
Our Big News!

It must be fate.

Today I got my new issue of House Beautiful magazine, and on the cover was a question I've been pondering a lot lately: "Is Small the New Big?"

Now, I don't know for sure what House Beautiful has to say on this topic, but I'm crossing my fingers that it's true! The reason?

We are moving.

To San Francisco.

My husband's company is based in the Bay area, and about a month ago we got an offer to move there. I probably don't have to tell you that some of my first thoughts had to do with housing. Can we sell our Colorado house? (Maybe.) Can we afford to live in California? (Perhaps, if we do some major budget restructuring). Do we rent a house in California? (Probably, at least for the first year while we learn about the area.) Do we buy a house in California? (Eventually, maybe, if we can find the right fixer-upper!) Can we live in a smaller house? (The answer better be yes to that one, since moving to a more expensive market means that downsizing is a necessity for us.)

Do I have the energy to start all over, with a new house to love and decorate? (Ah...YES! That's an easy one.)

So, strap on your seat belts! The rest of the summer will be all about packing, house-hunting in California, holding a massive garage sale, and selling or renting our house in Colorado. I might go crazy. Join me, won't you?


Connie said...

Aaaaah, we moved from the Bay Area several years ago when prices were very high. I think they're a bit better now with the dip in the economy, sweetpea, but it's still much higher than most people are used to. You'll have to do much looking to find something affordable I would guess. Good luck and you'll probably love living there. Since our kids are still there I'd almost love to go back but we're settled in Idaho now. Great place to find things to do though, California, I mean. We travel back at least once a year and just love it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the exciting news. Best of luck on the move and transition. I'll be excited to read all about it.

Jessica said...

Congratulations to you and your family, Carrie! That is so very exciting. Best of luck to you guys!

Remember: You could always use your blog as a "garage sale" platform, too. I bet there are TONS of people who are willing to pay for your things via the web!

Val said...

I can tell you being from Boston, one day my husband came home and told me we are moving to the Bay Area for his work...I was shocked overwhelmed and excited we had just owned our home in Boston for 6 months...We moved to the bay in a town called San Ramon and I totally loved it and the area so much!!! 2 years later he told me we were moving to the LA area for work, I was so upset to leave the bay area...It was the most beautiful and special place...You will love it there. I hope you have a wonderful new journey.

Kristi said...

How exciting! I hope everything goes smoothly for you and you are able to sell quickly. I think you'll do great in a small house too. It makes you think more creatively when you have less space to work with. At least that's what I tell myself! The biggest plus to living in a small house? Less to keep clean.

Amy said...

So excited for you!! It will be fun to hear about your transition. I've only been to SF once, but it was one of my favorite trips! Lovely area!

Linda said...

it's exciting news and always an adventure to start over in a new area. I love what I have seen of SF, ...good luck with the move!

Erin said...

Congrats on the exciting news. I live in the Bay Area (East Bay) and yes, housing is pricey, and yes, houses are smaller. There are 4 of us (incl. 2 almost 11 years old) living in a 1000 sq. ft. house. If you want some 'local' advice I'd be happy to share!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, Carrie! I am so feeling for you as we recently went through all of this. You will do great~what an exciting move! There are great moving tips over at my place if you need them. Good luck! Big hugs~ Melissa



Courtney said...

Wnat an exciting opportunity, I can't wait to follow along on your adventure.

Marla said...

Congrats! We have so many regrets about never living in a "big" city! What a great place!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life said...

We are going through the same thing, just opposite coasts! We are moving to CT from PA very quickly and need to sell our house. We, like you, will most likely be downsizing to afford the higher cost of living. Congrats - have fun! :)

Kelli said...

Congrats on the big move! Stay positive and it will all be great. Oooh think of all the decorating ideas you'll need to come up with...sweet!

Every Day Blessings said...

Congrats on the new move. I love that you are excited and are anticipating the move. There will be changes, some good , some bad but with a good attitude you will do well. I am reading a book that I have read with every move called After the Boxes are Unpacked. I love it and it has some really great advice.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

How exciting! I can't wait to hear how house hunting goes and all that goes along with a big move. Do you know anyone in California? In regards to your mentioning that you might go crazy - my mom used to always say "I'm going crazy, and you're driving!" Apparently I drove her crazy too much. :)

Julie H said...

We are about an 1 1/2 away from SF! You'll be in our "neighborhood" ;o) Many people that live in our city are commuters to San Francisco.

