
Happy Birthday Nina!

Two years ago Nina Elizabeth came into the world, and I can't believe how fast the time has gone!  People told me to cherish every moment when your kids are small, but I think until you feel time slipping by too fast you don't get it.  In a sense, you don't know what you've got until it's gone.  

I am trying so hard to be more "in the moment" with my family, instead of focusing on my projects and to-do lists.  That's where it counts, doesn't it?  When you have a choice to stop being a multi-tasking mom and sometimes just sit on the couch and read a book with your child, or slide down the slide at the park instead of standing on the sidelines and waving.  How many magical moments like those make up my day, and how often do I miss those magical moments because I am too busy to take notice?  It breaks my heart to think of all I've already missed because I couldn't make myself slow down and take it all in.  

So here's to my big two-year-old girl.  God give me the grace to slow down for her today...but also everyday.


  1. Happy Birthday Nina!! I always cry on my children's birthdays because of the things that I've missed.

    Take Care

  2. I've been looking at all of your posts. You've got some fun stuff going on! I'm glad that you decided to join the blogging world. Welcome!

  3. I saw you on Joy's sight. Cute blog and great ideas...I love the laundry letters on top of your cabinets with the one that is different. I love your black accents and chalkboard. My laundry room is red and black...I just posted pictures of it today. I will be back:0!
    Deb at www.shellinyourpocket.blogspot.com

  4. Happy Birthday Nina!

  5. Happy Birthday, Nina! My daughter, Kamree, just turned 2 on August 1!

    Welcome to the Land of Blog! You are going to love it!

  6. P.S. I enjoyed reading your blog so much that I added you to my blog roll. I hope you don't mind!

  7. Ahhhhhhh yes I know what you mean. My "little boy" is going to be 11 in Nov. and I just can't believe it. He is at a stage where be with friends is sooo much better than being w/ ole Mom. I am glad he is still a hugger though! Happy Birthday Nina! I love the children's plaques you made...very sweet and I LOVE the color. cherry

  8. Happy Birthday Nina! your a big girl now and i bet as sweet have a wonderful day to you and your family.Mom be happy three be here very soon.
    hugs ginger

  9. Happy Birthday Nina! It goes by so fast doesn't it?! Hope she has a fun filled day!

  10. Hi! I found your new blog from Ginger My name is Lisa Demars . Im from St.Thomas, Ont. Canada
    Welcome to the Blogging world it's so much fun! Stop by and say hi!
    Hope you have a great day!
    P.S Happy Birthday to Nina

  11. Hi...I saw you on artsy-crafty babe and decided to stop by. Your post got me all choked up. Really do s-l-o-w down because time does go by so fast!!! I just moved my baby to college and the entire day I just kept thinking,Where did the time go?

  12. They do grow fast! Happy Birthday to your little one! Oh, and I love the Decoupaged canvases! (and the chalkboard on this post!)

  13. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Nina,
    Happy Birhtday to you!

    Have a fantastic day.

  14. What a FUN blog to find! Happy almost the weekend to you! Leslie

  15. You are a beautiful person...I want you to really try to remember what you wrote everyday...The time does by go and then they are grown (my oldest is a senior this year....I heard a sing the other day...Country Song...something like..."Your going to miss this...your going to want this back these are the moments your going wish that hadn't gone away so fast...these are the good times......"...I broke down and cried...My babies are all teenagers this year and I tried so hard to hold on to them and create all those memories...but time sometimes blows through to fast to do all the things you had planned...It's crushing...Though I look at my oldest with such pride...I miss his little arms wrapping along my neck and needing me so much....He still needs me but in a more adult form(he still hugs me all the time:)...So, I take note to really enjoy this time too...Because I'm sure I'll miss this too! :) Screaming Meme

  16. First of all, happy birthday to your little daughter!

    Second, thanks for writing this and sharing your heart. It is an excellent reminder--one I need on a daily basis, I think! I'm going to go upstairs right now and give my boys a kiss. :)


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)