
Belly Flop Baby

Oh, God help me.  My sweet little daughter, Nina, has recently picked up some very grown-up habits.  When did she learn to watch TV like this?  It used to be that even the most compelling kids' show would hold her attention for .5 seconds and then she would be running off to another adventure.  The other night we had friends over and let their daughter and Nina watch "Shrek" while we attempted to have adult conversation.  We look over to find them both riveted, and rivaling any teenage girl in their belly-flop-in-front-of-the-TV poses!  

What happened to my little baby?  She's turning two years old this week.  I am sad and excited at the same time.  (I am also planning Nina's birthday party in our backyard, so more on that later!)  I guess these feelings are God's way of helping women to be ready to have more kids.  Good thing since I am pregnant again!  Due in early February...which is a nice motivator to get lots of house projects done before then!


  1. Thanks for visiting me! I've briefly looked through your blog, love the layout by the way and the title. I will definitely be back to visit. Thanks for adding me to your blog list:) It was nice to meet you!

  2. Hi, Queen Bee! I found you through Christy's blog. Welcome to the oh-so-exciting world of blogging. :)

    I've enjoyed seeing the pictures you've posted of how you've decorated your home--so lovely!

    How exciting that you're pregnant again!!! How are you feeling?

  3. Oh my goodness! I have commenters! This is so exciting! Thank you for visiting me. What a great new way to make friends. And thanks, Davene, for asking how I am feeling. Much better, now that we're into the second trimester. The first trimester was rough...much rougher than with my first child. I guess I could lay on the couch all I wanted then, though, right? Not so anymore!

  4. Quees Bee,

    This post was so funny!!! She looks very interested in what ever it is that she is watching!

    Have a wonderful week,

    Krista @bits and pieces

  5. Our children grow up way to fast! Enjoy her while she's young.

    I really like the style that your blog is going.


  6. Aww they grow up so fast!


Thank you so much for your comments! Please know that I read each and every one. I would dearly love to visit each of you in return, but sometimes life's busyness wins out! :)