Tiffany said...

Wow! Now that is exciting news. From Colorado to San Francisco! Fun. I would probably go crazy but what's life without some excitement and adventure, right? I will enjoy hearing about all the craziness! : )

Jboo said...

Oh my -- that is so exciting! Congrats! You will have so much fun there and I know you will be busy with house projects! j


Carry Grace said...

Oh wow, that sounds like and exciting adventure!

Kristin said...

How exciting! I can't wait to see all of your tips and what you end up moving into.

Jodee said...

Wow! That is soooo exciting! Congratulations! Good luck on your upcoming move!

ashley said...

exciting! congrats and good luck with the move! can't wait to see where you settle in!

Taylor Aplanalp said...

That is exciting for you and your fam:) We live in a town called Danville which is 45 minutes outside of SF. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! where I live and I think you should check it out:) Other great areas are Orinda, Lafayette and Moraga. But this is why I love Danville: sidewalks, greenbelts, Iron Horse Trail, quaint downtown, farmer's market, close to SF, Mt. Diablo, hiking trails, yummy food, etc....I have lived in the East Bay my whole life and have lived in many areas around the East Bay but Danville is by far my FAVE! Please feel free to email me with any questions you have:) Good luck-you will love it in CA:)


Victoria said...

That is so exciting!!!! I've been to San Fran once and loved it. I'm a little jealous as I sit sweltering in the Ga heat at 7:45am. ;)

Sarah said...

What an exciting move! That city is amazing and to live there would be a treat. I just moved with three kids and husband and dog from the midwest to Knoxville Tennessee. To a smaller house, after selling and thinking about renting and going(just) nearly crazy. You can do it, and even have fun during it. Good luck on this adventure!

june@craftyniche said...

Good luck!! I can't wait to see what home you buy and all projects you do to it to make your house a home. :)

The Starr Family said...

Sending sympathy & excitement pains your way!!! We can SO relate... it will be a fun ride and you get to do it with your beautiful family!

Desiree said...

Wow, that is BIG news! I am so happy for you but sad to lose a fellow Colorado blogger. Maybe I'll make it to your garage sale!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

CeCe said...

I am all about downsizing myself since I am fixing up a little house which I am determined to make work! I am not in a city like San Fran, but I live 45 minutes outside of NYC and this part of Connecticut is crazy expensive as well. You'll make a great home for your family!

Sweet Simplicity said...

How exciting! My HB mag didn't come in the mail today. boo hoo. :)

Kristen said...

Oh how exciting (and a little bit scary!) My husband has a lot of family in the Walnut Creek area - what a gorgeous place to live! Hoping everything goes smoothly for you!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your move. We are in the same boat too. We're moving from Ga to RI this fall and selling our house on our own. I'm trusting in the Lord that he will bring a buyer at the right time.

The Borrowed Nest said...

We just moved from The Meadows to Seattle and rented our home on the first showing! We hope to see it in a few years when we can actually make a profit. I can recommend a great property manager in Castle Rock if you need one :) Best of luck! We miss C.R. soo much!!

jewelrybyrebecca said...

Wow, that's so exciting! How fun that will be for you all. Congrats and good luck!!!

Connie said...

Wow Carrie...I wish you the best. Looks like you have a few people to get info from on housing. Good luck! And welcome to CA!!


Zeal said...

I've always loved San Francisco. Good luck with your move.

I've been reading your blog and enjoy your posts. Look forward to seeing more!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Oh my goodness...congratulations. It sounds like you are very excited and I don't blame you. Can you believe that I've never been to California?? Made it as far as Nevada but that's as far as I got. Can't wait to hear more about your big adventure.

Betty said...

Oh, I'm SO envious - I moved many years ago from the Bay Area (for family reasons) and I STILL miss it. It was home from the moment I stepped off the plane and I still say "Hi, home" whenever I see it on TV! Enjoy - you'll love all those flea markets, etc. :)

CRICKET said...

Congrats! It will be an adventure. I grew up in the Bay Area and then moved to Denver and then moved to the South. Please feel free to email me if you have questions.

Rebecca (Craving Simplicity) said...

Oh my gosh!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a SAHM and we live 90 min from San Fran. If you need anything or just want to talk you can email me @ bkccfrank@sbcglobal.net. Good luck! We moved from all of our friends and family 6 years ago....if I can do it so can you!

Kara in Cali