
Black and White: Before and After

Today I thought it might be fun to do a little before and after.  I love to see other bloggers' transformations, so perhaps you'd like to see mine!

This one is about the landing on my stairs, which you see ahead of you when you walk in my front door.  When I have big wall spaces like that, I always get a little overwhelmed.  Below you can see a "before" photo of my stairs.  I mean really before, like before the house was done!

And below you can see what I did with it.  I love old family photos, and I love new family photos too.  And, of course, I love black and white photos!  So I just put them all together!

The hardest part was converting all my current photos to black and white, but that just meant lots of computer time and standing in front of the printer waiting for them to be done.  I already had quite a few photos of my grandparents and Brent's grandparents, even an old prom photo from my mom that she hates but I think is fabulous!

I love how the photos fill the space, and how easy it was to do.  I just pick up cheap frames at thrift stores or wherever, paint them black if they aren't already, and add matting, or go without.  People love to look at the photos when they come over, and I love to have somewhere to showcase them, rather than storing them in a box that never gets opened.  Plus I can add to the wall anytime I want, since I am not going for an overly-formal arrangement.  I have the same thing in my upstairs hallway, so lots of room to hang new additions!

I will also give you my very amateur way of hanging the photos.  I just started with a large one (in this case, Brent and me in the hospital with Nina right after she was born) and put it in the exact center.  Then I just kind of "eyeball" the rest of the photos, working my way out.  It is not perfect, but because the frames are all different sizes, it seems to work.  No one but you will ever notice if the spacing is off a little bit.  :)


  1. Hey I was just here about 5 mins ago you must have just posted this I added you to my fav's, I love the before and after picture's. Thanks for sharing! see you soon.

    LaNnY :o)

  2. What a great place to put the family pictures. Those areas on a stairway are always so hard to decorate, but this is such an eye catcher. I did something similar in my studio but I have lots more pictures to add. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Love the design idea. The black frames against the wall color looks fabulous!

  4. Thanks for the sweet comment about my blog name ~ I love them both!

  5. That is georgous!!!! Great idea and great job!!!

  6. Okay girl ~ you have offically become one of my favorite new blogs. I enjoy your writing, your photos, your ideas. ~ I like it ALL!!!!

  7. It looks exactly like a Pottery Barn house (which I hope you take as a compliment)!! I love it, love it, love it!!

  8. Nothing makes a house be a home until there are family pictures hanging on the wall. Like you said, it's a great way for others to get to know your family and I think it's just as special for children to see their family history on the walls of their home.

    The house we moved into recently has LOTS of wall space so I can't wait to hang a big grouping of pictures like this.

    I love coming to your blog to see what your latest post is going to be about!!!

    Have a wonderful day!

  9. Just wanted to stop by and say hello! I live in the Denver area too...Castle Rock...my blog is private but if you would like an invite, I'd be happy to send one your way. : )

    Love the photo's! I've got family photo's everywhere in my home too! My kids love it!

  10. I love your photo wall and the great light coming in to showcase your pictures. My stairwell is..well, dismal. Nice job.


  11. This looks great! I love photo groupings and when the old is mixed in with the new it makes it 10x's better! Love it!

  12. That turned out fabulous! I love black and white photos too!

  13. What a fabulous spot to put your photos...and I LOVE them in black and white. You entryway looks beautiful!

  14. Carrie,

    I just found your blog and must say it's lovely.

    I must be back to visit again.

    If you get a chance, come by and say hello. I'm at Sunbonnet Cottage.

    Thank you.


  15. Hey Carrie!
    I love you before and after shots
    Looking good!

  16. Oh wow those are beautiful!

  17. HI, I've been trying to e-mail and leave you a comment, and it keeps getting bounced back! I love the wall and all of the pictures. it looks great! I love the wall color!Jen R

  18. I LOVE before and after photos, and this one is perfect! You just can't go wrong with a nice arrangement of black and whites (well, I guess you can, but YOU didn't!). I love it!

  19. Very beautiful. Black and White photos are the best.
    A few years back I took an old frame, got some cream color card stock and wrote...

    "Family Faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present & future"

    I gave it an aged look with some chalks. It surrounds the old & new photos on my piano.

  20. That is gorgeous! I love the black frames, and the light coming through the window is beautiful! Fun post!

  21. We did the same thing down our stairs....all black and whites of family members and I am always picking up frames that jump out at me while I am shopping!

    Believe it or not, I think our paint color almost identical too!

    Love this post and your blog...I am going to add you to my daily blog list...hope you don;t mind!

  22. Black and white photos are my favorite and I love what you did on the stairs..it's great! Very inspirational to get my pictures put on the wall!
    Deb at www.shellinyourpocket.blogspot.com

  23. Yea!!! I love this...I have done the same thing in every place we've lived! It's such a great way to look at those you love everyday!! Fabulous job!

  24. Very cool!! Love the look -- you are talented!


  25. To LISA--
    Not sure if you will see this, but I would love to have an invitation to view a fellow-Denverite's blog! Send it to me at buzzingsofaqueenbee@hotmail.com. :) Thanks!!

  26. I am in the process of doing the exact same thing. My frames are ivory and black. I have been having to go to Kinkos though to convert mine. I love yours..you did an awesome job of displaying them nicely. Do you mind if I add you to my faves on my blog? cherry

  27. OmGosh! My landing looks almost exactly like yours! We moved into our home a year ago. Clean slate. Right now I have a huge mirror hanging below that high window. You have inspired me.

    I love your blog and will be back to visit!

  28. That looks awesome! I love black and white too. Great job!

    Kari :)

  29. I love this! I'm a big fan of black frames with black and white photos.

  30. Your photos look great! Thanks for showing. I love the idea of informally grouping them and adding whenever you can. I have a spot of two in my home where I could do this.

  31. I love this idea to inject personality into any space. I wish I had a stairwell to do it, but I had to settle for the wall above our couch.

  32. Very pretty!! I love the way it turned out!!

  33. I love this family picture wall. I am wanting to do this. I just don't know where.

  34. Great Blog! Thanks for the advice. They look great and I like the fact that they are in a semi private part of the house, not in your face all of the time where you get tired of them quickly.


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)