
Rescued From Ugly

This little charmer was sitting all forlorn at a garage sale last week, and I just had to rescue it.  That weird wagon wheel thing on the top was not working for me at all, so I tore it out with some pliers.  Then I was left with these big holes around the edge where the wagon wheel used to be, so I bought some wood filler that was also made to be stainable.  (Yes, I know, I wanted to stain it and not paint it black!  Can you believe it?)

I filled the holes, sanded the life out of the top, and then applied a matching stain and a few polyurethane topcoats.  You can barely see where the holes were, and the stain matches the legs perfectly.  I think it turned out pretty well!  Not bad for a $5 garage sale bargain, right?


  1. Looks great. I get so inspired seeing stuff like this. I really like what you did with it and for $5 - thats just awesome!

  2. Not bad at all! In fact, great job!!!

  3. What a cute little table! Turned out great!!

  4. Not bad? More like fantastic! I have been searching for a table like that for an enternity! Great find and it looks beautiful.

  5. That's a great find! Nice job!

  6. It is adorable!! Wow -- you are so talented! Where do you find the time to get so much accomplished!?! It turned out great!


  7. Wow - great job! You really made it look fabulous. I wish I would think of stuff like that.

  8. Great job! You have inspired me to not overlook items like that anymore!

  9. Great table!

    You are amazing....where do you find the time to do all of these projects?

  10. It looks fabulous! You certainly did rescue it from ugly!

  11. Wonderful Rescue! I enjoy staining things too.

  12. oooh-love the legs on that beauty! She looks great! I am not one for filling holes. I would have asked my husband sweetly and he would have rolled his eyes, but he would of done it, eventually!
    I would have never thought to stain it-looks fantastic! So worth 5$!

  13. What a bargain, I love it when no one sees the potential in something and I end up with an awesome deal and make it over myself. Great Job.

  14. Love that it is beautiful!

  15. Love it! Way to keep finding those great finds.

  16. Great find and great job!

    Thanks for your comment on my post today too:)

  17. Love it!
    I posted about the monogram ~ wicked easy, you're going to giggle!

  18. You are talented...that is great! If I saw that, I wouldn't know what to do but maybe paint it black or white:).
    Sandy Toes

  19. Now if I would of seen that table I would of walked right on by because the the "wheel" no thinking about filling in the wood. You my dear thought out of the box and did a great job :o)

  20. Nice!

    I wonder what the wagon wheel part on top was all about anyway? It's always nice to have a cute round table.

    Great job.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog

  21. Love garage sales! Love the table, I have one very similar to it...but mine didn't have all the stuff going on it on the top :)

  22. Great! I love projects that I can rescue from the trash or goodwill..:)I'm adding you to my blog roll...:)

  23. Ok you little rebel you...NOT BLACK?? rofl....it looks great! I have that SAME PB clock. OHH and would love more pics of your sofa. cherry

  24. I have been scouring Craig's List and consignment shops for WEEKS looking for a table just like this. $5.00????? The shopping stars are aligned for you, I guess. :) It looks fantastic.

  25. ugly to new I love it! Carrie have you ever watch junk brothers well you are a junk sister also loving that you are so green too!
    Hope you have a great night!

  26. Love it! I actually thought of you when I saw a head board by a dumpster yesterday. I thought, hmm...I wonder what she would do with that!
    I gave you an award...check out my blog.

  27. I love little round tables! Your bargain tables looks great.

  28. Whyyyyyyyy can I not find these fabulous deals on tables?! All summer I've been stalking sales, craigslist, etc...still nothing!

    It looks adorable--great job!

    ~ Sarah

  29. How cute!!! I am always motivated by all your projects :)

    I love the way it turned out!!

  30. You did great! Looks so cute with your cup of tea :). Way to go!


  31. You do such a great job! Can I tell you that I am looking around for a candle-lier! Have you seen them anywhere else??

  32. You did a great job transforming the table. I like it natural color too.

  33. I must have a ton of spice bottles and the same problem with them not fitting in my tiny cupboard. This would be a great way of stacking them. The lil table was a awesome find and the end results fit perfect with the decor you added.I was surprise the wood pieces came off without a hitch. I'll be looking at the tables I run into with more possibility's. Thanks for sharing!
    Have a *Sweet Evening*!

  34. That turned out fabulously!!! You did a GREAT job on it!

  35. Good idea pulling those out. I see those tables all of the time second hand and never get them because of the "fence" around them.

  36. Darling. I confess, I would have painted it black!

  37. That's beautiful! I'm going yard sale-ing today. I hope I find something good like you did!

  38. Way to go! That table must be crying out a huge 'Thank You' to you right about now! It's lovely!!! Hope you're feeling well and all is good hun! ~ Les P.S. I am in love with the clock on the table~ where oh where did you find it?

  39. I swear you must attend the same yardsales as me. I've seen many of these stands in the past and never thought to remove the wagon wheel thing as you've done.

    Great idea!!!

    The same stool you'd painted black awhile ago is what I bought last weekend for a quarter.

    Oh and the taco soup/stew sounds delish!!!

    If only I could convince my husband my husband to eat the beans.

    This is one of the reasons he detests chili.



Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)