! I bet it's adorable! Love all of your party things. The touch outside the front door w/ the invite hanging, the undies on the light, the table set up, wine charms~ Girl, you thought of it all! What a rockin fun time you all must have had! Gosh I wish you lived by me!!! :) Happy day wishes to you~ Les p.s. Yummy~ pumpkin dip recipe? Can you email it tome hun??? I'm drooling over here! Come on, make my weekend a GREAT one!!! ;)

  15. Would you please share the pumpkin dip recipe? It sounds delish!

  16. Sounds so lovely! Aren't brunches so fun? I'm sure the bride-to-be had a fabulous time :)

  17. What a fun time you must've had. The pumpkin dip sounds so yummy. And, the lattes look delicious! And, no somehow I don't think maternity panties on the chandelier would be quite the same effect.... :)

  18. That pumpkin dip sounds wonderful....if you can find the link...let me know, i would love that recipe!

    The charms are adorable...Is the business still up and running?

    That chandelier was perfect....what a cute idea!!

  19. Wow great party everything look so fun! Love the panties on the chandelier.

  20. Rofl..........too vunnnnny. You go girlies.........yawhoooooooooooo. cherry

  21. What fun! I love the wine charms...very cute!

  22. I love pumpkin dip! I make pumpkin butter every fall.

  23. Thanks for the link to the pumpkin dip...can't wait to try it!

  24. Love girlie parties too - any reason to have a mimosa! I too have used the invite on the front door, it is a great touch.

  25. What a fun party! The pumpkin dip sounds divine!
    I'll have to check your store out to see the jewels for glasses and such!


  26. Hello, Thankyou so much for your support and lovely comment left on Debbies blog. Everyone has been so kind and I appreciate the time you took to pop over to my friends blog to leave a message. I think Im with you on not having your underwear hanging on the chandelier permanantly but my husband thinks it is a good idea. Hmmm how did I know he would think that? LOL! Your party sounded lovely. Congratulations and Good Luck with the arrival of your *bump* Take Care Mandy X

  27. Wow! This post was so amazing! Where have I been? I gotta keep myself up to date with you as you're doing some great stuff. Love the shower ideas. Sounds like everyone had a good time. Thanks for sharing. xxoo

  28. I wish I would have known...I have an awesome Homemade Gourmet pumpkin cheesecake mix I would have sent you. :)

  29. Canned pumpkin AND cream cheese AND maple syrup?! All in one dish?! Heaven!!!

  30. Looks like a great shower!!! Hope y'all had a blast!


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